Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

From what I can piece together, I think LK has a long history of bulldozing people whom she boards and trains with, engaging repeatedly in these kinds of scare tactics, and felt she could continue doing it forever. MB, after being so bullied with threats of this and that he slept in an office (she stood outside his door screaming “I will destroy you” in the house), was then accused of child abuse — and snapped, went to the main house and shot her, probably intending to kill himself after.

no one deserves to be shot. At all. but at the same time, you can’t expect no one to ever fight back when you ride roughshod over their lives. She is lucky it hasn’t happened before. Her luck ran out. He will go to prison for a long time, and she’ll have to deal with her health issues. I feel sorry for them both. It is a tragic story.


This is what I don’t understand!!!

All I have been told is “poor innocent LK”, and that she has a team of attorneys planning on going after any and everyone.

This was a bail hearing not a discovery for trial. I think
judges comments were meant to be taken as said “danger to himself and others”.


I agree. This is highly plausible. I’ve also heard that she reported him and his employees to ICE at the same time that she reported him to DYFS. We won’t know the full story until (if) this goes to trial.


There’s what appears to be either an eviction notice or condemnation notice visible on a side door of the house at 1:25 in this video (reporter says it’s an eviction notice) unless maybe it’s some handmade thing MB taped up there.


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If there were code violations, it may just be a notice of that fact.


What he said is that “there’s no evidence in this case” that they had a weapon. Which seems pretty clear, but in the next minute …

“I don’t have any information currently about where the gun came from, but there’s no evidence before the court that the defendant took that gun from either of the victims here.”

If they haven’t so much as tracked the gun how much “evidence” could there possibly be other than the LK- RG version of events?


It doesn’t mean they haven’t tracked the gun or started. It just means the judge doesn’t have it in his report.

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Oof. I hate to say it, but those horses might not be going anywhere for a long time. Who would want them as boarders? They might need to buy their own farm next.


It likely means that none of the three people involved in the shooting is claiming that anyone but MB brought the gun to the scene. Otherwise the evidence would be in the form of witness statements before the court, no?

As to the poster claiming that MB had knife wounds, do you have direct knowledge of that? I haven’t seen that reported by any legitimate source and the judge was very clear that there was no eveidence LK or her fiancé had a knife.


it can ruin the life if several someone’s, including innocent kids… hideous thing to do if it was an unfounded allegation.


What makes it odd-er, is that she and fiance moved into MBs house.
I may like my trainer, but I do not like anyone that much, to be around them that much…


I’m not a lawyer but I don’t see any other defense… Unless he says he feared for his own safety?

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Just fyi: Here’s some information re MB’s attorney, Jeffrey Simms, Esq. - www.jeffsimmslaw.com.


I think the only possibilities are self defense, or attempting some sort of plea using “snapped after harassment and threats” as a way of bringing the charges/sentence down.

Unless some earth shattering evidence comes to light about self defense, I think all they’ve got is using her actions as mitigating factors. But I’m no lawyer (just happened to have that bit of experience with mental health law)

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Is there any evidence LK did call DYFS, other than the attorney/MB saying she did?

Was he living in the barn with his partner and her children?

Why would he want to move back into (with partner and kids) a house that is condemned?

Was there a boarding agreement? The in-writing kind.

What the heck happened between mid-July and now to create such an extreme escalation?

Why did the attorney feel it was a good idea to talk about the dispute without saying something along the lines of
“my client disputes the charges”? I found the attorney strange, the majority of his argument seemed very strawman like.

Lots of questions, I doubt we get all the answers, even when the made for TV movie comes out.


It will all depend on the circumstances of this particular case. From what I have read so far, self defense seems unlikely. However, there are other options. For example, intoxication is a viable defense against attempted murder allegations, as a defendant must purposefully or knowingly have attempted to cause the death of another person. There’s also the passion/provocation defense, where the defense has to prove the following 4 elements were in play: 1) The act that provoked the defendant would have enraged or incited a reasonable person to act in the heat of passion; 2) The defendant was provoked; 3) A reasonable person would have acted immediately and would have had no time to stop & think or calm down; and 4) The defendant did not calm down before reacting. It will be interesting to see how this case develops.


FWIW, this says that MB’s girlfriend and her kids were also staying in the barn office/apartment.



I find it interesting that everyone keeps saying it is only the victims who have given the police their version. There was someone else present- Michael Barisone. I am sure he has been interviewed by investigators and has given statements. I also find it interesting everyone is making excuses as to why he did it. I am assuming most of these people have never met him. I have yet to hear any kind of statement denying he shot them.