Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

This is the only interesting thing there. They stopped covering the story after they post the sidebar about George Morris and SS during JH’s testimony. But Bilinkas has a few things to say about the SS report…



Many aren’t even in the USA!


It’s been a heck of a day and I really don’t have the energy to slog though several hundred posts of the same old, same old.

I’m just curious whether @hut-ho78 ever explained why she just happened to refer to RG as “Guy,” way back at the beginning, when those of us with no personal ties or inside information only knew of him as “Robert” or “Robert Guy Goodwin?”


No one was speaking of active shooters, and your continuing to compare this situation to these others is disgusting.


Nope. Hut has not answered that question yet. Which I agree, is a very good question that should be answered.
And @CurrentlyHorseless has not bothered to answer the questions about the police report that they claim to have read.


Yes, somewhat. There were two people before me who referred to RG’s full name. There is also this below. At the time, RG’s and LK’s FB pages were still open to the public. One person trashed RG to the point the mods had already edited the post.

alicenGrand Prix

Aug '19

[quote=“MyssMyst, post:849, topic:460709”]

I don’t think she did: https://www.facebook.com/guy.goodwin.56

I find it disgusting that you continue to make light of the fact that RG saved everyone that day. No matter what else he has done with his life, he took down an active shooter. Good for RG. Things would be a lot worse for MB if he hadn’t.

Proud papa? LOL!

The main guy, the veteran that took down the active shooter in Colorado Springs is being hassled by SM. Are y’all commenting there too?

There is not a single shred of evidence that this occurred the way you propose.

Maybe you can get together with @CurrentlyHorseless and work on those (delusional) movies in your head. You are quite the pair!


Are you forgetting that your beloved Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman testified that he saw that the gun was jammed. So even if we are going to go along with your active shooter theory (which this was not), there was no active shooting happening because RGG/JES/Superman said the gun was jammed before he attacked. Or was RGG/JES/Superman lying on the stand about the whole jammed gun thing?

It is disgusting to compare this situation to the situations you are comparing it to. Period.


Two bullet holes in LK who flatlined twice.

Officer Wettenberg saying blood everywhere.

RG on top of MB when Officer Heymer arrived.

Full magazine found in MB’s pocket by Officer Hessler.

911 calls.

ED hearing two shots fired.

Testimony from two eye witnesses and one ear witness.

Control and possession of the gun. Who bought that extra ammo and where and when? :face_with_monocle:

Fast arrival of LE rendering changes to the crime scene by affected parties impossible.

And now, the fact that the prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB committed the act that would have been a crime except the defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence, a lower standard, that MB was insane at the time.

Going into the civil trial, it’s all the lower burden of proof, the preponderance of evidence.

It’s been almost a week since this thread was reopened, thanks to our generous moderator. During this past week @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 have spewed their same, tired malarkey over and over and over and actually tossed in a few teasers like the police report CH declared she’d seen, and we all take the bait, myself included, chasing that lilac bunny.

I firmly believe @CurrentlyHorseless, @hut-ho78, and [rubyroo] believe MB is as innocent as the majority of us do and are having a blast playing their little game of BS for attention and giggling in their probable PM group chat!

Are we all so frigging bored that we must give them the attention they are craving?

Here’s a delightful Holiday beverage recipe for distraction!

Mississippi Sunset

1 oz (30 ml) citrus vodka
½ oz (15 ml) orange liqueur
½ oz (15 ml) strawberry liqueur
2 oz (30 ml) sweet-and-sour mix
½ oz (2.5 ml) lemon juice, freshly squeezed

1 lemon wedge

Fill cocktail shaker with ice halfway, add all ingredients, shake and strain over a chilled cocktail glass.

Garnish with lemon wedge.
Makes 1 serving


RG was quicker and luckier.

The deflection and denial are super strength in this poster!!! It really must get tiring defending the indefensible.


I agree with the jury. I think they did their job. I hope MB can someday be deemed no longer a threat to himself or others and can be released and pray y’all’s continued buttressing up of his delusions won’t catch him future setbacks.

As to the civil trial, it could take years or they could settle.


That’s a sick question. Are you accusing me of hassling or bullying a veteran?


Did you forget the State psychiatrist and Dr Simring already deemed him not to be a danger to himself or others back in September, but Judge Taylor chose to use a footnote and not actual testimony to continue to hold him, including skipping the hearing that he rightfully should be having this week, but isn’t, because apparently the rules apply differently when you’re Judge Taylor and Michael Barisone?


