Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Yeah I think it will be clear once you watch the video. He was just…idk, didn’t seem that great.

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First, let me say that I am not condoning the use of a gun in this case, however, I found the court video of M.B. being led away in shackles just heartbreaking. It is inconceivable to me that someone was doing all the things LK was doing to him and nothing could be done. It just makes me so angry that she and her boyfriend have now ruined his life, doing what in effect they screamed outside his window at night “I will destroy you.” Go ahead, slam me if you want, but that’s how I feel.


The only reason I can fathom staying would be if I feared for my horses and their safety/care - but in that case the last thing on Earth that I’d do is escalate the situation by calling CPS. If you fear someone is unhinged and a danger to you, threatening their children, or threatening to take them away, is going to make everything a hell of a lot worse.

This is the kind of stuff that has a lot of us so confused - it is NOT her fault he pulled the trigger. He should NOT have shot her, that goes without saying - but if you’re in fear, why would you escalate things? Nothing about that makes any sense whatsoever. If you really fear for the kids, you report after you get out, for your own safety. This is completely bizarre.


if in reference to hearing video I believe that is assistant prosecutor Christopher Schellhorn not LK’s attorney


My guess is she never was in fear of her life and she never truly thought he was going to hurt her. I’m thinking she was all talk and thought she was in control of the situation.

In the end - that was a grave mistake. He obviously snapped.

Note: This comment does not in anyway say that I think she deserved it. I am in no way saying she deserved to be bodily harmed or injured.




This does have me confused. I never saw her actual facebook posts but in those I believe she stated they were trainer/student but the news articles make it sound like she and her boyfriend were training their horses at his place. It never really says he was training them or they were in training. Is that just non-horsey writing?

Wow…those were my thoughts exactly as soon as the video started. This guy might be fine for a traffic ticket but OMG not for a case like this where your life as you knew it is literally on the line!


I have read her posts (we have a FB friend in common) and many many vid clips of lessons and major accolades for MB.


LE and the judge clearly stated MB brought the gun with him to pay a visit to the home where LK and RG were living,

right after CPS left his farm after telling him about the complaint of childhood abuse.


Heartbreaking?? Really…interesting position. Do you feel the same about the images of LK in the hospital clinging to life? Would you feel the same if you stood in the operating room with her while they sewed her chest and heart back together? Genuinely curious. If not, I think you may be a candidate for a prison pen pal service.

I am wondering if LK was paying the bills for the house? Was MB also super wealthy? Why would MB be living in a house with her, her fiance, and his fiance and their kids if he had plenty of money? The whole scenario is rather bizarre.


which makes me wonder about MBs financial situation if he can not afford a better lawyer.


He ruined his life by bringing a gun and using it. Everything else that’s been speculated could have been solved through courts and other legal means. Infuriating and annoying af, yes… but not life ruining. He did that all by himself.


Calling cps on someone is a little more than “infuriating and annoying af”. That shit can ruin someone’s life if there’s not an actual reason to be calling them.


Sorry, no. They did not “ruin his life.” They may have made it difficult and tense and uncomfortable and extremely unpleasant but he did have an option - be patient and wait for it to play itself out through the legal system, as hard as that might have been.

Reading between the lines of what others have said, perhaps stress, alcohol and / or mental health impaired his judgement to the point where he thought showing up armed to confront them was they only way to resolve the issue. That decision is what ruined his life. I feel terrible that an apparently otherwise decent man had to deal with whatever circumstances led him to make that choice, but it was his choice in the end. He will pay a very steep price, as will the victim and her loved ones.






Per LK’s Facebook, she initially moved onto the farm to closely supervise her horses’ training … because she didn’t trust that her horses were being ridden as much as she and Barisone agreed upon. If she moved onto the farm in the summer of 2018 as Barisone’s lawyer said, that’s about the same time LK moved to NJ and became Barisone’s client.

Personally if I put my horses in training with someone relatively new to me and suspected that the trainer wasn’t holding up his/her end of the bargain, I’d just find a new trainer rather than moving in and trying to force the issue. But then again I don’t pretend to be a “woman of unlimited means” so I guess I don’t know how to behave.


I am pretty sure that is Lauren’s sister sitting next to Robert Guy Goodwin

For what it’s worth, before her recent FB posts went poof, she had commented that she made it a requirement to live on the property as she would never move her horses anywhere where she could not live on the property as she wanted to be able to walk to see them whenever she wanted (from memory, don’t have screenshots). I find that request odd, but have heard of clients (or working students) living on premises at other facilities for varying lengths of time.