Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Her goal is to create puppets out of everyone, after watching Goldfinger and realizing if she used Delta-9 on everyone there would be no one left to pay attention to her, so she opted for the Jedi Mind Trick to numb everyone into submission.


How interesting. I follow many social media pages and I haven’t seen anything negative about MB other than how so many riders are missing his coaching right now.

LK IS unsympathetic. I haven’t seen her post a sympathetic word about anything other than herself anywhere. Please share her sympathetic posts with this thread. As far as “someone they admire may also be a bad guy” - no, shooting someone is never approved, yet, isn’t that what these 175 pages have been asking? All the why was someone pushed so far as to do something so heinous? There has been zero evidence provided that indicates LK didn’t provoke the situation many, many times.

As far as not believing what someone hiding behind a screen name posts, please highlight ONE inaccurate word I posted in my OP. Every word I posted as fact is verifiable from a multitude of sources.


Only if the sentences are consecutive. The judge can make the sentences concurrent, but I doubt that will happen.

OK, now I’m confused about the bushes—she was lured into the bushes, MB was hiding in the bushes, the gun was hidden in the bushes?

I guess it came over here from her Facebook page?

I don’t have a Facebook account so I can’t read her’s even though it’s public.

Actually, I can’t read her posts anyway (the ones re-posted here), because she doesn’t seem to use constructed sentences and I’m too old to to translate social media “speak” :no:!


Ah, yes, “the bushes” I’d like to know how a gun-wielding foaming at the mouth crazed-looking weirdo “lured” her into the bushes. A carrot maybe? Or a bag of candy? Maybe he waved a deed at her.

As for the i’ve never read a sympathetic word about her, Blue Saddle, there are plenty of them on her FB page. “OH, LAUREN, UR TEH BESTEST!!! I (heart) U!!! :winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin:!!!”


I keep seeing references to the fact that she somehow wanted to steal ownership of the farm from MB. Where is that coming from?


I mentioned it many pages ago and then it appeared on FB?
and no, I am not SW or LK. :lol:

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If you had read some things that were on her fb page, and then deleted, you would see that is the path she is trying to go on. Plus the fact that she STILL won’t leave the house!


But if you’re a woman of unlimited means, why not just buy your own farm that you won’t have to share with people that are hiring hitmen in black SUVs to take you out? You could probably even find one with a non-condemned house if you look hard enough.


I know, right? And you could buy yourself a nice farm in Florida (no winters!) or the Carolinas, or other horsey hot spots. Why this farm in New Jersey? But sometimes with certain types of “not so nice” people to put it nicely, it is way more satisfying to them I’d they can take, have something handed to them, screw someone over, or have some kind of dramatics. Some people live for the drama of it all and the attention.

I really wouldn’t think she is an almost 40 year old woman. But, a lot of times when you don’t have to establish a career or build a life for yourself through your own means and hard work, you just don’t grow up. Or you don’t want to grow up.

All I know is if I were a person of her alleged unlimited means, I’d GTFO of NJ, get off the farm, collect my life and move along to bigger and better things. But that just wouldn’t draw much attention or thrill, would it?


The next step for LK is to gain possession of the tiara and the farm, and then to get on national TV. She is working her way up the foodchain, just like Jeff Bezos’ mistriss/now girlfriend did with her previous significant others. Move from guy to guy going from increasingly famous and rich until she gets to the richest man in the world!! you don’t get there overnight!!

So she is starting by using the jedi mind trick on the police, and then she will try it on the judge. I hope the judge is strong in the force, so he can sense evil, like Obi-wan did when sensing darth vader as well as large disturbances in the force like when the death star destroyed its first planet.

So back to LK. Once she gets on TV and creates drama in the court, then she will convince Dateline to do an episode on her. then she will use that to try to spawn an acting career, but hollywood won’t want her, so she will end up back working for her father since no one else will want to deal with her and her craziness.


The women who move from rich guy to richer guy to richest guy have flawless bodies.

When you “take two to the chest” those days are over.


Or three, maybe four. Still up for debate, as her story continues to change.


She said one of them had no entrance or exit wound. Does that still count?


How can a gunshot wound have no entrance or exit???


Is that what she wrote? There will be an entrance wound but they don’t always go through. Instead they can bounce and tumble thus ripping you up from within. Particularly with smaller caliber bullets. A .22 bouncing around in your thorax can go in other directions too.

I don’t think MB will receive a hero’s welcome when he is a free man again, someday but I doubt he won’t be sought as a trainer. Even if he can never attend a show in person. There is such a thing as Skype and if he has assistant trainers they can handle nervous riders and horses.

I don’t find LSK to be some tragic heroine any more than I find Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Prey, Love) a good writer or any better than a serial philanderer. There was an article she wrote where she talked about taking her husband and her boyfriend to the same therapist but neither of them knew the other existed. It wasn’t the first or last time either.


At any rate, if LSK thinks that at 38, having accomplished nothing of merit she will suddenly find herself sought for her expertise in riding, she is delusional.

If she is still at that house and refusing to answer the door as a way to not get tossed out then she is an idiot too. Poor little rich girls don’t generate that much sympathy unless they are a lot younger and prettier. Like whatshername, the one who had the affair with Edwards. Her father was part of the horse-killing scheme for insurance money in the 1980’s.

Lisa Jo Druck was her original name. What her dad had done to her horse was the stuff of nightmares. Lisa/Rielle bore ZERO, ZIP, NADA responsibility for it - but how she chose to live her life despite every advantage in the world is sad. I wonder how much of it stems from that incident. She really loved that horse. It certainly would have scrambled my mind for years afterward. But not as much as it seems to have affected her. The video of her cleaning her kitchen was - uhhh - bizarre.


It’s imaginary?


What?? What was the gist of the entire post? I have to think the context would make that statement a tad less bizarre.

Maybe it was just a graze? But that doesn’t sound as dramatic.


It tunneled.
