Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Not to turn this into a political rant, but the Tweets of trump are being archived by the SDNY to be used in court cases after he leaves office. In today’s social media society, everything can be used against (or for) someone.


thank you for agreeing with me!


I agree and I think the defense may well attempt to get all the pre-shooting claims of multiple personalities, gun pictures, and threats in evidence. Considering the sheer volume of her posts and the consistent general tone I don’t think the “house guest did it” excuse is going to fly.

If I were his attorney I’d be jumping through flaming hoops to get my hands on as much of her social media activity as I could. I’m sure I’ve only seen a small percentage of it but if I were sitting on a jury where this type of evidence was presented it would probably influence my perception of the events.


Sorry this is so long. I’ve been lurking for a while.

Without “doxxing” myself, I live very close to the barn which led me to have an interest in this case. Nothing ever happens here, we grew up calling Long Valley “happy valley” (which was a mix of both endearment and frustration because people thought it was boring and that there was nothing to do).

I also know nothing about horses and assumed Dressage was the competition of who could “dress” their horse the best, like who has like nicest horse with the best style of mane-kind of like a dog show. Side note, I’ve learned a whole lot about boarding and horses and stuff by lurking!

A family member told me they drove by the address and saw all these cop cars and stuff. I immediately jumped online to see what the heck was going on, because, I guess, I’m nosy and nothing really does happen here. Anyway, later when more news broke and I got her name, that led me to find LK’s Instagram and I looked at the first few pictures and was like “oh my gosh, this is awful, she looks so sweet”. Then, I looked at her twitter. I found all these messages to president Trump and her getting in fights with old ladies over politics. After looking at her tweets, I got the feeling of “hold on, is this lady delusional?” Like, she really thought Trump was going to not only read her tweets, but take them seriously. Thank you to those posting her FB posts, because I don’t have FB, but it’s provided a glimpse of what she’s like.

Seeking some more info and discussion led me to COTH. I’ve been lurking ever since this thread was a baby. Silently sipping wine and eating guacamole with you guys in the background.

What I’ve learned and what her own posts have shown (IMO), is LK is a classic narcissist and sociopath. These people are scary, and anyone who has been lucky enough to not have contact with one will not be able to comprehend or believe the actions of one. Sociopaths are all about the long-con. Investing themselves at “getting back at” or taking something that they perceive others as having that they, themselves, are lacking. This could be something physical, like the barn, or something like a characteristic. Someone who is kind, the sociopath will try to paint them and show them as the opposite. They are totally content (and even thrive) investing months or even years in their efforts in doing so.

Something you all don’t really talk about and I’m fascinated with, is the relationship between LK and RG. Is RG her pawn? Does he feel that something isn’t right? Or has he become so removed from reality he doesn’t see it. If she is a sociopath, it’s only a matter of time before she deems him as no use to her and discards him. Maybe she has something on him? Or maybe he is lacking a conscious too. I hope it’s the latter because being in a “relationship” with a sociopath is a terrible thing I wouldn’t wish on my own worst enemy. I know RG has a record as well. I can’t help but think the time that RG was reported missing (it’s been talked about on here, and it’s online), LK was behind that. Maybe he refused to do something, or had a brief moment of sanity and stopped talking to her.

As for those saying the PC thing of “I sincerely hope she gets help”-narcissists and sociopaths are incapable of change. It is best to inform yourselves of what to look for and avoid ALL contact. That is what I wanted to scream so badly at GirlJoey. She needs to inform herself and seek others that have been victim to a a similar person. If you are reading this, GJ, so many online support groups for people like you. I think it will be very empowering and validating. As tempting as it is, one can’t voice his or her emotions or try to talk like they are normal people-they aren’t. They may be able to mimic basic human emotions, but they don’t understand them or actually feel them. That will not work and only make you frustrated, isolated, and feeling crazy. I’m sure many will agree, feeling the need to take pictures, document stuff, plant recording devices in homes, is not something a normal person needs to worry about doing. IMO, this is someone who intends on sabotage, who seeks to have something in their back pocket to use against someone. There are times when this is great and smart thinking, like cases of domestic abuse. But this doesn’t seem like this. Also, I’ve gone out a bunch of times and not been “attacked by seven girls” at a bar and had to thrown a cranberry juice bottle at them. Just my opinion.

Also, I do home someone is archiving all this stuff (Facebook posts, etc). This can easily be done by going to archive.org. For those who don’t know, it takes essentially a screenshot of a website-comes in handy if people delete crazy stuff or whatever…


Apparently she thinks MH wanted her dead because MH wanted two of her horses. (From twitter, click link).


That is is a bit insane, in my mind.


This can be LK’s next conquest!!


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This is interesting! According to previous statements, they claimed MB tried to shoot Rob through the window and missed. She is stating it was a stray bullet that missed Rob’s head. I think that is an important distinction. Someone should provide this statement to the prosecutor.


Excellent article! Very informative, and really fits (from everything she posts):



She is delusional. Clearly knows nothing about competing in the upper levels of dressage. Those horses are a dime a dozen in Europe and she has no one to train them.


My own cousin’s daughter has borderline personality disorder. She was loved she had chores she had great female role models.

She’s had to get restraining orders against her own child.

Don’t make the easy .mistake of blaming the parents. In my own family, that girl is a tragedy. but when even the doctors say WALK AWAY, it is what it is. The law can’t help and the medicine doesn’t exist. Sometimes it’s just a ******* trainwreck.


It makes her sound schizophrenic, if you consider the possibility that there are no tapes and she is hearing voices in her head telling her these things. It wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Why has she not visited her beloved horses? Why haven’t we seen any photos of them or read ridiculous posts of how they recognized her and came running out of the morning mist from the green meadows to greet her?

