Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

IS the dog just nasty by nature or does it attack on command?

And a thunderstorm.
And a troll in the girlā€™s washroom.
And ROUS sent by LK.
And LK will have tampered with the Tri-Wizard tournament.
And there will be swat teams converging on the Nakatomi Plaza on Christmas Eve.
And Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion will help LK ascend to the Iron Throne - DRACARYS!


Except for targetted gangland killings (the major form of gun violence in my area), my guess is that very few people ā€œintendā€ to shoot to kill when they take a gun to a dispute. On the other hand a gun is only scary if the possibility exists that you might use it. So thereā€™s a bit of cognitive dissonance involved in taking a gun out to threaten someone. Nevertheless I think most people who brandish one donā€™t actually plan to use it until it suddenly seems like a good idea to pull the trigger. How you prove this one way or the other is beyond me.

Where I live I think that if you downgraded attempted murder it would then be some version of assault with a deadly weapon or causing bodily harm (wording differs from place to place). And I think that the effect on the victim would play a role in the eventual sentencing because there is a wide range of sentences depending on weapon and injuries, etc. If itā€™s a cranberry juice bottle in a bar catfight, no jail time.

When you have a seriously injured victim as here, it does make sense for authorities to wait and see if the victim dies, and then if the victim has sustained life changing injuries, none of which would be clear at the time of arrest.
From what Iā€™ve read here, MB was arrested and charged and jailed under the no bail system but the prosecutor then has 90 days to arraign him and present the actual charges for the trial.

Iā€™ve known people to have operations on the torso, and no one was fully recovered in 4 weeks. Or in 8. My guess is thereā€™s a lot of bluffing going on in LKā€™s selfies and that her recovery time will be longer than she claims. Itā€™s also very possible that sheā€™s on opiate painkillers that are not a good match for her general dissociation from reality. I expect that IRL she is still mostly housebound. 40 year old women donā€™t recover that fast.

Most victims of violent crime donā€™t downplay their injuries. If anything they exaggerate a little with an eye to their victim witness statement and a potential civil suite.

As far as the horses, the only scenario I can think of that makes sense is that a responsible adult (family or family employee, lawyer etc) has organized disappearing them right out of state to some facility where LK is not welcome and canā€™t visit because itā€™s too far away, and she may not know the exact location.


Whoa - why in the world wasnā€™t animal control called about the dog for the first attack? Was it the first time the dog attacked someone ever? Unprovoked? Not under her control? If no one can call the dog off, itā€™s not under control and that is a legal problem in my home state.


Just nasty!!


Iā€™m surprised she was permitted to keep it on the property if it has a history of nastiness/aggression. The risks are so high. There are laws on the books in NJ regarding dogs that bite or cause injury to people.


Yup pretty trippy for sure. Cothā€™s very own house of mirrors ;).


So a danger to the kids who resided on the property, not to mention the other adults, ie those working there?
And perhaps the horses and barn cats?


Dog was not allowed up at the barn, kids were warned away from the dog. Dog was supposed to be chained up if not inside.


A friend had a similar experience with a woman who used to post on this board (under her real name). The woman made a chunk of change bsā€™ing the naƃĀÆve and old pros alike. But hey, they were adults and she provided contracts and as far as I know, breeding certificates. Used the money to party, party, party. Got PG, moved into a friendā€™s barn apartment and used the sob story, and good nature of my friend, as excuses to never ONCE pay rent. It took ages to get evict. Still mooching off her parents as far as I know. Kid is happy and safe, thank heavens.

I feel many trainers would fall for LKā€™s charms and swoop her up in a minute, especially with this threadā€™s current pile-on in mind (along with the all-mighty lure of perceived wealth). Some of these posts are as bullying as those of SW, so much so that I feel they are cultivating sympathy for her. Difficult to imagine, I know, but I can see things moving that way.


LK would have us believe her surgeons were surprised to not find a 3rd ā€œbullet casingā€Ā in her chest.

Once again, for someone who brags about how she owns multiple guns and isnā€™t afraid to use them ā€¦ she hasnā€™t the slightest clue what sheā€™s talking about.

And as to telling the Federation ā€¦ is she expecting them to send Captain Kirk out to take care of MB once and for all? Or she thinks that the USDF is going to come to the rescue and kick out MH so that LK can have the tiara and her rightful place on the Olympic team? Iā€™m so confused.


Surgeons are pretty stingy with opiates these days. Mr P had triple bypass March 29 and did not leave the hospital with a prescription for opiates. While he didnā€™t sustain broken ribs the surgery does involve splitting the sternum and coughing or laughing did indeed hurt. I think the worst however was the boredom and exercise intolerance caused by the transfusions. That took about 3 or 4 weeks to clear up. He had a 10 lb. weight limit, was back at work in 6 to 8 weeks and playing golf within 3 months. He was in the hospital 5 days post surgery

I would expect the lung damage would lengthen her healing process but he is 72 and she is 38.

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so the dog was a known [because clearly precautions were taken] danger to the kids and others.


Regardless of all the theories thrown about here, whatever happened, in order for a murder charge to stick, the prosecution has to be able to prove that MB took the gun with him with the intent to murder LK and the BF. I think thatā€™s going to be pretty difficult to do, what with the dog and the boyfriend not being a small dude himself, and the general craziness going on.

Plus, it was not his gun, it was a 9mm with a target load, full metal jacket bullets, the kind of thing you might use on a groundhog, but not a particularly fatal weapon to use on a human being (hence her speedy recovery). You can bet if those bullets had mushroomed, she would not have been taking selfies 3 weeks later.


Yes, and if she leaves to go see them, she might be dispossessed of the property sheā€™s squatting on.

Does she or family have a place in florida, where the horses might have been taken? She has winter florida movments she usually makes?


I would say this totally depends on the individual hospital/surgeon. I had out patient surgery on my finger and got a prescription for 20 Tylenol with codeine. Took one the first night but probably didnā€™t need it. Only took Advil once or twice. I was truly shocked they gave me a prescription for that many.

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Plus no one died, so heā€™s not being charged with murder. :wink:

Still not good to shoot someone, of course. Attempted murder is no joke.

As long as weā€™re speculating, maybe he had the gun on his person because he was afraid of getting attacked by her dogs that were already known to be aggressive. It sounds as though all someone would have to do is release them.


The dog bit MB, not MH. MH was not a witness to the shooting.

Sorry, Attempted Murder.

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I was prescribed Tramadol for a broken wrist a few years back, made me nauseous and I discontinued it. I know someone who still gets Oxycontin for chronic back pain. Terminally ill friend lived on morphine for 4 years. I donā€™t see any evidence they are bring restricted at least in Canada for legit prescriptionsā€¦ Itā€™s street fentanyl that is killing record numbers of drug users right now. May be different in the USA with recent lawsuit etc.