Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Have there been any updates on LK? Last I heard she was in a medically-induced coma, just wondering if anyone’s said anything new?


I saw some comments from her friends on FB that she was awake and talking a few days ago.


Thanks. And is Barisone out of the hospital? I guess not much has been said about him other than his arraignment happening tomorrow.


I read that he was released from the hospital on Friday and is in jail until his arraignment.

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We can still block users, right? If so, then report him/her and then block them. Then you never see the comments. Or at least that’s what I used to do back in the “olden” days.

People are also allowed to file lawsuits from jail and prison. There is no worse feeling than to believe you “put someone away” only to have them serve you with an injunction from the dead. Remember resurrection.

Well I hope we can find out what happens all around.

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So do I.

And did the murder by bopping the victim over the head with an organic chemistry textbook

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Now that you say that, I wonder where those horses are?

On the one hand, you would think that they would have been moved immediately. On the other hand, those people have probably been pretty busy with other matters in the past week.

And are there other horses still at Barisone’s? Does he own some himself that would have had nowhere else to go?


Given her background and rap sheet, in addition to her fiancé ‘s , I doubt there are many people willing to take her on as a boarder.

That was a mistake Barisone may have made initially, if he didn’t do a background check.

QUOTE=Marla 100;n10453524]

Yes agree, and I hope that victim LK and her fiance have mustered enough help to move both her horses and their belongings to another barn and residence. For everyone’s safety.



Last I heard his assistant was there running things “as usual” (or as much as could be expected considering).


Interesting - somewhere in the last few days, I thought someone ( a person local to the area) posted that all the clients had moved their horses out. It got me to wondering how big his business is/was and how many horses he personally owns.


Do you mean his girlfriend? Oh, to be a fly on the wall…

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Interesting. I would say that “as usual” certainly deserves the quotation marks under the circumstances. I hope that they are able to pay the staff, given the current logistics.

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Justin Hardin is his assistant trainer. Not sure who the barn manager is. MB’s partner Mary runs her own business out of the facility for children and ponies. They also have a facility near West Palm Beach. MB is very good friends with Michael Poulin, and probably more BNTs. I’m sure the resources are there to keep things running but the psychological trauma (for all) must have been paralyzing. Thank heavens horses keep (the rest of) us sane.

The waiting is the hardest part. And tomorrow is a full moon.


So does anyone know how many horses were on the property a week ago? And how many are there now? It sounds like it must be a pretty big operation under normal circumstances.

Many trainers own a place in S. Fl. as MB does in Loxahatchee and then rent/lease a farm up north. I’m wondering if he is

just leasing this farm for the summers.


If LK is being truthful, she said on fb that MB encouraged her to bring all her (6) horses to his NJ facility. She suspected he

had $$$ problems until he got an insurance check.

If this is the case, maybe he no longer had a reason to put up with a difficult client. Could also be the reason he rented the

home on the property to her, if money was short.

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