Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think she’s bluffing. She says whatever she thinks will paint more of a world leaning in the direction of herself as innocent, and blameless victim. That’s what I have gleaned from her these past few weeks.


She is so strange.

And likes being the victim a little too much methinks.

Based off of what I know (not much at all) I am doubtful that MH was jealous of her. Just a vibe a get. Who knows.

I don’t know how many horses MB had at his stable for boarding and training, but how come they could all jump ship so quickly and find somewhere else to go yet LK and her horse’s couldn’t? And she just kept her self in what she even claimed was a bad/dangerous situation.


Bold claim to make though, especially in writing. What if the GF has a lawyer? Might it be libel? I know that if someone accused me of ordering someone to shoot them, I’d be making a few calls to a legal professional.


No doubt. I wouldnt be surprised


I hope Haskins does exactly that.

Meanwhile, any attorneys hired by Kanarek must be draining that still dry daily!


She has issues and probably thinks she is smarter than everyone else so why listen to them?

Like disease-advocates who can’t do basic math or understand how the vaccine reporting system works. They gamble with their kids’ lives and the lives of others too. When I was undergoing chemo I can’t tell you how much I appreciated that all my co-workers made a point of getting their flu shots, etc. Dragging myself to work every day was hard enough without worrying about if someone sneezing nearby would finish the job. :slight_smile:


There are plenty of personality disorders to go around in this situation. Shaming the victim, celebrating a shooting, encouraging hate, all sad to see and dangerous. Different from observers trying to figure out what happen and attempting to understand how a conflict between people ended up in such a tragedy for all involved.

CHD is an offshoot of the obsessive-compulsive family of disorders and is certainly one of the most dangerous. An individual suffering from CHD will respond to a wrong, or a perceived wrong, as a lethal threat to their personal well being and will begin a process of incrementally exaggerating the magnitude of the personal affront, or perceived personal affront, until they can justify to themselves the death of the object of their hatred. While it is true that people suffering from CHD rarely go through with the killing, they are prone to repeatedly try to encourage others to hate the individual in question to the same degree as them, and hopefully respond with a physical manifestation of that hatred.”


I just spent entirely too long trying to find this as an actual diagnosis.

I do find it interesting that this could apply to multiple parties in this event, at different times. And I think there’s some cosmic forces at play, that folks with these kinds of personalities keep crashing into each other and multiplying the crazy. (not just the LK/MB interaction, but several of the others that LK has had in the past that played themselves out right here on this thread).


Yeah, when something is defined by the Urban Dictionary it’s not a diagnosis.

CHD (Compulsive Hatred Disorder)
CHD is an offshoot of the obsessive-compulsive family of disorders and is certainly one of the most dangerous. An individual suffering from CHD will respond to a wrong, or a perceived wrong, as a lethal threat to their personal well being and will begin a process of incrementally exaggerating the magnitude of the personal affront, or perceived personal affront, until they can justify to themselves the death of the object of their hatred. While it is true that people suffering from CHD rarely go through with the killing, they are prone to repeatedly try to encourage others to hate the individual in question to the same degree as them, and hopefully respond with a physical manifestation of that hatred.
Individual X’s CHD (Compulsive Hatred Disorder) prevented her from holding down a regular job. Once she achieved employment she would make efforts to socialize. Invariably as a result of that socializing, something would be said that would rub her the wrong way. The emotional injury would then be left to fester until the only solution was to exaggerate its severity and come to the conclusion that the affront-causing speaker needed to be eradicated from the workplace or indeed from the world itself. She would then proceed to poison the work environment by trying to get other employees to agree with her.


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That is a term from the Urban Dictionary. A description, not something that is diagnosable per the DSM.



I can’t quite wrap my head around it because the concept is just so…out there…but it almost seems as though LK is GLAD she got shot. She certainly seems to bask in the attention it’s garnered her.


Yes, it was a typo. I meant MB. There are too many initials going around. Is there a rule about not using actual names?

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I think it’s more laziness and not wanting to type the whole names out over and over lol


Would you block her ? Someone who appears to be so mentally unstable ? LK is in the community, and can show up at any time, and any place. The case can be made for letting LK continue to post all she wants; it benefits the defense.


She has been claiming that since she woke up from surgery, if you read all of her posts.


FWIW regulations on opioid prescriptions vary by state. NJ limits initial prescriptions to 5 days. MA was the first state to impose these limits, starting in 2016. Sorry I can’t post a link, my computer is in the shop so I’m using my Kindle


She said that MH made phone calls to every BNT and warned them about her, and then advised MH that she shouldn’t have done that if MH wanted her out of the barn. Apparently smaller or less well-known barns were not suitable, and she would have rather risked her life.

She says that some of the people MH called told her, because of course they like LK better. So if they liked LK better, why did LK not end up at one of their barns?


Right? He wanted her gone, she said he was frightening her, she can afford 5 or 6 horses but can’t figure out how to get them into a big trailer, throw her belongings and dogs into a truck and leave.

Maybe we shouldn’t ruin this bit of street theatre with logic.

Like…the battle scene with the dead in GoT. WHO would send their cavalry blindly into the dark? THEN chuck magic missiles at them? Put their foot soldiers in FRONT of the trench? Not have their spotter plane/spy (Bran) in communication with their battleships (the dragons)? Come on - they spent years getting medieval warfare right and then blow it. Plus other problems with subsequent episodes that make me grind my teeth.

It was fun THEATRE but it really bothered me that they did so many things WRONG strategically. Ugh.


LK did not end up at their barns, because she had ZERO intentions of ever leaving!


As an aside…how did I just go from working hunter to greenie? That’s weird.

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