Woman Shot at Barisone Farm



Childhood abuse? That to me indicates in the past. This is just getting odder. Wow.


MBā€™s attorney pointed out that LK and the fiancƃĀ© were NOT tenants on the property- they were ā€œsquattersā€Ā, paying no rent and her horses were not in training. They had been ordered to vacate the premises by the fire marshal but refused to comply.

This certainly doesnā€™t excuse the outcome here but it gives a glimpse into what MB was dealing with and what may have led to the outcome. Just tragic all the way around.


Just watched the video. MB looks pretty rough. Who was the lady that they kept zooming in on, was that his fiancee?

If I was told by the fire marshal to leave a property there would be NO way I would spend another night there! Plus if I had unlimited resources finding suitable housing would be no issue! On another point when and if the child abuse claim is found non existent there will prove lying once again. And harassment on LKā€™s partā€¦


Definitely a ā€œmust watchā€. The background story is beginning get filled in.
Interesting that the RG the fiance has returned to the property and is taking care of the horses.
Who would want him there ?
Even the local Fire Marshall told them to get out.

Holy cow. Definitely a ā€œmust watchā€.


According to the court hearing video, MB is helping to raise his fianceā€™s children. MBā€™s attorney said that LK/RG had made threats against MB, his fiance and the children.


I have no idea what happened and therefore should not speculateā€¦ but my medical mind is very curious as to how she survived two direct 9 mm gunshot wounds to her thorax ( and blessedly did survive)- and reportedly was able to call 911 and be conscious at least briefly. I think the forensics, including the gun registration, the injuries etc will be a more reliable witness than the boyfriend.


It was difficult to hear the judge on that video, but i did hear him say that there is no evidence that the gun was taken away from victim or BF. Judge also indicated he was troubled by the ā€œI had a good lifeā€ comment. I donā€™t see any defense here at all. Mr. B is going away for a while.


I donā€™t know what happened either but I donā€™t see him getting bail especially due to what everyone has said about recent NJ changes.

Yeah he didnā€™t get bail. Judge said that despite not having a previous record, they felt that he was enough of a threat to LK and RG (the fiance), and possibly to himself, as well as possibly not showing up to court, to deny bail or any other way for him to be able to go home.

WOW! Sounds like there was definitely a lot more going on than what LKā€™s fiance has been feeding to the press. His attorney told the press that earlier in the day child protective services showed up at the property after LK reported him for child abuse. WOW!


What a shame that MB did not consult the COTH boards. Several commandments were broken.

  1. Screen your boarders so you donā€™t get stuck with lunatics, non-payers, abandoned horses, etc. This may mean a simple phone call to their previous barn.

  2. When the white trash neighbors or tenants are harassing you or your horses, do not engage. Document as necessary and involve LE & the law.

  3. No freebies in exchange for barn work, board, etc.

  4. Get everything in writing. That MB did not have a written agreement with LK & RG is just bananas. One could bet her best tiara that every owner there had a written contract.

  5. When employing working students, at least audition them or have them submit a video so you know they are not over-representing themselves.




well thats what the defense is coming up with, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true. Trial will decide that.

MBs comment is certainly something the prosecutor, judge and police have all taken notice of as odd. Big red flag for LE.


honestly, as an avid follower of true crime, some vicitms survive some seriously crazy ****. It can be totally unbelieveable what they can get through. She is a fighter, that is for sure.


Even if the wounds turn out to have been glancing shots it still doesnā€™t exonerate MB of intent.


Her social media persona and in person behavior will play a part in his defense. If there is no actual renters agreement and no proof of rent payment, then the fact that she is squatting and potentially harassing and bullying him will also be part of his defense. If the childhood (and I"m not short what childhood abuse covers - Iā€™ve never heard it that way) turns out to be unproven then it too will be used as part of his defense. Her character will go on trial even if she is the victim.

It would be used to explain the motive. Events leading up to the actual shooting will also be part of the defense. In America, a person has a right to defend themselves in a court of law. Even Jeffrey Dahmer got the chance to defend himself.


just guessing- but from LKā€™s fb she claimed MB encouraged her to bring all her horses there to board/train. She said she

thought he needed money. But then he got an insurance check.

they may have had a written agreement and MB thought he canceled it by notifying her.

MB may have called them squatters because he asked them to leave and gave them notice.

Sounds like MB brought the pink gun to the meeting- at her residence. Shows intent.

LE and the judge sound like they think MB took the law into his own hands and thought he was entitled to kill her to get rid of her,

instead of working through legal channels.

Regardless, LE investigating believed he attempted to kill them both- attempted murder.

And thereā€™s probably a civil suit coming from this also. Heā€™s in for some major headaches in the future.