And, why does she still say she is a USDF Bronze Medalist on her FB and Twitter pages??? One of her Twitter posts says “Silver is next”. Gosh if all one needs to do is post it on social media for something to be true, I’m a USDF Gold Medalist as well as an Olympic Gold Medalist in ALL sports!

In 5 years or less, we will all remember that Michael Barisone, an Olympian, shot a woman but no one will remember what the woman’s name was. Her 15 minutes of fame will flicker and fade very quickly.

The prosecution is going to have to be very careful what charges they go to trial with. With all the evidence of the monster LK is, it will be hard to convict MB of anything other than diminished capacity IMO.

As far as RG, he is scared to death of LK. He has told people in the past to suspect LK if anything ever happened to him. Apparently his meal ticket is more important than any fear he might have for her.


All one needs is doubt, right?
And in my mind there’s doubt as to what his intent was, and how the trigger came to be pulled causing her to be shot.


Excellent post. I too wound up in a situation with a live-on horse caretaker (who brought horses of her own) and it took me quite awhile to realize what I was dealing with. It took me some time when things didn’t seem quite right that I did a search on her.

Turns out she was 6 time convicted felon for RX drugs peddling and bank fraud. She also had a “juvie” history that I learned from lawyers for others that were after her for the same thing. Squatting and stealing ( using their CC # she had to buy feed/supplies for their horses then using it to buy $12K of tack, then sell it for her own profit).
She was a true sociopath and serial squatter, thief and neglected horses in her care (and lied about no water, no hay, etc).

What is really stunning and disgusting is that to keep herself out of jail, despite all of her convictions was by getting pregnant. Turns out white, young, single pregnant women are the smallest percentage of convicted felons who actually served time.

She was very attractive, cute and bubbly personality …SO engaging. These folks are smart and know how to game anyone. I was totally duped, and having run corp business for years at the top hiring and firing many over 45 years, I just didn’t fall off the turnip truck. These people are clever and engaging beyond belief.

Sadl, she had 2 little kids her by 2 fathers when she came. She kept them in squalor as it turns out when there was a leak in the apt I let her live in and I had to go check it out. It was SO foul. I wouldn’t keep an animal that way. I told her I would call social services on her – and that’s when I decided to really do a search on her and found a cadre of felonies and a trail of good private horse/farm owner families who came before me. She sought out people like us because she could “stay under the radar”. She threw around well know trainers she’d worked with or for over the years for credibility. Sadly, none of us ever checked her out until it was too late. She’d done her “thing” and chaos ensued just trying to get her off the property.

The only thing really GOOD that came out of this horrible time is that I let father “sire” #2 know ( who also didn’t know about her past as he was deployed in Iraq for years – she found him on “match” , for a 1 night stand I guess to get PG and stay out of jail again), on a private FB message while he was overseas.

I did not know him, but I did know his name. When he found out and came right back to the states and he asked me to testify to get him full custody of that darling little boy. We won. She appealed. We won again. BTW, at the appeal she came PG again, from yet another unknown father and present ultrasound pictures of her twin pregnancies. Didn’t work this time. Good judge!!

I’m just so glad I could help to try to ensure that cutie pie found a safe landing and now lives a great life his 2 older half brothers and with an incredibly devoted father.

It was really interesting watching this woman stare me down while I was on the stand as his lawyer and judge were asking me questions. I didn’t blink an eye. Didn’t care. Just cared about that little boy.

Dangerous people in every way. Sociopathy in the truest sense can’t really be “cured”. Your post really hit home and was right on point from my experience. Trying to make sense of it is no help either. It is what it is.

EDITED TO SAY: She was not a “young woman”. She was in her mid 30’s. It was a barter situation. Rent and horse housing in exchange for services. The expectations were spelled out in a very solid contract, with my right to cancel and have her leave within 30 days for any reason. Didn’t mean squat trying to get rid o her. One can cross their t’s and dot their i’s but it doesn’t mean things go smoothly. The only way I got rid of her is that a former employer who was after her found me and had me set her up to have one of their warrant served. I had to deal with the police for a “sting”. Even with all that, she refused to leave until we set her up for another warrant. At that point I think she knew she was toast, still running from the law. This thread has actually been rather therapeutic for me, as horrible as it is. This happened to me only 4 years ago. Still fresh and takes a long time to get over from that psycho stuff that just invades your life.


“The only thing making me wait to AGREE with the state of NJ to go forward with charging (RC) is…” Wouldn’t it be delusional to think that the state of NJ requires LK’s permission before charging someone with a crime ? It could be that the state of NJ is hesitant to charge someone based on statements made by LK without other corroborating evidence.


Yeah that jumped out at me too. That’s… Not how any of this works.


So now LK is saying that both she and RG were “peacefully sitting on the porch” when MB shot her twice and then the gun “jammed” causing the third bullet to somehow graze her and then barely miss RG’s head?

Hmm, I thought RG was inside and heard the first two shots and went running to the rescue?

And for the firearms expert LK claims to be, you’d think she would know that when a gun “jams” the bullet in question doesn’t magically go somewhere other than where the gun is aimed … it doesn’t fire at all.

She really should stop digging, but I doubt that will ever happen.


Holy crap…someone needs to keep her off social media.

Or maybe not, maybe this all needs to come out.

But she is not doing herself any favors. She is hardcore contradicting all of her previous stories now.


That’s perfect. Let her do it


I’m no legal expert, but I have a feeling her lawyers are ordering liquor by the case, if not the 55 gallon drum.