Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

No bronze medal. She hadn’t completed the 2nd level scores.
Started competing March 2016.


And that no horses were injured by stray bullets.


I wish poi all would stop with the pink gun!

OOPSY…2 scores, 2 shows, same judge. Either didnt read the rules closely or liar, liar, pants on fire:confused:


Admittedly, I read the first 17 pages, then skipped to the end. Dreadful story for all involved, and I have no comment, riding, homophobic guns, who-dunnit farriers in wash stalls, blue saddles, chickens in ovens, vermits, fruitbats, llamas or otherwise… but I did locate this:


Apologies if its old hat. Carry on.

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She comes from a well-off, but not substantially wealthy Jewish family, though her family name is common so she may have extended family all over the East Coast, particularly in both NC and FL. Her father is a lawyer and her mom has a hodge-podge resume that spans a variety of industries and roles that make no logical sense beyond “someone I know got me this job”, which is typical in that area. They are nothing special by NJ/NY standards, but they certainly make enough to have a comfortable life and their social media indicates that the women in the family enjoy “the finer things in life”, with a bit of a socialite spin. There are signs that she has been estranged from them - possibly her father, for the most part - for a long time due to her bad behavior and poor life choices, but has recently come back into the fold, so I doubt they have been funding her adventures in horsemanship and the home she lives in is owned by someone else and appears to be a rental property, according to the tax records. As for her funding, I found an unverifiable snippet of Internet news text that said she and her fiance won the lottery and could now afford an NC wedding, but I couldn’t find anything more than that. Beyond that, there is no indication where her money has been coming from as she has apparently somehow destroyed or scrubbed almost everything regarding herself, prior to her ascension to Dressage Diva. There is no indication from the schools that she claims to have attended that she ever finished any college degrees and she doesn’t seem to have Facebook friends from those schools. I don’t know if I want to speculate too much about her means of income, though I have a probable theory that I’ll keep to myself for now. Her fiance is equally mysterious, beyond his court records, so I can’t speculate about his own income source beyond what might be.


And sadly - and correctly - Colbert’s PR team is ahead of the curve and deleted his famous piaffing with MB this is all that remains:




Colbert’s Sport Report on dressage was pretty much the funniest thing ever to happen to dressage. A favorite for giving non-equestrian friends a tiny taste of what dressage is about when they ask you what the heck you spend all your time doing. A good-natured laugh at the frippery that still manages to provide a wee glimpse of horsemanship and the coordination the sport requires. I’m sad to hear it’s been mostly scrubbed from the net, though I can understand the instinct to distance a public persona from criminal charges this serious.


I have been racking my brain trying to figure out where I had heard Barisone’s name before, I was thinking it much have been a clinic, but then your post reminded me. Thanks!:smiley:

the kind quoting the police spokesperson. Was that a trick question?


Omg. Between the chickens, the fruitbats, and the llamas, there are some old animals popping back up on the BB this week. Wow.


Now that news makes me sad. It was that dressage lesson that turned me into a Colbert fan in the first place.


Fret not. Both part 1 and part 2 of Stephen Colbert’s dressage lesson are still available on the Comedy Central website:


This has been sort of bothering me a little - really, so many reasons why this would bother a person. as a side note, I’m not a gun owner, I’m not fanatically against guns, but I also don’t see the point in owning a gun without good reason so of course, I also see no reason to ever shoot anyone (except in extreme degrees of self defense).

All that said, this whole story is the type of nightmare situation that I always think about with any given person…
You could be going along in your life, just doing your thing, and suddenly in the blink of an eye, a mistake/bad decision/something completely out of your control has altered the course of your life in an extreme degree for the rest of your life. The life you spent decades building might no longer be there. It’s horrendous to think about.

This goes for both of them. I honestly believe in my heart that neither person woke up that morning with the intention of ending the day that either person did. I’m not saying bad mistakes weren’t made. I just always get stuck in moments like these. Neither person will ever have the life they had from this point forward and it makes me sad to think about.


Omg. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


True. There is a poster here on CoTH who got to Bronze by following Jane Savoie’s “Happy Horse” CD training program. After bronze, she needed to get an instructor to help her go further.

Edit: FYI for any non-horse journalists who may be following the thread…

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the madness continues.

You quoted a quote, and asked what kind of reporter writes x. surely you understand what quotes are.


Such a sad situation, but the Colbert videos did make me laugh. Thanks for sharing them. Time will tell, and hopefully the truth will come out.


[h=1]From that KXAN-26 site headline: Olympic rider low shoots neighbor view[/h] Huh? and then there’s this: It is a Drama with notice.

Yes, it is indeed.

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I don’t think she did: https://www.facebook.com/guy.goodwin.56