Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

If her attorneys (or their paralegals) aren’t here, then her “friends” certainly misled people. They knew about this thread before I did!

I think some posts on FB are changing to private, or were deleted.

If the people MH was talking to were not buying, how come you didn’t move on somewhere… to better, less abusive trainers who aren’t drunks?

Everything this woman says/claims gets negated by her (in)actions.


Good point, and those would be more likely to be used than FB posts.

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LSK isn’t merely mutton dressed up as lamb, she is clearly mutton far gone with scrapie trying to dress as lamb.

Is anyone else as bemused as I am that she sneers at Ruth Cox for earning a doctorate degree and has every right to be called Dr. Cox, but overlooks that ber father is a Juris Doctor or Doctor of Jurisprudence? Admittedly he can’t call himself Dr. Kanarek unless he earned his doctorate but it is still funny.


Wait - I’m getting lost here. Who’s Mary deFranco? And GH? Or is that just a mistyping of JH? And JH does podcasts? Where might those be found?


Am I the only one wondering who is Mary DeFranco and how did she suddenly get dragged into this story?


I don’t know who Mary deFranco is but there is a woman of that name in NJ who is a podiatrist with a practice about an hour away. Also a young woman with that surname who lives close to the farm. Perhaps they are related.

I see that Cassandra has apparently worked hard and now competes at a higher level than Lauren. Hmm. I bet that went over like a t*** in a punchbowl with Lauren.

I think GH is Justin Hardin, but a slip of the finger. If he does podcasts they may be a pay-to-play or strictly for clients?

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I hate it that MB was pushed to the point of shooting LK. I can’t imagine the anguish she put him through, and he will sadly have to pay the price with loss of his freedom, his reputation, and his livelihood.

That said, I would love to know what happened to LK in her early childhood that resulted in her arrested emotional development. She seems stuck in toddlerhood–the certainty that she is the center of the universe, the constant demands for attention, the insistence that everything revolve around HER, the complete lack of awareness or concern for anyone other than herself, etc. That behavior points to a very traumatic event, abuse or serial neglect in her formative years. I still can’t help but wonder if her father and sister have figured out how deeply disturbed she is. And where is her mother?

And I am now mostly worried for the people who own the farm. Didn’t someone say it is an elderly couple? How in the world are they going to deal with her sociopathic/psychopathic behavior? I am not even sure that restraining orders will work with that level of mental illness. I hope for everyone’s sake her family stages an intervention before she destroys more lives.


LK seems to have done everything she accuses her targets to have done.
if this is typical and not escalated LK behavior, this is truly disturbing. She needs an intervention.

MH probably didn’t need to spread the word to other barns to steer clear, lk’s reputation did it for her.


Down Yonder, I’ve seen similar behavior in someone (much older now than LK) who did not get along with her mother.
Her mother was never nuturing and emotionally neglected and verbally abused the child growing up. The child was a very
pretty little girl and got lots of extended family attention as the first grandchild. But child did not receive appropriate mothering. Father was basically absent from girl’s life but was neutral on emotions but did not abuse her. Daughter often
caused triangular in-fighting in family between father, mother and daughter.

Child grew into a emotionally histrionic attention seeker always creating drama and chaos. Had no close friends. Only
had male friends, and those male/female relationships were often wrought with craziness and even violent fighting.

I guess you could call it an “attachment” problem where child and mother failed to bond in appropriate way.


FB and IG posts can be subpoenaed, including PMs and deleted posts. It’s been done before.

COTH posts are a good barometer as to how a judge and jury may eventually perceive some of the characters involved in this situation. Something a DA may want to consider in long term planning. If this were to go to trial, a defence lawyer would love to call LK to the stand. 🍿


[QUOTE=Angela Freda;n10482967

Everything this woman says/claims gets negated by her (in)actions.[/QUOTE]

Or by subsequent statements/posts.


And some people are just born with some key components missing or incorrectly installed.


She is 38 years old. Plenty of time to work on FOO issues and no - I never lay those entirely at the feet of the mother particularly when dad was alive to rear his offspring too.

Apparently the other 2 children aren’t this messed up. No one receives perfect parenting. If one or both of her parents sucked, she should address it with them and/or in therapy.


I suspect she’s not just off a little but a lot.

Anyone can report bullying FB posts to FB. perhaps that’s what happened to LKs posts on Ruth’s page.

I wonder if the ‘high’ LK had been experiencing when she first got online and was loving all the attention has started to wane, so she’s trying to ratchet it back up with this weekend’s ramblings.


<applauding the science reference/>


I ask myself, why am I still reading this bizarre story ? The latest instalment has me contemplating that LK is schizophrenic. And classic narcissist. Which cane first who knows but the paranoia others plotting against her? I have seen this in someone close to me in the past and it’s s nightmare of a way to live for the schizoid person and everyone who cares about them. Meds even newer ones are often rejected because of side effects weight gain, flat affect. Families get fed up dealing with the blow back from the crazy.

She’s lucky that there’s $$ or she’d be one of the homeless. Or locked up. She’s already living in some kind of mental hell so no need to wish worse for her.


For weeks now I have thought of a comparison…

I have an acquaintance/friend who has three girls. All three are very pretty and very smart. The oldest one is in college and is just kind of typical- teen spoiled brat, not bad, she is maturing.

The youngest is new to high school and is a sweet, quiet kid.

The middle child is the one that I fear is going to turn out like LK!

She screams at everyone in the family (and they scream back :eek:). She is by far the prettiest and the meanest!

Interestingly, their mother told me that the middle girl was a really difficult pregnancy and pretty much screamed through her infancy and when she was old enough to communicate, all she did was lie!

Could it have been some chemical imbalance? I do know other women who have had difficult pregnancy’s that resulted in colicky babies, but how does a toddler learn to lie? (Apparently, she did go to therapy. I don’t know if she is still going.)

I’m sure the mother at least subconsciously resented this child and the kid picked up on that. Dad traveled a lot.

The kid has a few friends—mostly boys because she is so pretty—but not as many as her sisters and I’ve noticed that she harasses the dogs. Her mother calls it torturing the dogs. I’ve only seen her throw them in the pool.

From where I’m sitting, the future doesn’t look great for this child—all I can see is LK!


According to this article the bar isn’t set all that high in quite a few states: https://www.naag.org/publications/nagtri-journal/volume-2-issue-2/status-update-on-authenticating-social-media-evidence-the-three-primary-approaches-applied-nationally.php


Interesting. Their example case is trying to prove who ordered a murder via social media and cell phone use. Obviously that requires a high bar but it is admissable.

I think that for character reference and victim blaming or piecing together a chain of events the bar is going to be lower.

FB and other media sites have chosen to be handsoff policing most things except horse sales and nursing mother photos. But a person with a lawyer can certainly get social media comments shut down with regular libel laws. In that case there is no question that the social media site is under the control of the registered user.

Likewise people have been fired from jobs, expelled from college, or refused admission, based on social media posts. Again the authenticity is not questioned.

I think because FB won’t police its users that we tend to think no one can. But the same legal parameters apply to FB as to any written communication or record. And you can get deleted material with a subpoena. Nothing ever really gets erased on FB.