Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

hahahaha have you read a single post here?!?!?!?!?


I read it (the tangent about the Bronze medal scores) as typical COTH fact seeking thread tangent.

In this case we happen to be talking about a shooting victim. The same tangent would have happened if the news article included the same stuff about being an equestrian and was about some famous person launching their new swim suit line.

On the topic at hand - There is nothing wrong with wanting reasons. To you they are excuses, because that is your soap box, but truly there is nothing wrong with wanting reasons. People always want reasons.
Maybe the reason truly is that MB is a jerk-head and walked over there and shot her. Maybe the reason is he was tricked by a drug dealer into coming over and then confronted with a gun which he wrestled away and she got shot. Heck, maybe the reason is the fiance shot her, then framed MB for it (meant to be humor). We do not knowā€¦ but wanting to know, and discussing wanting to know does not make us evil or wrong.
This is not comparable to a sexual assault/rape situation because there is NEVER a justifiable reason for that. There is sometimes a justifiable reason to shoot someone.

The reference to your soap box - we all have a soap box, that was not a dig.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but the Pink Gun description came from the fiance as well, not LE.


Is pointing out that someone ( edit: whether the wannabe news source, the fiance, or LE ) got her accomplishment wrong really mean?
Its factual.
You need two scores over 60% under two different judges. Whomever suggested she does not, per those scores, have her Bronze is mean for doing so?
What you seem to be taking as mocking I read as ā€˜mockingā€™ the mistake, made by ???.. not mocking the scores themselves. Is that where our difference of perspective is maybe?

Iā€™d ask"since when is it mean to point out facts", but then weā€™d be headed into the no-no realm of politics and alternate factsā€¦


What does this have to do with Michael Barisone shooting her???

Thatā€™s my question.


Because between her attention-seeking posts on FB, to her history of being problematic with other folks around NC, to her potentially lying about her achievementsā€¦ all points to a possibility that she could have created this situation and brought the gun or even another weapon herself, meaning MB could have shot her in self-defense. Considering that she was posting threats on FB, I wouldnā€™t blame him for carrying a gun himself either.

Since we have very limited facts in the media at this point, folks are speculating. Why would an individual with zero history and a lot to lose suddenly shoot someone? When that person who was shot has a very questionable past and a history of erratic behaviorā€¦ we assume that this isnā€™t a simple case of MB going to her home and shooting her because heā€™s mad.

So yes, itā€™s all relevant. Until more comes to light, people are going to be curious and try to fill in the gaps themselves. Itā€™s human nature. If you are patient enough to wait it out, props to you. You donā€™t have to continue to berate folks for posting factual information they find online, or things that they know from firsthand experience with LK. :slight_smile:


It could speak to a self defense claim. Crazy lady and sketchy fiance who lied a lot, claimed she was threatened but refused to move out despite eviction notice, set up elaborate scam to frame Barisone, but distraught Barisone ends up breaking and shooting her. Even if thatā€™s not what happened, it could be pretty easy for a lawyer to convince a jury that was what happened, and get a reduced conviction.


Yes, exactly.


Wow. her dressage scores prove self defense. Wow.


Exactly. Instead of blaming him for not training her horses, why has nobody bothered to question why? If someone owed me back board, training, and rent, I sure wouldnā€™t continue to give lessons and train for that person who owed me. Not sure any smart trainer would, either. No one has bothered to question WHY this became an issue, in the first place. If all were as it should be, regarding being paid for services, etc. there would not be a need to have to evict someone. Part of any contract for boarding a horse is that the horse becomes the property of the facility, should board and services not be paid. You pay up, you get your horse back. Itā€™s very simple.


Now you are sounding a little on the crazy side.
No one said anything close to that. The dressage score discussion is 100% because of it being blasted everywhere that she is an award winning equestrian who won a bronze medal.

Curious question - would you be this aghast if MB had shot the fiance (a male)?


I love how much people doubt law enforcements ability to decipher evidence in this thread. Everyone knows more than LE because ā€œOlympianā€ or ā€œnice guyā€.

What a joke.

FYI most criminals, especially killers blindside their family and friends with their action because they are able to hide their true self for so long.

Also, any LE agent will tell you there is a difference between someone who has a gun and will shoot it, and someone who will shoot a person. It is a line that is only crossed by a certain type of person. It takes some ā€œthingā€ to have the ability to shoot someone. It is common knowledge in law enforcement. If the evidence suggests self defense that will come out in trial, but right now the evidence points to MB attmepting to kill two people on his property. End of.


It suggests the reporting on this incident is either biased or not very thorough, or both. That means itā€™s possible that none of the ā€œfactsā€ can be taken as factual.

It has little to do with the actual shooting, everything to do with what we think we know about the shooting. (Edit)


There have been instances like this where the media has gone ā€œdarkā€ (because the police are not releasing any information as they continue to investigate). In cases like that - the media will continue to quote from witnesses that will later be discredited for lying or altering facts or omitting truths. Sometimes they even end up being charged with something.

Iā€™m not saying this will be the case but to me, it seems like there is a lot of ā€œstuffā€ being left out and a lot of holes that havenā€™t been filled in. Using the ā€œpinkā€ gun as an example. There still has been no report stating who owned the gun or how it was obtained - Iā€™m sure by now they have that information which one would ASSUME is an important part of the investigation.

I am curious to see what the end result is on this investigation. I would think his immediate arrest would have been based on he said/she said at the scene and preliminary evidence but at the hospital they would have tested his hands for gun residue and at the scene they would have measured distances and there is that broken window they keep talking about - there should be a bullet inside the houseā€¦

Has there been an article that confirmed the bullets in her chest match the bullets in the gun?

Now Iā€™m not saying they donā€™t and Iā€™m not saying one person is innocent or another is lyingā€¦ I"m just speculating and thinking out loudā€¦


So, I have not seen this shared yet: https://www.yourtango.com/2019327140/who-lauren-kanarek-new-details-woman-who-called-911-herself-identify-her-assailant

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I donā€™t remember anyone on here saying that MB couldnā€™t/wouldnā€™t have shot someone because heā€™s such a nice guy or because he went to the Olympics. I wonā€™t speak to what has been said on Facebook because I havenā€™t seen that much of it.

I also havenā€™t seen anyone saying the police did their jobs incorrectly or that MB shouldnā€™t have been charged.

All Iā€™ve seen has been some questioning that things are as cut and dried as theyā€™re presented in the media, and whether the fiancƃĀ©ā€™s statement is truly what happened from an objective standpoint.


This appears to have been written by someone unfamiliar with the English language.


How about writing all posts as though Michaelā€™, Laurenā€™s, and Guyā€™s mothers were reading them. This is tragic. A woman is in ICU and a talented horsemanā€™s life and career may be ruined.


Very different facts and sequence of events in this telling.
If the source of this is the source of the other articlesā€¦ why are they telling a very different story than the other telling of it?
In one accounting, MB shot at the fiance while fiance was in the houseā€¦ this new version is meaningfully different. And to me the discrepancy is the real problem, more than which location the fiance was during the incident.

From the bio on the authorā€¦ seriouslyā€¦
"Sheā€™s an experienced generalist with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, pop culture, and true crime. "

Most journalists include proofread in their experience.
And yes, that is actual mocking.


A little more detail although not much.

I watched the video of LK ridingā€¦ might explain her dressage scoresā€¦ critiques anyone?