Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

FINALLY GoT got in the mix!! :lol::lol:


Mine did that too?!?

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Does anyone know what hotel they are holed up in? Since she commented it wasnā€™t up to her 5* standards, I picture it as a roadside motel like Bonnie & Clyde! :cool:


I feel like thatā€™s a little bit stalker-y.


I stopped watching GoT in the second season, in protest, when they killed off the only man-candy, Khal Drogo.


A bit?? :lol:

There is a lot of talk in this thread that is rather stalker-y. Some posters sound like they are right at that barn and know every detail about what is going on and who is where, what they are doing etc. As I said in an earlier post, they feign innocence that they are just having a ā€œdiscussionā€ but are far closer to participants and events than they are admittingā€¦

Ah, but then you missed the visceral satisfaction of seeing Littlefinger get his throat slashedā€¦


Again I have to ask, why bring up Trump ? Was he at the Barisone farm shooting ? As for archives, thereā€™s a very telling video of a politician bragging about how he manipulated a foreign country, and other video of the head of a federal agency bragging on how he took advantage of a new administration, one that he worked for. Iā€™d say their names, but they werenā€™t at the Barisone farm shooting either.


Where was this posted, please?
Your screenshot is illegible.

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What if the dog is actually at the center of this? Itā€™s aggressive tendencies are why MB and MH had to leave the house. That is the reason RC felt her horse was threatened and stayed outside of itā€™s stall with her gun. Finally, it attacked someone. MB, who is liable as property owner, showed restraint and finally went to end the dog. Legal, I donā€™t know but it was threatening horses. There was an altercation and we see the results. RC posts on FB how it is wrong to chain dogs, baiting LK. LK calls her a hypocrite. I think itā€™s plausible.


Oh for heavenā€™s sake - it was just an example (the most obvious one) in passing of how social media platforms can legally be used against someone at some point and thus was relevant to this thread. It was not a political rant - although you decided to continue in that vein - even without mentioning names, you made it into a political ā€œrantā€ā€¦ so why bring all that up?


No not the case at all!!


For the win? :lol:


Now to bring in Downton Abbey and we will have a complete winner!!


But her emailsā€¦


I took her comment to mean ā€œdoes anyone know for sure whether she is staying in a motel?ā€ As in wanting to know if sheā€™s moved back to the farm or not.


I figured they were not asking the specific hotel and address of the hotel. More along the lines of is she at a Marriott and still considers that slumming? So only a Ritz Carlton or Waldorf Astoria is good enough. Or is it a Motel 6?

I didnā€™t get a stalker vibe just curiosity about LKā€™s standards regarding hotels.


Iā€™m not sure one can call it ā€˜stalkingā€™ when it requires nothing more than looking at her self published, open to the public Facebook page. :rolleyes:


On her FB page, itā€™s public. I donā€™t know how to make the attachment any more readable, sorry.

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Can you IMAGINE the Dowager Countessā€™ reaction to all this??? It would be worse than when they installed the electric lights.


Has anyone mentioned Hitler or Nazis yet? Probably. Iā€™ve lost track.

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