Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

And does that mean that the staff and the fiancé are now all still living in the same house???


Or, he said I had a good life meaning he had a good life until they caused problems.


Substance abuse??
The mysterious pink gun?
Blaming MB on LK’s supposed flaky scores?
C’mon guys. WTF is this? The National Enquirer???


So sorry you had to go through that. I agree with your scenario as a possibility. Just because they didn’t find a knife doesn’t mean there wasn’t one initially. So sorry for all involved. I can say though that I would never let LK or her boyfriend anywhere near me, my horses or my property.


I actually spent some time working for a public defender whose while job was representing the mentally ill. The “temporary insanity” thing is quite popular in fiction, but not very likely in criminal Court. The standards are very high, proving it is nearly impossible, and in most cases even if people “snap” and legit due have"temporary" insanity, it doesn’t meet the legal definition. So… Extremely unlikely, imo


Mostly I was referring to his actions that day. His entire arrangement with LK and the living situation is a bit bizarre as well, though.

Yes, as I recall she was still singing his praises on social media earlier this summer and just in the past few weeks her tone changed from thanking him for the wonderful training to claiming she was being bullied and threatened (and in turn making threats against him)

So Lauren and her Fiance were squatting in his home, and refusing to leave, despite an eviction notice. It got so bad that he was living in the barn office.

But she feared for her life? I don’t understand at all why she wouldn’t just leave.


Yep. Every day. How can she blame her trainer for poor test scores if she doesnt even know how to ride the movements properly? He cant make her ride every day but he can choose not to be her trainer anymore if she is making false statements about him on fb. I find it interesting that as much as she was complaining that there was no response from him… In that area he was a better person. [edit]


Well she’s pretty comes from $ and he seems like kind of a loser. Maybe he’s an adrenaline junkie and she brought drama and excitement to his life. Doubt he was planning on quite this level tho.


All I could find out about LK’s fiancé or boyfriend was that he was declared a missing person back in 2017. You sleuths are good here.


Because she wanted to destroy him. And she got what she wanted.


Here’s a scenario I haven’t seen anyone bring up.

MB went to confront LK and RG about the ongoing harassment/squatting/etc.
MB brought the gun because he feared for his own life.
LK/RG pulled out a knife and attacked him.
MB pulled out the gun to defend himself.
RG tackled MB after shooting LK, getting his wrist broken in the process.

I’m not saying this is how it happened, and he definitely should never have gone down there with a gun or without.

What is known: LK called Child Protective Services and Fire Dept in the week leading up to this. MB drove to the house and shot LK with a gun. MB was in the hospital for knife wounds. RB was in the hospital for a broken wrist. Everything else is speculation, including the scenario I present above.


Where did this come from? The judge specifically said that LK and RG had no knife, or even a stick!


Skipping out on lessons at training level? You mean all the way back to 2016?! :eek: :lol:


Not speculating, but based on watching the arraignment, I would get a better criminal attorney if I were MB. I certainly hope he is not using a public defender.

The entire living arrangement of multiple people and groups sharing a house and perhaps swapping labor for rent or training is so typical of poor business practices. Verbal agreements can be problematic; nothing seems to be in writing at least at this point. I can think of so many arrangements like this that go awry and this one did with great drama. We see it just as much at the top end of the sport and we do on the low end.

This is one hot mess.


There was no eviction notice. Def atty stated when questioned by the judge if there was anything about an eviction on record that both LE and MB had retained attorneys who had been in communication but nothing had been filed. Prosecutor did not dispute or add to this statement. Def atty repeatedly called LK/RG “squatters” but the judge questioned this and spoke at length, doubting that the term “squatter” applied to LK/RG. MB whispered to his atty who then stated that LK/RG had been told verbally by the fire chief to vacate due to code violations but no record of this was asked for or produced. And that’s the extent of the eviction notice story so far.




New theory:

I’m not going to touch the allegations of substance abuse against Lauren, but I think we can all agree that she is a bit of a wild child. I wonder if, besides the breakdown of the professional relationship, she was a bad roommate. Perhaps she was displaying behavior that MB and his fiancee didn’t like the children seeing? It’s possible that he didn’t live in the house when she and the boyfriend were there in 2018, so her behavior could be a surprise to MB.

For any number of reasons, MB asked her to leave, and she was refusing. To get away from all of her antics, he, his fiancee and the kids may have moved into the barn. I know all barns are not created equal, and I have seen many high end dressage barns with steam showers and full kitchens in the viewing room area. They can certainly be suitable to live in, and are often nicer than my own home.

BUT non-horse people don’t know this. It’s possible that Lauren called DYFS and said, “this man is keeping his kids in a barn!” That’s not a lie, but it will concern people and warrant a visit from authorities.

That would have made him REALLY mad, because the whole reason they moved out of the house is because Lauren was making them uncomfortable in the first place. My understanding is that this woman is spiteful, so this could have started as an attempt to push his buttons.


Perhaps as a silver lining, the horse industry will wisen up about contracts, especially as it relates to housing for working students and clients.

AND maybe NJ will change their housing laws and make eviction a speedier process.


“Isn’t “I had a good life” almost an admission of guilt?” - yes, I think that’s where the judge was leaning towards a possible premeditated action.