Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Police spokeperson, in the posted article and quote that whatshername now deleted in addition to her witty and inaccurate response.

It’s what was quoted in quotes, attributed to police spokesperson.

As for its veracity, I wasn’t there. But the quote was quoted both in the article and then by the poster.

I’m sure cops talk about guys whipping out their little pink guns all the time. Sounds legit.


This is the article where the quote came from that you are using as proof, I’m sorry, but I’m not drawing any conclusions about Barisone “whipping out a gun” based on this bot written article.

[B]eleven years Ago, sought Michael Barisone at the Olympic Games in Beijing, the great Coup of. Now, the 54 is likely to spend a-Year-old for the Rest of his life behind bars. Barisone is charged with attempted murder in two cases. It is about 40 years in prison.

The Ami looks last week on his horse farm in New Jersey red, shoots the 38-Year-old dressage rider Lauren Kanarak twice at close range in the chest, hurt you and your fiancée at the subsequent battle life-threatening. “There was only a very brief verbal altercation. Then Barisone whipped out the gun. He came in and knew exactly what he would do,” said a police spokesman.

It is a Drama with notice. Kanarak, who has rented on Barisones Farm, a house, was previously threatened on several occasions, is scared. On 2. August writes on Facebook: “A well-known, visibly Drunk and told me literally that I should sleep with one eye open.”

neighbors tell, Barisone I want to end the tenancy. “The front of a big, red sign that says clearance stand,” says neighbor Bob Jenkins. Before the fact, the police had to move out half a dozen Times.

Kanarek was operated on in the hospital. Her condition had stabilized. “She’s fine,” says friend Rosanna Williams, who had sold horses at Kanarak.[/B]


but that wasnt the question that you raised again, which was about quotes, and what a quote said.

I’m not drawing conclusions about anything, mainly pointing out what a quote is because it seems to be at issue

I didn’t post or raise the issue of the article, merely responded to a quote about quotes…

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Read that a group of people had reported LK to SafeSport. Not totally verified, just a comment on a friend’s post that read “(name removed) problem is a group of people reported her to safesport last week. Why she went nuts. I’m saying this because the Braider working for me right now is part of the reporting group.”

If that’s true it’s interesting (still no reason to be shot)


I heard she murders virgins and bathes in their blood to maintain her youthful glow.

As for things I read, I read that Michael wasn’t providing the training services he was being paid to provide, ie not riding the horses, and that’s why she moved to the property.

Thankfully there will be a trial to sort all this out, since you know, he shot her twice in the chest.


No, it’s no reason to be shot.

But I’m wondering here, if so many people were being harassed or threatened, if there is a history of messy evictions, etc, did these folks go to law enforcement and/or the appropriate courts?

The minute that MB started trying to evict them, that should have been the end of any interaction between the two. At that point, as frustrating as it is, it’s a legal matter you leave to the courts and police, you get restraining orders if necessary, etc. Same for the other folks - if the behavior was scary enough to be reported to SS, did they try to get orders of protection, or report any of this to law enforcement?

I know law enforcement frequently does a crappy job with stuff like this (“oh, it’s civil, we’ll ignore it” being a common one), but I feel like if all those i’s had been dotted and t’s crossed, things wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Or maybe not, I don’t know.


Meh, it’s clearly a fake article and not an actual quote and I wouldn’t want anyone to think that it was accurate information.


again, you are missing the point and hilariously arguing over a now deleted post that didn’t understand quotes.

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Her scores on Centerline are just not all that.


Kind of confused how it seems she skipped second level. (Or rather did the least at 2nd level)



Well it’s doesn’t look good that he ‘went’ to her residence. If he brought a gun, it looks even worse for pre-meditation.

Agree, he should have handled this all legally. And should have kept his cool, which he apparently didn’t.

Anyone know what time his arraignment is today?

It begs the age old chicken /egg question… who was first.
Unraveling this could take time, and require coffee lest things get missed.
The messy is why LE doesn’t like dealing with these situations… it’s complicated, and people get emotional about money, homes, property… and then add in animals/pets and ambitions… Oy!

I’m still in the “this isn’t as simple as some want to make it” camp.


Those of us who have been landlords can also understand why one, though they shouldn’t, might want to go to their property.
That coin has two sides.

Yes. It can be volatile, but if the tenant isn’t moving out like they’ve been told to, and potentially damaging the property (speaking in general terms and not specifically to this situation) one wants to hurry things along,… the cops don’t want to and don’t necessarily have the time to… and the landlord isn’t supposed to… and this is how it can get very sticky getting someone evicted… add in that the landlord often wants to see any damage or issues when they arise to document, not weeks later… and yeah it can create a very volatile situation, if not make a volatile situation explosive.


Interesting that she just posts a pic of the breeding page; not any true indication of ownership. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lease arrangement. Others had been showing the horse prior to that time. Passports likely kept easily accessible as certain vaccines need to be recorded

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It’s how one unravels a knot that might involve more than the one incident, that may be more complicated than someone irrationally walking up to someone’s residence and shooting them in the chest twice.
Determining the why of this event doesn’t mean it was justified. It simply explains how it came about.


No, looking up people’s dressage scores and publicly mocking them is not how you do that. That’s just being a mean girl.


It is clear that you will only be happy if no one says anything about the victim here.
It has been pointed out a bunch of times, no one is saying that it is OK to shoot someone in the chest 2x.

But that does not make it strange or mean girl that a thread on a horse forum is questioning the media’s portrayal of something that appears to not be true.


I definitely think a lot of this supposition and inference is awful, you got me there.

And much of it seems absolutely designed to provide an excuse for Michael Barisone shooting a woman twice in the chest.


Has anyone really contemplated the fact that the story the media has been told is all through the fiance, that has a sketchy past? It crossed my mind to wonder if maybe he lied about what happened, and that either MB didn’t fire the shots or shots were fired during a struggle for the gun.

I don’t know that I actually believe that, the simple story is usually the true one: MB had a gun and shot LK, whether he really meant to or not, and likely the police had ways to tell what happened. But the speculation on the backgrounds of all those involved (prior offenses, history of lying and embellishing, suspicious gaining of money, etc) does make it look odd.

Where I work, we are instructed on how to look at the things our coworkers do and note anything suspicious. Odd vacations, working late or early hours, talking to foreigners in high positions that there isn’t really a good reason for them to be on speaking terms with, signs that they came into a lot of money suddenly, and you are supposed to report anything that doesn’t sit right, to try to cut down on terrorism and espionage. I’m not saying anyone in this case is a spy or anything, but when there are a bunch of odd facts that add up to paint a picture that isn’t QUITE right, you aren’t supposed to ignore them. I feel like that is all that people are doing here. Not saying that they think MB didn’t shoot her, or that he is innocent, or that she deserved it (definitely not!). But that there are some things that aren’t really making sense. I don’t consider wondering as being a mean girl or anything.


Most of you are happily analyzing and pontificating on the only information available as to what happened that day. No one has mentioned ownership of the “pink gun”. Few have mentioned her questionable past, or that of her hired hand boyfriend, fiancee.

So far the only statement has been supplied by said boyfriend,fiancee, who has a vested interest in hurling sand, and sawdust around enthusiastically. This, with the “police” quoting him to a reporter.

It is quite possible that she owes or has vested interest in one or other of her horses with Michael, a not uncommon practice between rider and trainer. When did she last pay board or rent? Was a lack of board or rent the reason for eviction? Again, who owns the gun? What really happened?

I snuggest you all await , quietly, more information from any other source.