Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Omg. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


True. There is a poster here on CoTH who got to Bronze by following Jane Savoie’s “Happy Horse” CD training program. After bronze, she needed to get an instructor to help her go further.

Edit: FYI for any non-horse journalists who may be following the thread…

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the madness continues.

You quoted a quote, and asked what kind of reporter writes x. surely you understand what quotes are.


Such a sad situation, but the Colbert videos did make me laugh. Thanks for sharing them. Time will tell, and hopefully the truth will come out.


[h=1]From that KXAN-26 site headline: Olympic rider low shoots neighbor view[/h] Huh? and then there’s this: It is a Drama with notice.

Yes, it is indeed.

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I don’t think she did: https://www.facebook.com/guy.goodwin.56

I’m pretty certain that the “reporter” that wrote the article on that KXAN site is not a human being at all but some sort of Google Translate type bot regurgitating “celebrity” news from other articles/sites in a variety of languages.


Why hasn’t Horse Authority, aka Rate My Horse Pro, been all over this? They usually post this kind of stuff on their website. Now that I take a quick look on their website and Facebook page, they have been pretty much silent since May.


Look again. She has 2nd level scores.

Of four scores on USDF, at this level, only two are above 60. And both are from the same judge. Need two different judges. [TABLE=“cellspacing: 0”]
[TD]Windy Hollow Hunt Dressage June II[/TD]
[TD]Second Level Test 1 O/AA/JrYr[/TD]
[TD]W. Brown[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]Windy Hollow Hunt Dressage June[/TD]
[TD]Second Level Test 1 O/AA/JrYr[/TD]
[TD]W. Brown[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]


She has two 60%+ scores at second, but they were given by the same judge, so only one score counts.

ETA: Oops, 2tempe beat me to it.


Regardless of whatever other drama she may have been involved in or caused, it seems really strange to lie so publicly about getting your Bronze medal, especially if it can be verified that easily. Is there any possibility there are other scores out there somewhere that aren’t showing up? Or did she just not realize that the scores needed to be from different judges, and think that she will be getting her bronze now that she has the Third level scores?


WHH huh… that’s close to home!

These are the scores from the USDF official site.

Has anyone bothered to look up LK on Venmo?? It looks like the “fiancee” is her paid help???

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Some of the things y’all are digging up are not even a little bit relevant here.


but this is how you prove someone was just ASKING to get shot twice in the chest right???:rolleyes::no:


There is a real KXAN, but this is their actual website: https://www.kxan.com/
I didn’t click on the link posted, but it’s probably bot generated clickbait trying to trick people into thinking it’s a real station site.

Rosanna Williams’ website congratulates LK on her purchases of Even Better, Frontline, and Rose. Rose is still in Germany, so that leaves us with 2 imported horses owned by Lauren at MB’s barn. Symphony is a 20 year old 3rd level horse. Is she at MB’s barn? She supposedly had five horses there. Who are the other 2 (or 3?) horses? I’m confused.

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LK’s fb states that Rose landed in the states mid july. She moved Symphony to NJ in mid june. The tb gelding is still in NC. LK’s Instagram has a pic around xmas time with Jay-t’s passport. But USEF has MB listed as the owner.
