Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

She really is delusional. More than I originally thought. I highly doubt that MH wanted any of her horses. I think MH saw her for what she is, and that didn’t fly with LK in combination with her jealousy of MH. I think many of LK’s actions are fueled my jealousy and I don’t think she’s as confident as she comes off. I still don’t understand why she is claiming she has a USDF Bronze…again, weird and delusional.

Regarding the Twitter posts and the whole “Haha, look at me! So smart, so powerful! I’ve recorded you!” could be total BS and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a bluff or scare tactic. What is her legal basis of this “evidence” being accepted or coming into play? If she was so scared and living in fear, why didn’t she LEAVE? Oh right, that doesn’t fit her end goal.

Telling MH, RC, ABC (I can’t keep track anymore) that they need to go to a country with no extradition, oh please. Her threats, character defamation, and odd ramblings are going to bite her in the ass one day. She’s not invincible, but she can continue to think that. :rolleyes:

At first I thought, ok, maybe there is a lot we don’t know (probably so) and she does have some info, but now I think she’s just rambling some crazy dribble that doesn’t mirror true reality. And her boyfriend, I’m going to go out on a limb and say he isn’t the brightest bulb. The whole thing is like a bad TV drama that you can’t turn away from because it’s so strange and contrary to the life of a “normal” person.

You’d think she’d be “living her best life” and spending time with her horses instead of being sucked into this odd social media vortex of whacko. But we see nothing about the horses. Yeah, she probably can’t ride yet, but any horse crazy individual would still be around their horses. Obviously she is quite capable, physically, of being out and about. And she has to work toward that silver! You know? /sarcasm

My life is boring. I like it. I think that’s why I continue to read this thread, just to get a glimpse of something totally contrary to my own existence. Bad train wreck, can’t look away, and all that.


Gosh, that sounds so awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. I’m so glad she is out of your life! You’re spot on about them being engaging. At the start, they come off as so charming. And why wouldn’t they? They need to act like that in order to lure their victim in. They are said to be chameleon-like. They mirror their victim-their values, ideals, even down to their manor of speaking sometimes. It’s all to “sell” their act and get what they want. And it’s convincing! Good job sensing something is off and paying attention to your gut. It can be so difficult to do when they charm other people and you may feel like you should just write off that nagging feeling. Can you imagine if you didn’t google her? Im so glad you did and that there was, thankfully, stuff online indicating a pattern of behavior and confirming your suspicions. You should seriously read Martha Stout’s book, the Sociopath Next Door. It explains so much.

And wow, that it so, so awesome you warned the guy. Good job! That was really brave too, after everything she put you through and how she invaded your life. A lot of people would not have done that. Sociopaths have a parasitic lifestyle. They truly do invade and take. I’m so happy that the guy heeded your warning and took you as seriously as he did. That little boy now has a normal, happy life. Good job! And yes, that is totally a GOOD thing that came out of that time in your life. I bet you will find other good things too! I know it’s still recent, it does take a lot of time to heal and process that weird time. Another good thing is that you now know about sociopaths and how they operate. You’re already way ahead of the game than a lot of other people. This first hand knowledge can help you spot them in the future.


I’m betting they have a still running in a broom closet at this point.


Years ago the high achool music boosters hired someone to put together our marching band show. He did the complete package - music and color guard performance. Came and spent a week. He was a nightmare.

Afterward, he sent a scathing email to every parent in the organization that was so insulting and wrong that I quietly blew a gasket. I looked up his resume and called every single school he listed as a reference or former hire. Off the record they told me what we had experienced was the tip of the iceberg. He had been “released” from more than one for reasons they couldn’t discuss but said to never let him out of our sight. It was very satisfying to lay this out and state if we ever hired him again, we were idiots. He is a sociopath and will burn us. He did, the very next year. Wouldn’t deliver, wasn’t original (as contracted), bizarre excuses for it, etc.

Less than 2 years after that, he was arrested for molesting minors. He is still in jail in Arizona I believe. Let me tell you how little fun it was to contact over 100 now-adult members to ask if they needed to contact the police too.

So I sympathize with people who are snowed by the attractive slick hustlers. I also advise calling every single person/business they use as a reference.

LK is a nightmare and she destroys others because if she can’t have it or keep it without needing to WORK FOR IT, well no one else deserves it either.

MB will be released someday. He will return to training. People will pay for his expertise. He can send assistant trainers to shows and Skype with clients. It won’t be the same but I suspect he will not be totally destroyed despite her best efforts.

O.J. Simpson has never paid the Goldman family the 25 million they won in their civil suit and he is enjoying his retirement despite murdering two people (no, I don’t believe he was innocent), so there is hope for Barisone too.

Always check the references given and dig back a bit further.

was wanted for 12 counts of sexual conduct with a minor and three counts of public sexual indecency in Maricopa County, Ariz. Police in Tempe, Arizona told 5NEWS they want to interview ****** about a sex crimes case from the 1990s.

I just checked. Was temporarily released in 2016 and he promptly busted probation, has been in custody ever since.


Another thought is that LK can’t decide if she is a helpless ingenue or a master chess player who is always four moves ahead of her current enemies.

So she can afford to cover the property with cameras that record and upload sound and images but she can’t afford to move her horses and herself.

