Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

August 6th under the post about the 22 year old dog:

Lauren Kanarek
This is the day before you conspired to commit two murders. Luckily, your idiotic c & tacky pink Ruger jammed … putting only two bullets in my chest- center mass. That third one grazed me & missed Robs head in our own apartment as we peacefully sat on our porch. Wait until you hear yourself plotting with Michael on my recordings of ALL barn conversations which I know you know exist. I want you to know… I won’t test until the police & FBI throw you in jail. That’s where you belong. The only thing making me wait to AGREE with the state of NJ to go forward with charging is this: That would be giving MARY Haskins exactly what she wants. You, out of the picture. Get it? Or are you too redneck??? You fkng cue tip looking man.

So we linked things not relevant. Awesome. All you greenies need to get a life. Y’all on here trashing someone that needs to be called out but WOW. Y’all have an agenda with her nut up and take it up with her. Cheese and rice. Take it up with her or call the prosecutor’s office to say your piece. Nut up or shut up.


DD is a horse.


I don’t know how to post a screen shot here, so I copied everything just as it was posted by LK under RC’s August 6 photo share of “one of the oldest dogs in the world”:

” ThIs is the day before you conspired to commit two murders. Luckily, your idiotic c & tacky pink Ruger jammed…putting only two bullets in my chest - center mass. That third one grazed me & missed Robs head in our own apartment as we peacefully sat on our porch. Wait until you hear yourself plotting with Michael on my recordings of ALL barn conversations which I know you know exist…I won’t test until the police & FBI throw you in jail. That’s where you belong. The only thing making me wait to AGREE with the state of NJ to go forward with charging is this: that would be giving M*** H****** exactly what she wants. You, out of the picture. Get it? Or are you too redneck??? You f****ng cue tip looking man.”


I went and there is nothing posted…

Check under the dog and cat pics for comments.

Cuz y’all seemed to miss it, and y’all act like you have real life experience call her out. If you won’t beyond hiding behind a screen name… stfu


I don’t understand this post…


Cheese and rice ? Gross.

I think that when things get uncovered and are posted here, there’s a pretty good chance defense and DA will be made aware.

So the DA will have to take into account her crazy and people’s reaction to her stalking and harassment of others in their long term planning. Stalking an accomplished nurse, like really ??


Would it be better if I said “Jesus Christ” cuz that’s what cheese and rice is about. Again put up or shut up. Y’all running around like you have info. Tell the DA and shut up.


That is what Lauren Kanarek wrote as a comment to a post Ruth Cox shared to her (Ruth’s) page.

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That’s what we’re doing. Nancy Drew squad. 👍🏻


I was thinking that earlier actually. Everyone and I mean EVERYone of the cast of players in this drama seems like there’s a lot of unsaid protected either off the chart crazy or devious immoral and god knows what else behaviour driving the drama that ended so tragically for all of them, bet they all save 1 are sitting in their respective unfortunate corners right now wishing for a do over. You reap what you sow.

Definitely a lifetime movie in the making


OK glad you caught on. Again…

This sounds like someone on serious drugs or uber drunk. It really is sad to imagine what kind of life made a person so hateful. NO ONE in this convoluted saga has spoken out on social media against LK, but she’s done a fine job of making up for everyone else. Pathetic in so many ways. Still no mention of visiting her beloved horses. Interesting.


Oh… thank you.


Well, I’m glad someone posted this stuff so I didn’t have to wade through FB to figure out who all these people were and to find the correct Ruth Cox. You can’t tell the players without a score card, so keep right on with it all. I for one, am properly grateful.


I was thinking that myself. It reads like someone had turned all their inhibitions off and was just spewing. Normal people don’t do that. Maybe in my diary when I was 12…


Upon reading the latest FB posts by LK I’ve become convinced that she is unequivocally off the deep end, narcissistic, overly drama oriented, suffers from histrionics and is a toxin to those around her.

And while it’s not ok to shoot someone I find myself hoping its found that MB is not a monster and that the shooting happened during a struggle or whatever it takes for MB to be set free either by vindication or by time served.


The reply Lauren wrote on her (Lauren’s) page 40 minutes ago? It’s a pip.