Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I’m sure that’s true. I am just trying to imagine how that is working out in the day-to-day operations at the farm. Unless there are two separate barns at opposite ends of the property, the fiancé must be crossing paths all day long with the other people who are taking care of the other horses at the farm. That seems like it would be all kinds of awkward under the circumstances.


So looking at the overhead of the farm, anyone know where the house is?



I can’t even imagine what the atmosphere on the farm is like.


Wow. Lots of new information there. Based on this article, it sounds like she had taken the horses out of training, but refused to leave the house. I wonder if she had stopped paying board as well. It does state that he went to the house with the gun right after child protective services left.


The house is about 250/300 ft from the road. The barn is not visible from the road.


Yes, and he drove there, meaning he surely had the intent to shoot her. Awful.


Looks like it’s closer to the end of the driveway. The Patch article says they were all living in the house together (his fiance and kids too I presume?) until he got sick of LK’s shit and went to stay in an office in the barn. Gawd.


So, if he is taking care of the horses, is that because they no longer have a boarding contract with the farm and therefore the employees there have no responsibility to care for the horses? Or maybe the lawyers basically told the farm to just not touch anything that belongs to LK and RG? If there horses remain there for the duration of the trial, and no one is paying board, isn’t it true that they could have a lien against them for back board?

Dealing with squatters is hell. I remember having murderous thoughts towards the woman and her boyfriend who squatted in my place. But I didn’t shoot them.

Also…why is someone of “unlimited means” living rent free with her trainer?


The point if my statement is that the seriousness of the wounds doesn’t prove or disprove that MB brought the gun with him.


I didn’t realize they’d been living in the same house. Yikes.


This is what boggles my mind, too. I’m sure people will call me insensitive and ream me out for saying this, but I hope something is done to get them off the property. If she has so many friends and family and they have so much freakin’ money, then why didn’t a bunch of those people lobby together over the weekend to help them get their stuff and the horses away from the farm, regardless of whether or not Barisone is coming back to the farm right away? I could see if stuff is still at the house since it still might be taped off as a crime scene, but I don’t know why the horses couldn’t go if they had a place for them. If that was my fiance who got shot? I know that I sure as s*** wouldn’t be sticking around nor would I want to leave anything there for any longer than I had to. I’d be moving heaven and earth to get everything out of there ASAP. Why remain someplace with so many bad memories? And before anyone gets pissy about it, NO, I don’t think she deserved to get shot and yes, I feel bad that she did. I’ve met MB and don’t care for him all that much, but heck, I would have never wished any of this on him any more than I’d wish for that woman to get shot.


Exactly my point. Yikes.

I know, right?!? :eek:


According to the article (link above), the last event that occurred the morning of the shooting was child protective services paying a visit to MB’s farm as LK and her fiancé had called to report that MB was abusing his partner’s children. So there was alleged squatting, civil disagreements (admitted by LK’s lawyer), situations that called for the police to visit several times and the fire marshall stating that LK and her fiancé should not have been living in the house, all topped by the visit from Jersey’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency to investigate what LK and her fiancé reported as child abuse.


So MB moves out of the house 10 days ago… his fiance and her kids are where? All while MB appears to not be training her horses (why not) and thus their living arrangement was null/void as it was part of the training arrangement they had?
Cant watch vid right now.

Those suggesting he needs a better lawyer, what makes you say so, or will that be clear once I watch said vid?


I wonder if Barisone’s staff was ever taking care of those horses at all, or if it was some sort of self-care arrangement by LK and her fiancé. The more details that come out, the more bizarre the situation sounds. And they were living rent free the whole time in the same house with Barisone?

Curiouser and curiouser.


Was this what some referred to as her call/allegations to SafeSport, or were these in addition to that allegation?


This may be a new article - I don’t know. It doesn’t say a lot but I couldn’t hear the video very well from this computer so I’ll have to try it on another tonight. It says his lawyer kept calling them “alleged victims” and said they were the ones doing the harassing so that’s definitely going to be his defense.

We may have found the answer to the “pink gun” question though - it could have been Barisones wifes…

Question on the judges comments regarding the evidence of the gun… he said there was no evidence that it belonged to the victims? Or what was he saying? I know it’s somewhere in this thread but I keep skipping over it.

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If the gun was Barisones fiances, where was she living these last 10 days, and was the gun at the house with fiance or out in the barn with MB.

Its certainly no reason to shoot someone, but if my relationship had fallen apart like it appears this one did… I would take my horses and leave and certainly not be living in his house.


watch the video, it appears the attorney might have been thinking this was a traffic ticket case … I believe Perry Mason is crying now