Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I’ve been to his farm in New Jersey though it’s been years ago. It’s a pretty big, nice facility from what I remember. I’m also pretty sure he owns the place. He’s also got another farm in loxahatchee, but I don’t know if he owns that one or not.


That was me that posted it. I heard horses went to Lauren Sammis and Lauren Chumley. Shouldn’t be hard to check that out.


MB’s arraignment is tomorrow and I read that the bail hearing is later this week (maybe on same day as arraignment?)

Anyway, if LK’s horses are still on the property and MB gets out on bail, I wonder how that will play out!

I agree that LK may have a hard time finding another place for her horses given her past history and the fact that she is now embroiled in an attempted murder investigation of which no one yet knows the true facts.


He DOES own the one in Loxahatchee, according to property records but can’t find ownership of NJ farm. Could be a

partnership or LLC.


Sweet Grass Farm, LLC.

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I’m not speculating on anything, but I do find it very interesting to see the media’s use of inflammatory headlines and statements on full display. And, every time I see “award winning equestrian” and “won national awards” I have to chuckle a bit. Bronze medals are absolutely something to be proud of, but it’s clear that no one in the media knows what that means.


Exactly this. I mean… I also am trying to figure out where she was supposed to step into internationally ranked competition. Kind of a jump from a bronze earlier this year to that level?


The one that torques me the most is the NYT one where the reporter skipped all her other comments where she declined any assistance that was offered to her over and over again.

She was entered at Saugerties the weekend in the non-CDI PSG.

It’s again with the not understanding the nuances of dressage competition and not bothering to research it. Lazy, sloppy reporting.


She literally received and turned down MULTIPLE offers.


It says sweet grass/barisone on the morris county public tax records

I thought that those offers were made before the shooting, when she was posting about being afraid and needing to move. She obviously should have accepted those offers - they may not be available now in view of the current circumstances as well as the information that has come to light about her past.


those offers were in my understanding offers to transport her horses to another place, not necessarily an offer of a place to board them. And yes they were in the week before the shooting.

even before the shooting, most places want references prior to taking in new boarders, especially with someone bringing
in 5-6 horses. I sure would.


I suspect the chance of that is vanishingly slim, given that he’s charged with multiple violent felonies, and that someone with properties in multiple states and connections around the world could probably be argued to present a flight risk.

Part of the logic behind quickly bringing attempted murder charges is to make sure someone you think could be guilty of that kind of malicious violent crime stays behind bars until their guilt or innocence is ascertained.

With NJ’s recent bail reform it seems more likely that he’s kept in custody, but that the case will go to court in a matter of months.


One article I saw even described LK as ‘Olympian’ (probably confusing LK’s USDF bronze medal with Allison Brock’s Olympic bronze medal). Truly sloppy reporting in the service of clickbait headlines.


And even if that wasn’t already true ten days ago… :eek:

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All true - but - that is assuming his cut and dry probable quilt. The facts aren’t out yet (at least to the public) so we just don’t know what will happen concerning bail.

Absolutely! I think she may be between “a rock and a hard place” even if she has all the money that she boasted about having.

This is what I strive to remember when I read ANY headline. That when I KNOW what something truly is and I see it is misreported over and over, I have to believe that pretty much everything else that I don’t know about is reported in the same way.


I’m not assuming anything about “cut and dry” probable guilt. I have no idea what actually happened or what investigators know.

However, New Jersey’s bail reform a couple of years ago seems to have a created a situation where those accused of violent crimes are very unlikely to get released on bail. Guilt or innocence (or probability of guilt vs. innocence) doesn’t factor into bail determinations; only things like degree and violence of criminal charges, flight risk, past criminal record (which sounds pretty minimal here), public safety risk are considered.

I refuse to speculate about innocence or guilt, but I believe the odds of release on bail are rather low based simply on NJ laws and the specific criminal charges that are involved.


Makes me chuckle too. Does she even have her bronze medal? The only LK on Centerline Scores does not appear to have the qualifying scores for their bronze.