Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think in reality, CPS isn’t quite as awful as people think, but there’s definitely a perception out there among parents that it constitutes a major threat to take one’s children away, and it DOES really freak people out. I would expect that calling CPS on someone would be taken by them as a major threat. I mean, even knowing better (knowing that it takes a LOT for them to take your kids), the idea of CPS showing up at my door puts my heart in my throat and arouses some pretty fierce feelings. I can only imagine what it would do to someone already full of anger and frustration who has been driven out of his house.


I would be throwing an insanity deference on the table (appears both sides of this are insane) … and wonder why he has not be evaluated


We have trainers here in Fl. who house clients and their expensive horses on their farm property for the winter season.

It’s not so unusual at all. they’re seasonal clients, when the season’s over, they go back home w/ their horse(s).

People with disposable money and no jobs live a little differently than us, poor peons.


I have too, and I lived on the farm where I boarded my horse for a few years. But it was in an actual separate house. That I rented. I think that sort of arrangement, or living quarters for staff or WS is fairly normal. Not so sure about living with the trainer directly though.


I mean, if I was a ‘woman of unlimited means’ I would absolutely want my horses on the same property I was living on.

However, if I was dissatisfied with the services my trainer was providing, I’d find a new trainer for my horses … not move into said trainer’s house, refuse to leave, harass his family, badmouth him on Facebook, and report him to CYS.

[insert obligatory disclaimer that none of those things excuse shooting someone]


I don’t think it would apply. “snapping” is not the same as insanity. To work as a defense, the defendant has to literally not understand right from wrong (this is why so many actual mentally ill folks end up in prison, because they can be completely insane by medical standards but still understand, say, that murder is wrong.)




I think Nancy Grace should cover this trial.


CPS doesn’t just take kids for no reason. People have rights, even if CPS is called, and you can prevent CPS from interviewing kids unless they obtain a court order, which is only gotten if the investigator justifies a claim within 24 hours. Repeat harassing calls are quickly sniffed out, as are cases of actual abuse. Here’s some light reading on how CPS operates. See the sections on being falsely accused and being reported by someone with ulterior motives. https://wehavekids.com/parenting/InsideCPS

In other words. Stressful, annoying and infuriating… but not life ruining.


Disclaimer, I could not hear everything in that video.

I believe MB, thru his lawyer, said they have been there three months. It was the prosecutor that said they moved in for the summer season of 2018.

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My take from the video was that they lived on the farm for summer of 2018, went to florida for the winter and lived somewhere down there, and then moved back onto the farm when they came back from Florida. It wasn’t completely clear though.


Maude, that is so effed up. I’m so sorry someone did that to you, but also proud that you’ve gotten through it. You must be a very brave person. <3 Glad to hear the guy is rotting in prison.


Yes, that is what the prosecuting attorney said.

I was simply correcting the post that said MB said this.


I read all LK’s FB posts before they were removed. Several people offered to show up on any day of her choosing and haul the horses anyplace she wanted. She thanked them and said it wasn’t necessary.




Wow, nothing like trying to taint public opinion! How dare you throw that out, out of the blue. A good friend of LK, are you!


Shes a clown and never has her facts straight. I want a thread on Websleuths for this so we can get actual facts.


Has anyone watched LK’s video of her 4th level test 3??? If LK herself was in full time training I would think she would have ridden that test a whole lot better. LK has a history of not showing up to any barn for weeks or months even when she lived less than 5 miles down the road from them. On her Instagram she even stated she didnt ride for a whole month in FL and then rode for 5 days before showing at 3rd level. And barely got a 60% and scratched her other classes. Scratching seems to be a theme with her…all the way back to training level.
My take on it is her Dad had been paying all this $$ out for her to train and she hadnt held up her side by actually riding. PSG is not an easy level to ride even if you ride every day…I bet she needed someone to blame for her lack of performance. And Michael was the perfect target. LK likes to have excuses for her poor performances. I’ve never seen a post from her that ever acknowledged that she herself rode poorly.
Maybe Daddy had enough and was cutting her off again???
This is my take on maybe why things broke down within the trainer student relationship.


So even if this was true, and she was a “flaky” rider. What does it matter? If you have a horse in full training, why do you need to ride every day? People can ride and show whenever they like.

How does this have anything to do with what happened? You think MB drove to her house and shot her becaause she didnt ride for weeks and got crappy scores at 4th level?

Do you listen to yourself?


WRT to them living in the same house, it could be that the structure has two separate living units. The main house and an attached apartment over the garage, for example. This might explain why the fire department came and said LK and RG couldn’t be living there, but there is no mention of MB also being kicked out by the FD. It also seems less creepy than LK, RG, MB all living with MB’s fiance and the kids.