Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Makes me chuckle too. Does she even have her bronze medal? The only LK on Centerline Scores does not appear to have the qualifying scores for their bronze.


I guess they just assumed that any FEI level test is “internationally ranked competition”. She was also described as an “aspiring dressage trainer” despite being an adult amateur in her late 30s with a few quality horses who has been involved in the sport for what, 5 years or less?


Centerline no longer has all scores listed (I believe USDF went after them?). For example, a friend is listed as receiving their Silver medal this month, which she did, but going to the rider’s page, no scores listed since July 2018.

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His life may be ruined. She is laying up in the hospital in intensive care. Her friends have made loyal and loving statements. People are trashing either/or both? This is tragic. Come on now. We can do better than this. No I don’t know either one, just saw him on Colbert. No dog in this hunt.


But hasn’t there been some confusion as to whether MB’s name is also listed as part owner of LK’s horses? So I wonder if that presents some legal red tape in moving them, if they haven’t been moved yet.


From Chronological of Horse today (https://www.chronofhorse.com/article
cheduled-court) “The police report also included information from an interview with Goodwin after the shooting. He said he and Kanarek were at the residence when Barisone arrived. After a brief conversation between Kanarek and Barisone outside, Goodwin heard gunshots and saw that Kanarek had been wounded. He said Barisone then aimed at him but missed, and he attempted to disarm and subdue Barisone as he waited for help.”

Poorly written but shares same information, this is from KAN36NEWS (https://www.kxan36news.com/olympic-r
-neighbor-view) “There was only a very brief verbal altercation. Then Barisone whipped out the gun. He came in and knew exactly what he would do,” said a police spokesman.


Yikes, police spokesman. Speculation.


If you do a search on Usef LK is listed as the owners of Frontline and Even Better. Jay-T is listed with MB as the owner. She is also listed as the owner on record for a 1999 mare named Symphony. LK also owns a tb gelding in NC and had posted on FB that she was inporting another mare named Rose

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Precisely. The only “good” news is that no one was killed. I feel the insanity, the literal senselessness of the event is makes many of us, myself included, seek some straw to grasp so we can bleeping understand why this happened.


Huh? That celebrity news site looks like a bot chewed up and spit out bits and pieces of what’s been reported elsewhere, in a far less intelligible form.

Nothing new reported here.

ETA: On second thought, this has some comedic value.

“Clearance stand” in place of “eviction”! Ha!

“The front of a big, red sign that says clearance stand,” says neighbor Bob Jenkins.

Now to disinfect my computer after visiting a site that looks like it exists primarily to transmit digital herpes.


Has anyone been able to verify the source of her “unlimited funds”? I knew a person years ago that never worked and

always had ‘money’. Seems she always had 3 or 4 lawsuits going on at a time. Here in Fl. we’ve had groups of people

who intentionally cause accidents but know how to not be charged. And then they scoop up large awards for pain and injury.


Thanks for the clarification. I have not showed in a couple years so have not kept up with USDF and Centerline Scores.

I wondered about that part as well.

At the same time, I have to wonder about the validity of any source of information on the subject by this point. It seems like there have been lots of different versions coming from lots of different directions.


Technically, anyone who has won a ribbon at a horse show is “an award winning equestrian”. :slight_smile:

It’s great to see you back Mod1.


It will be interesting to see what happens with this mess. I understand that horses attract some drama riddled folks, but it’s unfortunate that whatever happened escalated to the point of a shooting.


squeaked out the bronze.


I’m trying to picture this

“Hey, you’re gay. Should a man have a pink gun?”

Why is a gay person a better source for such a question than anyone else?
The whole gun color thing is just playing into gender stereotypes and it’s ridiculous and there are pages at this point of people bickering over the color of the gun and who could possibly be the owner of it.


Thanks for the laugh! :lol:


I’m feeling a lot more accomplished now :slight_smile:


Totally using that in my next bio.