Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think that for actual testimony as to what happened, what counts is what she says under oath and how that lines up with forensic evidence. It is also possible she doesn’t clearly remember it. But the social media stuff is significant in creating a picture of the kind of person she is, and the conflict that led to the shooting. If she contradicts herself in actual testimony or police reports that’s another thing.


If MB meant to kill her she would be dead. 2 nine mm rounds to the chest at close range she would be dead. I believe he brought the gun to intimidate her after she called child protective services. I think she came at him and in the ensuing struggle the gun went off. Very easy to see happening. If they do a forensic study on the path of the bullets, I bet they would be at an angle or 2 seperate angles not straight on like if he meant to actually shoot her.


She would have at this point made one if not several statements to the police and if she is publicly contradicting herself now then absolutely a lawyer can use that at trial.


Okay good to know. Since her statements are all contradictory then some at least logically have to contradict what she told police.

I think though it’s pretty clear there’s a major personality collapse happening here and ultimately ( say for the civil trial) all this vile spouting off could be presented as evidence the stress of the shooting pushed her into a psychotic breakdown. I don’t think this is premeditated, I think the breakdown is real, though it might not be a new thing for her. But if I were her lawyer that is how I would try in the future to spin the behaviour , we are seeing now.


She has certainly contradicted RG’s version of events every way possible except the possible truth. If she saw CPS head to the barn to interview MB & MH, she knew what would be coming next. She KNEW she crossed a huge line when she filed a bogus abuse report. BTW, how did CPS know they were at the barn without first stopping at the house? Interesting question inquiring minds would like an answer to.

The questions STILL remain why did she stay if she was so miserable and afraid and why did she install recording devices on private property? Too bad her recordings will never see a courtroom if, in fact, they exist.


His life would be totally ruined if he left her, I’m sure. Even if he were a good person. She would be relentless if he embarrassed her like that.


I don’t think she has any lawyers. She might have lawyers for her civil case, but that can’t even be organized until the legal case is heard. More likely she has some attorneys who have tentatively agreed to take the civil case after the legal case is heard, but its doubtful they are retained at this point. That would be expensive to pay them for the next three years.


Depending on what they dig up about her and him, and how much his story contradicts hers, there may come a time when he needs to choose loyalty to her or to tell the truth to MB’s attorneys and the prosecutor to save himself. I would suspect mightily that there is more to this story and LK’s part in it which RG knows, and the weakest link in that twisted mess I think is between RG and LK.


Especially if her boyfriend’s statements contradict her, and he doesn’t back her up. And he may do better legally to unhitch himself from the Crazy Train.

Oh, what a tangled web.


Good point. If forced to choose between LK and going to jail for perjury, he’ll likely squeal. Unless he thinks he can lie convincingly, which sociopaths by definition excel at.


Money talks. He will stick with her for fear of her wrath and no where else to go.


I’m not so sure he is the sociopath as much as he is a lost boy looking for ways to hang on someone’s coat tails who talk like they know how to get money. He may have been her errand boy, and done what she said, but not so sure they were really partners in this. Or maybe they were, but finding a way to disconnect from her and reduce his culpablility in lies and in setting up the family for a con might be better for him to turn on her.


I don’t think she had cameras and recording devices other than her cell phone. LK said all the same things to me saying she had cameras recording when I was at the barn and what I did…If she did, I wasn’t worried bc it would show I was doing my job…however LK ranted on fb that she had cameras and recordings of me doing all sorts of bad stuff…all lies…but people believed it…only NOW that people are seeing her patterns has things begin to change…its been a rough couple of years with people believing the lies she spread about me…

LK did a reply to someone on her fb page that she can’t remember her pass code to her phone to unlock it for the police…bc she had to change it so many times bc of people at the barn getting into her phone and taking screen shots of what they found…supposedly…EXCEPT for that those of us who know her in person know that she keeps her phone locked with her thumb print!!!

Bc of all of LK’s online behavior we are all public to watching her unravel…I REALLY hope someone in her camp gets her in a facility before someone else takes matter into their own hands or she commits suicide or overdoses. I don’t wish death on anyone… But, she is an adult and I think it would take a court order to get her committed. I just don’t see this ending good for her in the direction she is heading…imo


That. Or doubling their rates.

Didn’t she say in one of her posts that she has five lawyers? Maybe they are for all her other legal issues that are already in progress, if not for this particular case.


Are you kidding me? She is so toxic. You mean the audio recordings she is threatening people’s lives with are probably an air guitar performance? Non existant? I hope you called the police to let them know how to open her phone. I am really sorry you have been in the way of her crazy train. Wow.


I really struggle with the idea that all of LK’s online craziness with make a difference to MB‘s defence. Legally I’m just not sure it matters. No matter how much anyone may sympathize with him WANTING to shoot her, that’s not a legal defence. He had a hundred options for dealing with the situation that didn’t involve attempted murder - he chose to pull the trigger. I believe that legally, that may be the only thing that matters.


Many are beginning to believe MB was attacked and was defending himself or struggle took place and the shots were accidental. Yes, he took the gun to force them to leave and a fight started. I have no idea, but I am convinced she knew a major confrontation was going to erupt once CPS left the property.


Many believe? The only ones that matter now is the DA and the cops that arrested him. Since he’s awaiting trail for attempted murder seems like they’ve had the evidence necessary to lay charges and enough confidence that it will stand up in court.

the biggest issue IMO will be getting a jury (if it will be a jury trial) that aren’t prejudiced by all this social media drama.


Time will tell for sure and we’re all simply speculating. Yes, charges were filed before a full investigation had been completed and can be changed before the trial begins.

I would be surprised to learn that a significant percentage of the jury pool were social media followers of this event.