Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

What are the Vegas odds, I wonder, on LK and RG trashing the property? Not that this has any damn thing to do with the attempted murder charge, just speculating. Seems to be commonplace where residency rights are in dispute, and with LK being such a class act and all…


I was referring specifically t to recent experience with post surgical pain


This is the first I’ve heard about a dog. Does anyone know what kind of dog it is? Is it purse sized, or pit bull, or somewhere in between? Just curious about how scary the dog might be in a tense situation. Regardless, I feel sorry for the dog.


Fun fact for some of us - if you have a German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, or any dog that is over 50 pounds, your home insurance may drop you if they find out about it. So get umbrella insurance and be certain to train your dogs not to snap or jump on people.

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There was the story much earlier on this thread about somebody who had a bad roommate situation which was instantly resolved when the other roommate brought out her gun and did not point it at anyone, but just had it visible and nearby. So maybe someone might think that was a viable course of action. It might be an approach that works perfectly sometimes, and goes south in a big way at other times, depending on the people involved.

Regarding the remarkably fast recovery time. I knew someone many years ago who was in a medically induced coma for several days following a riding injury. Obviously the physical issues were different, but she was certainly not up and about in four weeks. I don’t think she was even out of the ICU in four weeks. She was most definitely not at a convenience store within a month.


Indeed we only have LK’s word that this photo in the convenience store was taken after her recovery. It could have been an old photo from a year ago.


Also very true.

Are there any newspapers in the background so we could really do the CSI thing and examine the dates and headlines? Or maybe the expiration dates on the food products? Sorry, but the whole situation is just so wacky. :lol:

Maybe it was an old picture. Or maybe she made a remarkably fast recovery. Or maybe the original injuries were not as described. Hard to say. It’s all just conjecture at this point.


She was at the house that day also, so it was a current picture.


Without knowing the details of her injuries, beyond being shot twice in the chest, it’s hard to say what is a reasonable recovery time for her to be up and about. My brother recently had a lung transplant, which is about as major as major surgery gets with an incision that wraps halfway around his torso. He was out of the hospital within two weeks. At four weeks post-surgery, the physical therapist was encouraging him to get out for short walks. Although he couldn’t drive himself at that point, he was physically mobile enough for a short trip to a store. Maybe not a Costco shopping trip, but a convenience store visit would have been fine.


How would the surgeons know about where the bullet casing went? I doubt they were at the crime scene looking for it, and you don’t get shot with the casing. If she wants to sound believable, she should at least use the right terminology. 🙄


I noticed with my last couple of surgeries (in Canada) they are quite happy tonprescribe Tramadol or Tylenol 3 for pain management, but not Percocet anymore.


Curious… where are MB’s other clients now? Are horses still on the property?

There has been significant controls placed on prescribing opiates and benzos here in Canada in the last few years.


Both Tramadol and Tylenol 3 (codeine) are opiates.

Codeine isn’t exactly an opiate, but Tramadol is definitely a synthetic opiate (just not a very fun one IMHO).

Yes of course they are. I said they’re significantly controlled and monitored by the government in Canada.

My recent surgery in Sept. 2017 they sent me home with a bottle of oxy mixed with another, I think percocet. 2 week prescription. I asked for a refill and got it and then I was fine and done.

They may be controlled and monitored but I don’t see any reduction in how often they are bring prescribed here. Someone with the injuries we’re talking about here would likely have some form of opioid pain relief which was how we got onto this topic, I think I wondered about painkillers being part of a downward spiral in mental health that was quite obvious.

Every time I look at her comments, I cringe. I can’t believe there are no family, friends, or lawyers that can convince her that her social media tirades are a bad choice right now.


I’m not sure where she said it, but she referred to herself as living in the empty barn. It was an aside enough for me to think she was probably telling the truth, couple days ago. That means, to me, that her horses are gone, as are MB’s horses. No one is there. And yes, I have no doubt she would destroy the place if she thinks she can’t have it.