Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I still think that might have been a deliberate diversion more than an actual side trip. As if a cab driver took you on the long route through the red light district as a distraction to the fact that he was padding the fare.


I liked your fable (as did many). It made me think of those riders who nag, nag, nag away and finally your prayers are answered when the horse royally dumps them.


Not surprisingly, her friends are a little nutty too. One of them posted this, ā€œThe thing i wonder is maybe you were not the first person - maybe this arrogant SOB has shot and quite possibly killed others and buried them on his property? Maybe they should dig up his property just to make sure. Just my opinion!ā€


I wonder how many of her ā€œ friendsā€Ā actually know her in real life. I would bet not many of them!
The only bodies that are on MBā€™s farm, are his retired horses that passed after having good, long lives, and maybe a few beloved dogs and barn cats also.


Sadly, there does not seem to be a shortage of whackadoodles.


These images are minuscule. Better for readability to go here https://imgur.com/upload

Thank you for corroborating my story!

Yes, if you go back to my previous installment, youā€™ll see it was all about the house, but the Tiara was the start. Then jealousy of MH also set in. By now the web is so tangled, like a spider on caffeine:

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Yes, if you go back to my previous installment, youā€™ll see it was all about the house, but the Tiara was the start. Then jealousy of MH also set in. By now the web is so tangled, like a spider on caffeine:


And here is the accompanying video for spiders on drugs.



[QUOTE=Wind Horse;n10480601]


Yes, if you go back to my previous installment, youā€™ll see it was all about the house, but the Tiara was the start. Then jealousy of MH also set in. By now the web is so tangled, like a spider on caffeine:

And here is the accompanying video for spiders on drugs.


Wow, @Wind Horse - you stopped the thread dead in its tracks!!! :smiley:

I have a simple request, if anyone knows girl joeyā€™s real name can you shoot me a pm. Thanks!

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Cuz thatā€™s not creepy. People on here know me IRL. Iā€™d be pissed if one of them complied with a request for my real name.


Must be nice to just have random 20s floating around. I know what my next job will be in life (heads to Wellington to start a laundering service).



Cuz thatā€™s not creepy. People on here know me IRL. Iā€™d be pissed if one of them complied with a request for my real name. [/QUOTE

Maybe I asked GJ first, or there is a connection there.
i certainly would not just do it randomly!


I can almost guarantee most of her friends are (her under disguise) and friends relating to her mentality level aged 13-18


Sorry for asking Haley. I just wanted to know. Haleybot is not creepy I asked her to ask

I know HB is not creepy. That said, I donā€™t know you and would not have given it to her for someone else. Please PM me.

We are here SQUATTING because iā€™m busy plotting a way to get this farm. Michael had no interest in my cunning charm, which led me to destruction, i resorted to doing them harm.

Apparently I succeeded in the start of my new plot. Unfortunately in doing this I had to get shot.

I am grateful for my fake boobs they actually saved my life. I am even happier for my deceased horse who helped me see the light

People are so jealous for everything I own. However on paper I donā€™t even own a home. Why is all my stuff in someone elseā€™s name? I want this case to bring me fame in reverse itā€™s brought me shame.

did I happen to mention to you how damn good II look? Just wait a year or two you could eventually buy my book. I want the world to see me for the Princess that I am, why is there a diversion calling it a sham?

Iā€™ll leave you now so I can admire myself. If youā€™d like Iā€™d sign a Photo so you can hang me on your shell.


You wonā€™t make any money off the likes of LK. Her bullshit isnā€™t worth a penny. Donā€™t believe anything you read, is my opinion.


Yes her posts are public. And Iā€™m guessing those of us that are following this thread check it occasionally.
Donā€™t know about the rest of you but unlike LK I donā€™t have 4,5, FEI superstar imported horses. Just 1 former FEI superstar old guy who is my heart and soul. I can guarantee you if I had to be wheelchaired out to see him in his paddock post traumatic event, I would have been there by now. Odd that the reason for her near death experience ie the horse life that kept her in a highly toxic and ultimately life threatening situation has apparently taken a back seat to getting pretty hair etc. Or at least on her social. That would have been my first FB post being with my horse.