Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

He needs a better lawyer.


The voice recording of the first officer on the scene make it pretty clear it was a traumatic injury.

Its somewhere far far up this thread, linked to through an article.

I donā€™t put any weight into this. I am quite sure that the children are Barisones fiancƃĀ©s and that the complaint is bogus

Iā€™m not so sure. The judge may not allow victim blaming in that her being a jerk on fb or even in person caused him to fire

the gun three times in an attempt to kill two people. Many times judges quash this type testimony as irrelevant.


It makes no difference whether there was credible threats against MB. The shooting of somebody twice at point blank range and attempted shooting of another is not reasonable force in the circumstances as we know them. If he was truly worried about his safety he should have called the police. To hand down a charge within 24 hours would require an abundance of iron clad evidence. Iā€™d ship my horses off his farm ASAP.


News articles have said two gunshot wounds, close up, one into the heart, one into a lung. And if sheā€™s still in ICU, they

were not glancing blows especially since she needed surgery immediately after arriving at hospital.

These were serious wounds.


My thoughts exactly.


So am I to understand from the video that LK and RG were allowed to stay there rent-free as long as they had horses in training, then were asked to leave when the horses were no longer in training, but they refused to go?

And now RG is back there despite the fire marshal saying no one should be living there, because he ā€œneeds to take care of the horsesā€Ā?


It would if they try to say that he brought the gun out of fear for his own life. It all depends on his lawyers and how they create their defense. They could use it to show how the harassment and bullying affected his state of mind (if they went for an insanity plea)ā€¦I would guess her character will be a major part of his defense though.


To shut down any and all speculation about LK bringing the gun, or LK and RG attacking Michael with a knife, the judge was very clear in his statement that there is no evidence that LK and RG were armed with ā€œa stick, a knife, or a gun, or anything.ā€Ā


They specifically say in the hearing that MB did not have a written agreement with them to live there.

And I agree on the better lawyer thing.


Anyone else notice it seemed like RG was present for the hearing? Judging by the wrapped up wrist on the gentleman in the button-up shirt in the front rowā€¦ not sure who the other folks are, perhaps LKā€™s family?


ā€œAnd thereā€™s probably a civil suit coming from this also. Heā€™s in for some major headaches in the future.ā€

I would be very surprised if they file a civil suitā€¦there is an amazing amount of information that LK and RG would not want the public to knowā€¦


Doctors have performed several medical procedures on Lauren Kanarek, 39, to allow her to breathe after she suffered chest and lung injuries in the shooting Aug. 7 in the Long Valley section of Washington Township.



Yes, IMO, it was RG, LKā€™s sister and father.


Yes, they all looked very happy that he was not being released so it does seem correct to assume that they are associated with LK.

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this article says Barisone was living in the same house as LK and RG, until 10 days ago. The two had been living there

about 2 months for the summer season, as they did last year also.

So MB knew them from last year.

If according to LK that MB was no longer training/riding her horses as she was paying for, maybe this was the breakdown

of their relationship.

Messy, messy situation.



I have not even gotten all the way through the video yet. But holy cow. Her horses and her fiancƃĀ© are still there on the property?!? Wow.


Shes in the hospital clinging to life and he is dealing with all that, plus the court stuff. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not the easiest situation to be in right now. I know when I was a vicitm to a violent assault, I couldnā€™t even function on a very basic level for quite some time.


Better put a comma in there lol