It’s like she thinks she is Lisbeth Salander but guess what? She failed at that too. Maybe she will sue the author’s estate because rather than recognizing it as a work of fiction, she thought it was a how-to manual.

I doubt even Lifetime will pick this up. Not if they get a whiff of her real personality and modus operandi.


Well, her loyalty won’t last any longer for him than it has for anyone else in her orbit with whom she was close. With the possible exception of her birth family.

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I mean, not really beginning to believe. you guys have been forwarding that narrative from the beginning. Let’s not pretend this is a new theory or based on anything but conjecture.


That’s the trouble with putting someone like that on the witness stand - you never are quite sure whether you’re going to get helpless ingenue victim or raving crazy master chess player.

About the horses, I believe she said on FB she “thought they sold two of them”?


I thought she was accusing MH of WANTING to sell two of them she eyed salaciously. I think she was making that up. I don’t think MH has any interest in her horses. And even if she did, no more than any normal person admires horses.


Another thing I don’t understand (I seem to be compiling quite a list) is if it was self defense or an accident or some such scenario, why does he seem to be content to sit in jail?

That’s the feeling I got from his original appearance in court.

Maybe he’s content that MH, her kids and the horses are safe for the time being and that’s his number one priority? Also he is safely away from LK/RG, etal.?


Plus what trainer is going to look at their client’s horse and not at least be willing to work to improve the horse standing in front of the barn?

Even if it’s a conformational train wreck. Hers aren’t but I doubt they’re going to set the world on fire either, no matter who is riding or training them. That’s not a slap at the horses - very few DO go on to achieve greatness. I’m playing the odds.


What, exactly, would you have him do differently ? Try to break out??


I love how some posters think they know exactly what went down that day based solely on their opinions on the personalities of those involved and basically 0 facts or evidence. Thank god you all aren’t LE. Quite the tales you tell yourselves. This thread is as nuts as LK.


Looks like she won’t take good advice… https://imgur.com/gallery/D72pVRY


I’m starting to think that he may have taken the gun for protection while he confronted her about CPS. Then when the yelling started, her dog attacked him (we know that the dog caused some of his injuries based on her posting. Since the dog attacked, he may have tried to shoot the dog and got her by accident. We don’t know what really happened, but forensics should help sort out the truth.

I think I said in a previous post that her “cameras” were actually her insecurities talking in her head. She’s throwing that out there hoping someone will confess to what she IMAGINED they were saying.


Narcissists don’t take good advice, because they truly believe they are smarter and more special and talented than everybody else.

If anyone ever disagrees with them or criticizes their actions, in their mind it’s always because that person is “jealous” or a “hater” because they lack the introspection to see that their own behavior is terrible.


Here’s a breakdown from a psychiatrist on the personality disorders that folks have been using in this thread. Unfortunately, I’ve had to learn a bit to deal with a family member.

Narcissist – entitled, lack empathy, grandiose, constantly seeking validation, will feel shame (not guilt) if they do something wrong because they are concerned about how they are viewed
Psychopath – (antisocial personality disorder) all of the narcissistic tendencies except with no guilt or shame or remorse for bad behavior, can lie successfully on lie detector tests, born that way, brain function section of the brain that controls empathy not active, could be genetic, usually charming and learn behavior to try and assimilate into society, don’t think of consequencies, grifters, have aliases, can’t hold a job,
Sociopath – same as the sociopath but has been “made” (rough homelife, rough neighborhood, learn bad stuff to survive, adjusts to “world order”)

There are no coping mechanisms to have successful relationships with sociopath or psychopath. The world is an instrument to get their desires.

Psychopaths and Sociopaths see nothing wrong with their behavior and will only go to therapy if court-ordered. Therapy is not usually effective.


I think at most, her postings prior to the shooting that could speak to his state of mind may be admissible (for instance, the one he referenced specifically in his 911 call, and the one about the guns, since that could most definitely be taken as an overt threat). All this nonsense afterwards - not so sure that has a place anywhere in legal proceedings, unless she starts saying stuff directly related to the shooting that contradicts prior statements to police.

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I think that people are looking at this with different assumptions. From your posts I believe that you are under the impression that he took a gun with him with the intent to kill her. I’m not saying you are wrong, we just don’t know.

I am under the impression that he took the gun for self defense after her threats, postings of having multiple personalities and not being responsible for what they might do, and her statements to the effect of having guns and not being afraid to use them. I personally don’t think he went to the house intending to shoot her. I’m not saying I’m right, we don’t know.

I think the job of his lawyers is to present evidence that he had a reasonable fear when he took the gun. The job of the prosecution is to present evidence that it was his intent to kill her. And that is why I think the online crazy may well make a difference.

I personally think if he had intended to kill her she’d be dead. Either that or he has the world’s worst aim.

And I do think the judge at the first hearing was wrong in saying that at it’s heart this was a landlord/tenant dispute. It’s now apparent there was much more going on and I expect that will be presented at his trial or used as part of a plea agreement.

But just my opinion and it’s worth exactly what you paid for it. :wink:


That’s bc MH has something she wanted (MB). In order for her to feel better (i.e. “above”) MH, she has to fabricate a story in her mind that makes MH envious of her.