Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Thanks. Fingers crossed I get a chance to see it before it gets cleaned up! :lol:

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I think youā€™re correct on all counts.

So now it was a conspiracy to harm LSK? Her horses? She just canā€™t keep her story straight, let alone the motives she has assigned to people.

What has LSK accomplished in her life that makes it possible for her to support herself?

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OMG, itā€™s in the comment section of RCā€™s first post about a dog (RC seems like a nice woman).

This LK is absolutely bat crap crazy. I hope MB has funds to go to trial. One can only imagine stuff that was going on.

Iā€™m really hoping someone captures these comments from LK on RCā€™s FB. Unbelievable !!!


Wow - she certainly did prattle on. If she were boarding, training or living on my property I would also want her gone. Here - take your rent/board and GO.

I doubt MH ever accused Lauren of being smart. I guess weā€™ll have to wait for Lauren to play the authenticated recordings. It isnā€™t that hard to edit recordings to suit your agenda, but professionals can spot the trickery.

What if the recordings have conversations that would help the defense? I.e. LK standing outside the door at 3am screaming threats at MB and MH. Could the defense ask to have the recodings admitted?

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I bet if he has a Nest or some other system and captured that it wouldnā€™t hurt his defense.

I hope that sort of evidence puts Amber Guyger behind bars.

Can LK be charged with something? Harrassment? I doubt they sit down for milk and cookies together when LK visits the apartmentā€¦

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Posted on Ruth Coxā€™s FB page under a picture of a dog.

Lauren Kanarek In America, itā€™s forbidden Ć°ÅøÅ”Ā« by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.D would know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesnā€™t mean the forensics lab canā€™t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.
You are not the barn manager. Youā€™d show up once every few months. Alsoā€¦ remember when DD had that throat problem? Remember when you wanted to have a say in the treatment? Do you wonder why I even know about that? Iā€™ll tell ya. MH and MB told the WHOLE BARN you have NO SAY and you think youā€™re a bully. Michael made sure to let everyone know- HE IS THE BIGGER BULLY. In any case, any barn manager (since thatā€™s the story youā€™re going with - even though many people from Newbern can account for your whereabouts during ALL the times you were NOT in NJ- making it impossible for you to have been ā€œbarn manager,ā€Ā) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst. FYI- MH hates you. Just ask her. If I had a penny for the amount of times she has said ā€œRuth is so old, anyway. She ll ā€œkick the bucket soon so Iā€™ll have full ownership of DD,ā€Ā Iā€™d be billionaire from pennies.
Given I donā€™t care at all about your moronic deals with criminals- you should ask yourself- ā€œhow does Lauren know all this?ā€Ā Did I make this up? Pretty detailed a story to make such stuff up. You hitched your old wagon to the wrong trailer. When MH wants you out of your deal with herā€¦ what do you suppose her limits are to get you out of the picture? Ć°ÅøĀ¤ā€ Hint: she is stupid. Stupid people who have no limits are a danger to themselves & others. Do t you know that ā€œDOCTOR Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£ Ruth???ā€Ā Laughable.

Iā€™ve lost track. Who is Amber Guyger?

And who is the DD in the quoted post? Somebodyā€™s dear daughter? Or a horse?

I must have left my scorecard in my other jacket.


OH MY!!! THERES MORE! Under other dog posts!! I am not friends with RC, but I checked and screen shotted. I assume RC would let her attorney, and MBs attorneys knowā€¦

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What is the point of contacting the nursing board if Ruth Cox has retired from nursing? Iā€™m simply guessing that is the case. She still earned her degrees and can be employed due to her education and experience as a former nurse and not need an active license.

I know physicians who still have M.D., are hired for it but will never practice medicine. It happens all the time in research.


Sorry. That was a segue. She is the police officer who shot an unarmed black man in HIS apartment and says she thought he was in HERS. Funny thing though - he had a bright red doormat in front of HIS apartment and she didnā€™t bother to turn on the lights before shooting him. I donā€™t remember if he was still sitting in his chair watching a game or if he got up to find out who had busted into HIS home.

Guyger is young, blond and it happened in Texas. I bet she will walk and easily land another job in law enforcement.

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Pretty sure Laurenā€™s comments on RCā€™s FB just earned Lauren a ā€œrestraining / stalking orderā€. I would be in front of a judge Monday morning to request an emergency restraining order. Then there is the follow up of a suit for defamation of character / slander. Laurenā€™s Dad probably wants her institutionalized before she runs up a ton of legal fees for him. What a nightmare for her family. :frowning:


Lauren left this under Coxā€™s cat post. Seems to me if any of that were true, the state would have intervened re: the kids.

Lauren Kanarek
I donā€™t see you saying a WORD about Mary Haskins refusing to feed her 5 cats or letting them live in their own feces until there is so much of it, it literally overflows into her childrenā€™s beds and all over the floor. I have pictures Incase you decide to tell lies again.

Sheā€™s rabid. It wonā€™t be hard for many of these people to bring a counter civil suit. And if Lauren wasnt a party in these recorded conversations they are illegal. Sheā€™s bat shit crazy.


Another Aug 6th under another dog post.

Easily if it just grazed her but didnā€™t enter her body


Oh, lol RC is a psych nurse. Lol


FB posts are really difficult to use as examples of stalking or even harassment. You have to prove the person actually wrote the statement. After all, what if someone cloned your page? Or you left it open and someone else wrote it? There is a whole big process and often people are told to get off social media or increase the privacy levels.

Lauren certainly does like to stir the **** and then insist others lick the spoon.


I bet Lauren REALLY didnā€™t like RC seeing right through her and if she told others to be super-leery of Lauren and not to trust a word she said, that would wind LSK right up.