Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

She claims it grazed her torso but was aimed at RG’s head. Now I am not forensic expert, but if a 6’4” man shoots at a 5’2” woman, grazes her torso, and then the bullet continues to shoot through the back door of the house (where RG was, supposedly) which has at least 3 steps to get to the door, it would seem that said 6’4” man must be lying on the ground!!! 🤔🤔🤔


I think at this point we can all agree LK exaggerates. I don’t get why we have an alter posting under the name TheBlueSaddle as the original was just The Saddle. Either way those posts are annoying. Either say what you need to under the parameters of the board or don’t.

I think there will be a plea deal, and the details will come out in the civil trial. LK is bat s*** crazy and had a horrible thing happen to her. Do we really need to analyze her posts as if we think she’s NOT full of s***?


Go to Ruth Cox’s fb page for some rogue LK… enjoy!

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That makes a LOT more sense! No, not nearly as dramatic though.

Yeah, the angles don’t work if he is standing up.

It’s LSK. A very unreliable narrator.


The original saddle was blue, to clarify.


Ok, now LSK is telling Justin L. Hardin, Ruth Cox and Mary Haskins Gray to move to countries without extradition agreements with the US. I couldn’t get it to scroll down past accusing them of horse abuse. What is she on about?

Is there a porch? I could see that if she was on a porch and MB was standing on the ground. But that theory doesn’t jive with him luring her into the bushes. :confused:

I’m aware. My point is you’re not the original saddle poster in my opinion. But you could be. That alter got really weird at the end of the thread. Almost desperate to keep it going.


She hasn’t watched enough crime shows on TV to understand how to measure bullet trajectories.

I am perfectly able to accept the possibility that they are all bad, and I am equally ready to accept the possibility that they are all crazy. We’ve only heard that LK is a fruitbat, but if MB shot her as she said he did, those actions prove to me that he’s nuts or bad or both. I’m just not certain of the facts, so I’m not ready to do more than ask questions and speculate.


You don’t even need math for that one. I mean, if this is when he had lured her off the porch and into the bushes or something equally bizarre.

If she was that terrified of him, what could he dangle to get her into the bushes? A diamond tiara? Can she spot diamonds versus rhinestones from 5+ feet away too?

The woman is quite a piece of work. Not a good storyteller though. She makes the author of the twinkly vampire series the equivalent of Proust or Tolstoy.

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From LK’s FB page:

What’s on my mind fb asks.
Justin L Hardin
Ruth Cox
Mary Haskins Gray - move to a non extradition country. You are horse abusers & complicit in conspiracies to commit violent crimes. Get comfy. Please! You didn’t find my recorders fast enough. 🙊 Oops 4u!


My empathy is waning…


mine as well! lol


She was shot on the ground level not the porch.

NJ is a one-party consent state. She had to be On the recording herself (as the consenting party) in order for it to be admissible in court. If she was not party to the conversation, it was illegal to record them. It’s also usually illegal to bug a home or office to secretly record a conversation that she is not privy to.


Thank you.

So she records people. OK. If she set recording devices up in private areas (MB’s side of the house, his office, a bathroom) then she may have made any legal recordings much harder to admit into evidence - right?

I know my state is a two-party notification state. I don’t know if the same is true of NJ.

Are they discussing the ownership of the pink gun??


that, threatening to call the medical board, forensics labs, telling her MH “hates her”, over- all just totally bizarre things to be spouting off on social media.

in other words, all is normal in Lauren’s world! …


Could someone please refresh my memory so I don’t have to scroll back through 175 pages of this thread?

Ruth Cox is the RC who was sleeping in front of a/her horse’s stall in the barn, correct? And LK claims it was RC’s pink gun? Is Justin the assistant trainer, and the other one the girlfriend of MB with the kids?