Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I have a distinct feeling that powerboost and the B.S. are the same. In any event, since this thread has been down so many rabbit holes, I really hope we get some new ‚real‘ material soon before we enter the inevitable dungeon of ‘horse cookie recipes’ in a desperate attempt to keep this thread worthwhile or even alive. A big thank you to the few here who randomly shed some hints of light. We know you are taking a risk. I don’t know about my fellow posters and viewers, but I am really here for getting closer to the truth rather than for the (mostly poorly executed attempt of) drama. However, after reviewing the posts of ‘Camp LK‘ on FB I am sadly afraid this train still moves at steady speed (with zero credibility attached) to an unknown and most likely dreadful destination. This story is not over, mark my words friends. Misery seeks company and there is no rest in sight. FWIW, yours truly is sticking around. For now. Carry on. Please. :slight_smile:


So, now she and her groupies are suggesting (err, shouting) that MB is a serial killer who buries the bodies on the farm or has mob-style ties with the garbage man? (According to her personal FB page that has been set for public consumption again).

And I just ran out of popcorn. Dammit.


I really, really hope this thread is subpoenaed into evidence in MB’s trial.
While I would never condone one human injuring another regardless of the reason, this one has bunny boiler written all over it.


Holy bat guano - that underscores how badly a lifetime of getting what you want without limits placed on you can mess you up. Most kids who have little to no empathy (their brains don’t light up in those areas in fMRI scans) can learn limits and they don’t all become like her.

So - funny story. Years ago a researcher with NINDS had a bunch of PET scan images hanging in his office. The one that was CLEARLY different from the others was a college president. So. Few. Colors! He is an honest guy so I believe him when he assured me that the entire group was shown the same images, in the same order and these weren’t shuffled to make a point.

Anyway, regardless of how Lauren arrived here, she is very twisted. So glad she isn’t a parent on top of it all.


I am starting to find it funny that people keep saying…“still don’t think she should have gotten shot”…when I know the tide is turning. LOL


She has a big green post on her personal FB page- “The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play…” There is additional drivel she posted above it that if you are FORCED to “play” then win… I had to sit on my hands to not reply “Oh the irony”


For those that want more news a little birdie told me something should be published next week…


Dontcha know, Jimmy Hoffa is buried under “X”.



i tried to post a gif and failed. I guess I will have to learn how to do stick art.

Since the court system works rather slowly, I have a feeling things will be dribbling out over the next year.


I thought the whole idea of no bail in NJ was that you are supposed to get a speedier trial date, although I imagine there’s lots of evidence to gather. (Including FB posts, I hope).

I’ll be interested to hear what the little birdie has to say.


Can someone post a link to LK’s FB page. For some reason, FB will not let me search on her. The name just does not come up. Maybe she uses a middle name also?

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Man… she’s SO CLOSE to self-awareness.



Oh, please do tell. Is that birdie reliable? Is it about the trial?

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On DH FB page, there’s a video with SW claiming that “team Barisone” has reached out to her to post a video answering any questions we may have about the shooting. The video will be posted in next day or so. She is taking questions now.

Does it get any weirder than that?


The birdie is extremely reliable! And well researched.


Yeah, because Team Barisone would DEFINITELY have contacted SW to be their mouthpiece. Definitely. Every day you swear it can’t get weirder, and then it does.


Oy. Embracing other crazy people doesn’t bolster their case.

If they have real information and want their story to be credible, there are dozens of other ways to do that. SW ain’t it.


I’m sure they haven’t contacted her, she just wants to put her oar in. And if they were foolish enough to use her as their mouthpiece in this madness, then they’ve no-one to blame but themselves.


My thoughts exactly. Reminds me of her home invasion video.


She does this stuff because it gets views, which makes her money.