Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

We’re still talking about the shooting, right? Can we get back to that? Any new news?


I was desperately trying to change the subject. Sorry it was off topic, but it was Dressage related. :yes:

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I missed that one. Maybe it’s just as well.

@skydy Sorry - wasn’t pointed at you - I was really talking about our ahem visitor.

No sweat. :slight_smile:

Phew. Finally!!! Any more news about LK and MB?

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And a PINK gun, at that !

Thank you moderator!


Amen! Although the screenshots might be key for posterity in the future. Too wild to believe!

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Since the chicken is already locked in the oven, can we put the pink gun in the open trailer with the blue saddle?


Sorry for the delay! :eek:


I think Colonel Mustard took it to the library.


How did the thread just go from 34 pages to 30? Was that all what Mardi started & the Mod deleted?


I wonder what the police reports say for the previous visits to the farm.


What are “public accomodations”? Is that another word for a hotel ?

Yes, but not nearly as much as you might think - at least publicly. On his Dover’s World page, most of the comments are overwhelmingly in agreement with RD, and show a shocking lack of knowledge of the SafeSport process, and very little empathy for the victims.

As somebody said on one of the few comments expressing surprise / outrage, it’s one thing to lend emotional support and be worried about a friend but another to defend or condone their actions. Jacquie Brooks posted concern for Michael Barisone but was very clearly NOT condoning his actions. Even then she got blasted by a number of people. Robert continues to promote the myth that the SafeSport process is unfair and denied George due process, and even started a fundraiser for GM’s legal costs, yet few people taking him to task for it.


Huh? They “go after” the people who are reported.




Ok clearly this person wants to draw attention away from the subject at hand.

Yes the gun could just as easily have been MB’s. LK’s Facebook posts reeked of drama, but that still doesn’t warrant being shot. Of course there is speculation around what happened, because the situation is odd (but not all that startling due to the drama that sometimes comes with horse people). No one looks particularly shiny from this incident, but the victim is still very much a victim.


I was curious to see whether Stephen Colbert would address this topic on his show Monday night, since I think that was the first episode he has taped since last Wednesday. And he did have that dressage lesson with Barisone some years back, plus Colbert lives in New Jersey, so he might have heard about it on the local news. But he didn’t mention it. Of course, these days he has lots of other news to cover every day. And then some.

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