My Bingo card is filling up fast.


You do sound like RG’s mother in these threads.

From what I’ve put together regarding RG’s age, potential dates of enlistment, and his criminal record, it’s entirely possible RG was a recruit and kicked out of boot camp before becoming a Marine or kicked out of the USMC when he accrued criminal charges. If he never become a Marine, it would be insulting to actual veterans to call RG a veteran. Also not too fond of people that disgrace the Corps and are kicked out due to criminal activity either.


Some review about various things that were said…bolding and highlighting what I find interesting.

“ Another piece of “real,” for you- Robert, not “Bob the Builder,” was begged to remodel the barn- which after completion added about 500k to the value of the barn itself. Robert, was then begged to remodel the basement (not including bathrooms, since MH could not comprehend that a handicapped bathtub for her mother could literally, not be fit into the tiny bathroom space available - without tearing down structures to expand the space available) - which he did - under the annoying supervision & constant seeking advice by MH - as to the color scheme & floor materials. No interference by Michael though! He was beyond satisfied with Roberts carpentry abilities- as he well should’ve been. Unfortunately, the work was halted after overhearing … things you WILL be hearing for yourself, in the very near future & of course, due to the attempted murders.”

Hmmm…seems RG didn’t have the requisite licensing to be tearing down wall. Maybe he had a duty to not do something that he didn’t have a permit/license to do? You can’t just argue that MB had a duty to get the permit, as the contractor, RG had the duty to not commence work until he had confirmed there was a valid permit and to not exceed the scope of his license to work. Since he expanded a bathroom space, it seems like he tore down walls, which is beyond replacing sheet rock, fixtures, tile, etc; which I bet required a license/permit to do.

It’s not just that Barisone broke RG’s hand, attempting to get the gun out from under himself to finish the job “properly,” since, Barisone definitely thought I was either dead- or seconds away from death. Although, that would be enough. He also owed a large sum of money to RG, for all the renovations completed - or partially completed under the daily micromanaging direction of MH, MB & occasionally, Jon L. I’m mystified as why (the person who posted that, or anyone else) would think RG would just… allow that, without taking serious legal measures. …

  1. Considering how MB was found and the testimony that RG rendered MB unconscious twice, I’m not sure how this could be accurate that MB broke RG’s hand while on his stomach and RG on his back, with one hand underneath.
  2. So, it seems that the other owners of SGF were aware of the renovation agreements. I wonder what their understanding of the situation was….

“ Many of my friends are RN’s & some work at detoxes. ”. Hmmm….

“… Even though RG refused to so as much as touch a bathroom in the farmhouse, due to MH’s clear lack of comprehension on how measurements work, every bathroom he did touch at the company you’re referring to earned him a 5 star rating as an “installer,” on every single survey completed by clients. “ …… “ But um… why continue to work for someone else’s company, when he A.) dislikes the bathroom remodeling business & B.) keeps all the profit for himself when working under his own LLC ?? Yeah. I didn’t understand it either- Luckily, he took my advice.

  1. quick turn around. I though he had expanded a bathroom space to make room for a handicap tub.
  2. Interesting….and LLC for renovations. Wonder if MB was made to believe something not true about the remodeling agreement.

“…. You must be seriously bored. Unless your real name is RG , Michael Barisone or Jonathan Kanarek, you have no clue at all, whatsoever, of the stipulations & arrangements surrounding the repairs made by RG.……”

This was deleted. But seems JK was involved in the renovations agreements.

“ Michael talks (or talked) with his “attorney,”/lifelong friend almost everyday for matters having nothing to do with this. Not the same man he’s using for this trial. We, as well, retained attorneys- to protect us from fraudulent acts for which we were warned (too late) Michael was known. ”

“…… I have stated repeatedly, MB tried very hard to force me to provide him my horse, Frontline. He knew Even Better was not up for discussion. He did not know, NEITHER WAS FRONTLINE. And, as it has been stated by others, there was a meeting (which I called) in September of 2018. This is when I bought JayT. Despite MB basically offering me (almost) ANY horse in his barn for an “even Steven,” trade for Frontline, I refused. Instead, I chose to PURCHASE JayT - (whose asking price at the time exceeded 6 figures, though, that is not what I paid) keep my fabulous Frontline (to the detriment of the wishes of certain other person/s) and hope that MB would honor his deal to allow JayT to keep the stall and home that was all this phenomenal horse had ever known.”

Hmmm……so, MB lost a great deal of money on the purchase of Jay-T.