Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Quite frankly, by her posts and her posts alone - I don’t want her in our sport. She is a toxin.


Hmmm…her “friends” have gone silent…well atleast on the comments we can see.

I would think/hope she is just adding info for MBs attorneys.

No, I don’t think this is all for COTHers benefits. This is a bit too much in writing, and going too far.


Interesingly, she mentions something about being in the apartment in an empty barn, I think, can’t find where she said that, but she in essence is admitting that her horses are gone. But she’s still there. What possible excuse could she have for being on that property, now that her horses aren’t even there any more?


I suspect Ruth may not be adept at FB, and may not even be aware that she has posted those threats on her pictures of resuce dogs.


I hope there is some sort of security at the farm to prevent the barn from being stripped, and/or farm equipment and possibly personal possessions taken.


Maybe she knows full well the crazy that’s being posted on her page. I’d probably let her keep writing too. Give someone enough rope…


To receive a visit from CPS for a specious and false report of child abuse is a life altering experience. False child abuse accusation is the nuclear weapon of interpersonal wars. There is no going back; it is a declaration of total, no-holds-barred, scorched-and-salted earth warfare. It cannot be erased or excused or minimized or forgiven. It marks a man forever.

I had it done to me by an ex-wife who called multiple times in two states. For many years, I simply would not interact with any child, would never allow myself to be alone with one, would avoid women with children. Thirty years later, it still affects every interaction I have with an underage girl.


That’s horrible. I’ve seen that done. I’ve seen what false accusations about children can do to individuals. I believe that CPS came the same day that this shooting incident happened. I think I had heard that they had found no validity to the complaint, and it was LK who had called them accusing MB of child abuse. If she was “sitting on her porch reading a book” while CPS was investigating, that is particularly cold. And now, after hearing her going aft RC and MH accusing them of animal abuse in a patently false manner, I can just imagine how she went after MB. [Edit]


That’s horrible. I’ve seen that done. I’ve seen what false accusations about children can do to individuals. I believe that CPS came the same day that this shooting incident happened. I think I had heard that they had found no validity to the complaint, and it was LK who had called them accusing MB of child abuse. If she was “sitting on her porch reading a book” while CPS was investigating, that is particularly cold. And now, after hearing her going aft RC and MH accusing them of animal abuse in a patently false manner, I can just imagine how she went after MB. [Edit]

I honestly don’t think that Ruth Cox understands how FB works. She seems like a nice older lady who believes that sharing a photo of a sad dog multiple times on her timeline gives that dog “a prayer per share”. She probably has no idea that LK is going back through her old posts of sad dogs and ranting underneath them. That LK seems to think this woman is some sort of criminal mastermind is boggling. Every day this whole mess feels like it’s sliding closer and closer to something else going seriously wrong.


This gets more crazy by the hour!

This will not work out well for her in the long run, this behavior.

This is what happens when people don’t have a purpose to their life and too much time on their hands. They do weird crap and become obsessed with others. Especially others that do have a purpose, or a nice life, it’s like they cannot stand it and have to destroy it. So sad.


That was the conclusion MB came to as he was lead away. “I had a nice life…”


Yeah, it looks like he did. Maybe he should’ve been more thoughtful and not let the crazy in.

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I’m so sorry that happened to you.

It’s quite sad to watch how LK behaves. I have so many questions about how and why she is like this.


As much as we can’t help postulating about this whole thing, I think it is probably very very hard to guess about what MB could and couldn’t do, ought to, and ought not to have done. After tonight, reading LK ramp up her psycho babble, I can imagine being a step behind what she was doing to them, and them trying to get ahead of her and get her out of their house and off their property. It must have been dizzying.

However, I find that “not let the crazy in” comes after experiencing the crazy, and you finally get it and stop letting toxic nutzo people into your life, but you have to see it coming to say “no”. Not always easy to do.


I can agree with that. There are also some people more willing to give others a chance, despite questionable reputations or behaviors. Or some people simply don’t want to see the crazy. And those con artists types can be pretty slick too. It can be hard to get ahead of someone that plays dirty/illegally/has no morals when you are not that type of person.

Really hard to say exactly what the deal was, how you (g) would have acted, etc. When you were not in the situation. I don’t envy anyone in this situation.


Laughing that posters here think any lawyer with any talent will be pulling up posts from the Chronicle of the horse message board 😂😂 ya ok.

Also, it seems many are not aware of the difficulties of providing postings from ones internet use in court, as you have to prove that the person writing, was the one sitting at the computer, typing the posts at that exact place and time and that exact location etc. Do you really think a judge is going to issue a warrant to get her computer if the defence says - “well she said posting crazy ramblings on Fb!” It’s not easy to prove who was using a computer at any given time. It’s highly unlikely the defence would ever waste time and energy on something the prosecution could so easily write off to the jury as trauma response.


I’m going to imagine that cuckoo as her posts are on various platforms, there’s other evidence of same in admissible forms. :wink:



”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹The video surveillance at the farm, in the barns, around the property… I wonder if they can be viewed remotely, and if anyone is still monitoring those on some level. Seems to me someone should keep tabs on a certain party.

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Exactly. Plus, keeping an eye on her, so to speak.