Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This thread seems to have some posters from “team Barisone,” is there any truth to any of this crap from SW? I am assuming some hanger on person is just feeding her BS.(if its not all fabrication from SW) Pretty sure if “Team Barisone” wanted their version of the story out, that COTH would send a journalist out right away right? Any “fact” from anyone only identified as “team Barisone” has the credibility of “team LK.”

btw- looks like DH deleted that video asking for questions…


If you can’t see it, she’s blocked you



Well, now she had flatlined twice and lost so much oxygen from her brain that she can no longer complete sentences. Funny, she seems to have had no problems posting here or on social media! All this, according to her Facebook page.


Lauren Shay Kanarek

OMG- the conspiracy theories abound! MB’s farm needs to be scraped of all it’s topsoil 25 feet down to expose the bodies, dumpsters showed up at one point and she just knew what they were for, some associate of MB’s stole the passcode for her phone and was taking pictures of the content.

And she is putting this out there for the public to see!


Ok so I was surprised by the number of friends of friends I have with LK. Why are there so many western QH folks on her list? Did she show QH at one time?


Of course all this stuff is out there for public consumption. Even if deleted it isn’t going to “go away” and is available to LE and likely the defense. And every bit of the crazy is going to call her veracity into question when she’s questioned under oath.

This chick ain’t too bright.


Looking at the comments on her page - it’s like a giant circle-jerk. No one has a different opinion. No one is allowed to have a different opinion. LK is totally in the right, MB and MH are totally in the wrong. Interesting - she says he lured her from the porch to the bushes. The story changes every time… I do hope this trial is televised and she takes the stand.


Because serial killers are well known for shooting victims “execution style” in the broad daylight with witnesses around.

LK should pick a story and stick with it.


Seems like the mouthpiece for Team Barisone has deleted her claims. I’m guessing Team Barisone found out!


Maybe…an ATTORNEY for MB stood up and said nah- get that off NOW and hush up!!! (Hopefully!!!)


Where is this stuff? I do not see it on her FB page?

Much of it is buried (pun intended?) in all the comments - you will need hip waders, popcorn or chips and guac and your favorite beverage and possibly industrial sanitizer to get through some of it.


Is it on her page? Or in the comments on the relevant article on the Chronicle’s page?

You’ve got to go through all of the comments and expand all of the responses to get to it.

Several posts ago it was said that she has not seen her horses. Where are they? Is she definitely in a hotel or back on MB’s farm. I have read both.

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Her FB page

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No, it is on her page, public for the world to see. It is in comments under her post about having OCD and ADD.

Not blocked - just FB weirdness. I saw it. Thanks, but I think I’m sorry I looked.


Lastly, (and sorry for the novel here) 🤦🏼”â™€ï¸- for me- time stood still for 4 weeks while it carried on for everyone else. Point being, there are things I’m just seeing for the very first time now, which to everyone else “happened two months ago,” etc… (gross exaggeration but that’s how SM - FB, Twitter, IG etc roll. Exaggeration. Bullshit altogether, impatience, rants, rumors, you name it, it’s available now at a social media site near you - coupons for lies half off at sign in.
Yea. I’m fkng furious. Had I way to make that part of this disappear, I would do it & do it yesterday.

Am I reading that rant right? Is one of the things she is most mad about is being two months behind in her social media reading?