Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

USA Today has 26 photos from today’s hearing. Also judge is quoted as saying he believes Barisone is a danger to others

and possibly to himself also, thus the no bail decision. Judge mentions there are methods in place for handling these

types of civil disagreements and Mr. Barisone chose to take matters into his own hands.



I just want to say that all women should be so fortunate to have a BF or Spouse that is willing to risk his life for her and stick by her through thick and thin. And, this guy must be super strong to be able to overpower MB and keep him down.


I’m just speculating with the rest of you, but am wondering if the CPS call was tied to the suggestions she made (evidently) on FB that she was going to report him to SafeSport. I think people assumed that she was referring to her own interactions with MB as being the ones (paraphrasing) “that SafeSport was made for”, when they were actually threats with regard to the children.
The whole thing is just so crazy to me, but I think there’s an awful lot more to this than we know.


But if she was worried about him harming the kids, is plastering it all over social media really a good idea?

So many bizarre actions, on both their part. It’s looking more and more like MB has earned himself a nice long stay in prison, but I am also pretty certain that LK isn’t someone I would want at my barn. I’m glad she is doing better, and will hopefully be ok.


Aw but this is exactly where it would be used… in a crime of passion… ”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹ temporary insanity is where the “bad guy” says he or she was insane when they committed the crime but then regained their sanity after the fact…

The judge brought up something that particularly bothered him and the police - MB, while being apprehended, repeatedly said “I had a good life.” I was surprised this was such an issue for the judge; but after listening further to him I came to the conclusion (may be incorrect here) that the judge thought MB meant he HAD to harm someone else and/or himself. Along the lines of: “I had a good life…until I decided to do this to her and/or myself…”. Somehow I also took it to mean premeditation. Watching MB, however, I wondered about an insanity defense as his response to the alleged victims was so uncharacteristic to his history.




No, I was kind of running on the assumption that it was more of a power play (a.k.a. “I can ruin you”), than a real belief that he was really harming the children. Obviously, I could be totally wrong … it just kind of jumped out at me, especially with all that’s going on with SS these days.


The judge referred to the “fatalistic” nature of MB repeatedly saying “I had a good life” … I took it to mean that the judge was concerned that MB believed that his “good life” was over and was therefore more likely to say “F it” and go do further harm to LK or the fiancé.


I see, I understand what you mean now. That would make more sense and fit better with the rest of her actions.


So what I’m about to say came directly from LK’s FB. So it is accurate only inasmuch as it’s her word. A friend sent me her “novella” via email the day before she was shot because we’re both nosy assholes and we are both on the NC show scene.

  • When MB took up with MH (his girlfriend), MB's wife was still living in the house--and did for some time after. VB (wife) did not want a divorce and lived in the main house, main level. Finally she couldn't take it any more and left. MB did not want to divorce her because it would be expensive. Remember VB is an accomplished rider as well and so part of this business was hers. During all this time MB and MH (and her 2 kids) lived in another residence on the premises--not under the same roof.
  • The long standing assistant trainer lived in the top floor of the main house (for over a decade) as his residence. LK said he was demoted when MH moved in and he was not happy about it.
  • There are 5 bedrooms in the basement that all the other staff lived in.
  • When VB moved out, MH wanted to move in to that area but wanted it to be totally remodeled first--no traces of ex-wife. There was no money for that.
  • MB (allegedly) asked LK to move into that space as a "perk" of having 5 horses there in full training, per LK she was seen as a bit of a "gravy train". Her fiancé however also did a lot of work around the property (assumption for free) as part of this deal (spoken, not written deal).
  • LK alleges that during the winter of 2018 when no one was in the house, the pipes mysteriously burst incurring enough damage for an insurance claim to cover all the remodeling that MH originally wanted when VB moved out.
There is other stuff in this diatribe about being asked to leave, deals involving getting free training for the new horse in exchange for rebuilding house/carpentry, fights between MB and LK, yelling of MB to MH, blah blah blah. A lot of it is incoherent rambling. Again, this is LK's side and not necessarily truth. But there have been a lot of questions about housing and this seems to answer most of that.

I read it more as “I had a good life until this crazy person showed up and ruined it.” I would also, like the judge, consider him a suicide risk.






So at the time of the shooting, at the main house there were staff in the basement, LK and RG were on the main level and the long standing assistant on the upper level, with MB and MH and kids in another residence? Then where did the “he moved to the barn office” come from?

What actions of his do you consider bizarre before the day in question?

Genuinely curious, since it sounds like she did a lot of bizarre things, but I don’t remember seeing much about him doing anything crazy until that day.

And wasn’t she still making positive comments about him on Facebook until just a few weeks ago?


Isn’t “I had a good life” almost an admission of guilt? Isn’t that what they teach you to not say in a car accident (well, not the “I had a good life” but statements about formally having a perfect driving record etc.) for legal purposes? Maybe I’m delusional (might well be, it’s been a long day).

I read LK’s posts after it happened. They didn’t read as particularly crazy, but like someone who was definitely having some interesting barn drama. From what I understood and can remember, she lived on the property in a separate house, moved there because she didn’t believe her horses were being trained, and then stuff got weird.

I’m sure she likely viewed her Facebook page as a bit of insurance, but she may not have expected it to get that weird - who expects to be shot even after being afraid? Maybe I’m dumb, but it’s certainly not something I’d expect someone to do. So it doesn’t surprise me that she stayed in the fray, trying to make sure her horses were ok and whatever else was going on.

Whether his end was substance abuse issues (as was alleged by LK on her facebook page) or just plain crazy due to the allegations, it still doesn’t make it a he said she said issue. He shot her. That’s…a little more black and white in my book. I know there are some justifications if you feel your life is in danger, but there’s really little indication of that, IMO, even if the boyfriend is a strong dude.

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MB’s attorney.

My husband and I were accused of child abuse. Out of the blue. By our son’s second grade teacher. If you never had the pleasure it’s horrific. It’s terrifying. Annoying stressful and infuriating does NOT cover it. It’s not something most parents are prepared for and they probably haven’t done their homework. In my case I walked into a meeting, totally blindsided, unprepared and unsuspecting and was confronted by the teacher, principal and school psychologist. We were eventually able to get things cleared up but it was weeks of stress and expense and fear.

Anyway, I can totally see MB storming down to LK’s house, where she is expecting him, because she set it up and she knows he will be furious. She is waving the pink gun for “protection”. The situation escalates way past her expectations. He grabs the gun and in the scuffle shoots her.

I suspect the teacher didn’t expect I would be able to get her fired either. To this day I have no idea why she did it but I believe revenge is best served cold.

Was the actual ownership of the gun ever established? Who had posession of it? I read somewhere that LK or RG also had a knife also but the prosecutor siad they didn’t.

