Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

So, LK said somewhere in that Facebook dribble that you can’t delete posts on COTH…but you can. So…

Her behavior is totally odd, well, maybe not for her, but for a “normal” person. The way she talks about being shot, it’s like she enjoys that it happened to her. Or gets something out of it. If she weren’t a liar and attention seeker, we wouldn’t see such a presence all over social media from her. So I know that I don’t know everything but I’d actually be interested in this case if it went to trial. The fact that MB shot her isn’t up for debate but how all of this extra BS floating around works itself in could be interesting.

I still can’t believe that she’s still living on that farm. That says something right there.

She’s really not helping combat the “horse people are crazy” stereotype :rolleyes:


Here is a nice story about the day of the filming of the Stephen Colbert dressage ride:



Wow… that was quite the pissing contest on the FB comments. Pretty sure a few of them have She-wees.


I am wondering if there is a chance that if this does go to trial, if cameras will be allowed in the courtroom. Court TV is covering trials again, and although most of the trials they cover are murder trials, this case would probably have enough intrigue for them to be interested. I think the charges against MB were filed by Morris County, and there is a form on their website that is a request to film, or take pictures and the judge has to approve it. Some judges do forbid filming.

If it does go to trial I will do a post on my tips to get a seat in the courtroom and other things I learned when the Drew Peterson trial came to town. It was a circus. Judge Jeanine Pirro even showed up a few days in her little short dresses and high heels. She looked pretty good for an old gal, and was very polite when I bothered her to say hello and ask her to put Mark Furhman on her show as a guest that weekend.


Where did the Drew Peterson trial take place? I thought that was a suburban Chicago case.

Also, I can only imagine the amount of bogus complaints that Safe Sport/USEF is receiving as a result of this incident and the resulting commentary.


The murder trial was at the Will County courthouse in Joliet IL which is about 30 miles southwest of downtown Chicago.

Necco went out of business and I don’t think it was bought, but you MAY be able to get Beeman’s through candywarehouse.com or Vermont Country Store. Maybe.

I want a Ho-Ho and Tokaj please - the proper kind. Sweet tooth on overdrive this morning.


Why do women think its appropriate to make these types of comments about each other, when we would jump all over a man if a man made them? Who cares what the judge wore? Does the first “its” need an apostrophe? To top it all off, I’m assuming iris2006 is a woman because of the name.


Girl Joey is back.


I don’t imagine it was her plan to get shot. but since it went down that way, it feeds her ego to tell people she had it all planned out in advance. It makes her look like some Machiavellian genius. Muhahahah.

Although, planning to get shot seems kind of stupid to me, but what do I know. Anyway, she won’t get it if it’s in an LLC - that’s the whole idea. She may be able to get whatever MB owns, but not whatever any co-owners or the bank have. but maybe not now if she’s on record as having preplanned the whole thing.


Like SW.


I took a look at her FB page. Does anyone else think the hashtags and emojis childish.? If I didn’t know better I would think she was a teenager.


Ugh looking at the FB thread, she and her friends are so dang childish. All the people involved in that were ridiculous, but them making fun of a picture of the one girl riding was just messed up. I can’t believe they don’t realize that they don’t come across as people that “stand up for themselves”, they come across as immature bullies. The more LK posts on social media the less I feel bad for her. Still don’t think she should have gotten shot, but god she is awful. She really is downright bragging about being shot.


@caffeinated thanks so much for the link to the med students blog. I missed it so much. And the SOCMOB link.


I feel like this would be good material for a deep dive podcast like Serial. At least, I’d much rather listen to something like that than watch a court TV circus


It’s amazing to me - that thread has been active since 2003. Not a ton of new stuff, but that’s gotta be some kind of record.

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More squares that have been filled: SafeSport, Trump, and gun control. Or posters (yet to appear) on about page 399 who add something like “I heard a woman’s been shot at Barisone’s farm. What happened?”


There has to be some special bonus square for the ummmmmm less PG side-trip this thread took.


I’m disappointed.

No one mentioned my animal fable.
