Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I know that I am more interested in trying to understand what happened than in excusing or blaming. It is just odd that a seemingly rational man with no known criminal history would decide to shoot someone in a way that pretty much guaranteed he would be caught. So that is why the digging into the past of all parties and their relationships wondering about the possible use of alcohol or drugs. There is no “good reason” outside of self defense, but there are reasons and factors that played into this.

Such a sad situation all the way around, but I still wonder about how it all came to be. The scenario in my mind is that MB was in an altered state (drugs? alcohol? mental break?)and it seemed rational to him at the time to take a gun and threaten LK after the CPS call. Was he altered enough to think that he had nothing to lose and was going to take her down first? Or was it a threat that went very wrong?


Exactly. The underlying situation is still happening, so for MB to be released, with now increased tensions between the parties, would very likely lead to additional problems. I also understood the judge’s emphasis on MB’s “I had a good life” statements to mean that he’s concerned that MB will take his own life, or as others have said, say F it and try to finish the job. He does seem to be in a place where he knows he’s screwed either way, so what does he have to lose?

All around, very sad.


We have heard the things that LK did to make MB snap. What did MK do or not do to cause her change of heart regarding him?




For some reason unbeknownst to me I have waded through this entire thread, so by rights I think I get to give my perspective on how it might have all gone down. But I’m going to do in in a “Time to Kill” manner. Let me tell you a story:

There is a very accomplished and successful WOMAN who is a rider and trainer and runs a prominent training facility. She has a host of clients including a MAN who she’s recently had some business disagreements with whom she realizes it’s time to cut ties with. Upon the initial discussion as to how that all needs to happen he goes ballistic and is verbally abusive to her, then he goes on social media and begins to denigrate her and make threats of ruining her. She confronts him again and tells him that he is living on her property and she no longer feels safe so he needs to find somewhere else to live. He refuses, then escalates the threats on social media to include discussing his access to guns. She does some searching on social media and discovers that this behavior is a pattern for him and he has a disturbing and violent background.

At this point he has created a frightening environment for her family, her employees and her other clients as it is becoming more and more obvious that he is very unstable. Since he still will not leave her property she begins the legal process of evicting him and eviction signs get posted on the property. This man is now threatening to call zoning, ICE, SafeSport, child protection services on face book. The police start showing up on her property everyday for a week—either because he has called them on her or she has felt so threatened that she has called them on him. It is now apparent that he is willing to slander her not just on facebook, but lie about her to the police. The police are being completely ineffective in helping her in this situation because with the crazy things he is telling them they don’t know who to believe.

She lives with her fiancé and his children and she loves them very much and is trying to build a family. But the threats have become so concerning that her finance—justifiably she knows—wants to get his children away from this crazy man. Even though she knows he is right it feels like abandonment that he wants to, needs to, leave her for the sake of his children while she is being a victim of this man’s attacks and abuse. It’s gone way beyond a few nasty words on social media. They compromise because he knows she needs him right now and agree to move with the children into the barn. The legal process for eviction is so slow, but at least she is able to get the Fire Marshall out to confront him. But to no avail.

Living in the barn, she is exhausted and hasn’t slept for days. Her life is crumbling around her. Her business is struggling because clients don’t want to be around this drama and are threatening to leave. Her employees are worried their lives are about to get complicated because even if ICE shows up and they are legal it’s another tangle that has to be fixed that no one wants. Money is tight anyway, and the job market is making it really hard to keep good employees, so there is that much more stress. Her emotional support system is getting pretty shaky because living in the barn is not much of a long term solution and it’s beginning to look like he’s a squatter and not going to leave anytime soon.

Then child protective services shows up. This is beyonds threats. This is damaging to these children she loves and devastating to the family she is trying to build. and it is frightening because she doesn’t have any understanding of how this system works and she knows that the children are going to be taken away if not by the government then by her fiancé. He will definitely leave her now—if not out of good sense to get the children out of this crazy man’s clutches, but because it is the most obvious way to respond to this new problem.

She is enraged. She decides to go give him another piece of her mind, but grabs her gun thinking she may need it for self defense since those last internet posts about him having guns and being willing to use them. She marches over there. Only to get in a screaming match and find out that he’s sent a complaint to SafeSport and others. She assumes it’s all true because if he’s crazy enough to sic child protective services on her family then all those other threats are going to be manifested as well. She’s done. He’s effectively destroying everything she cares about so what’s the point and she shoots him. Her life is over anyway because this man has ruined everything—her relationship, her livelihood and her sanity. And no one will help her.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Our legal system is supposed to be blind to gender, but it’s not. Neither are we COTHers. I’ve been around here a long time and been reading some of your posts for years—if the genders were reversed I’m positive some of you would be singing a different song. Of course, in reality MB surely made some mistakes dealing with this situation prior to the shooting that we don’t know about—but the bullying by LK? That’s documented and real. If the genders were reversed I suspect the help, advice and concern he was getting from law enforcement and other government officials would have been more helpful.

Here’s what I think happens. Either there is a plea deal where he pleads to a felony but gets a light sentence—because LK is certifiably [edit]–or it goes to court where the case will be made that LK is certifiably [edit]. If I’m on the jury I vote that he is guilty, but that this was a crime of passion with provocation and knock it down to the lowest charge I can with the least amount of prison time possible. Being a convicted felon he still looses his livelihood and life as he knew it. She recovers with a life long disability and hopefully someone gets her the [edit] she needs.


If MB were to claim self defense, then yes, threats made or prior altercations between the parties, as well as the reputation for violence of the other party as it was known to the defendant, can be considered. However, I believe other defenses, which I’ve written about earlier, appear to have a better chance of fitting the potential scenario in this case than a claim of self defense would.


Question for the legal peeps: can’t a judge order them to vacate the property? The situation will never be diffused as long as they continue to squat. I know the eviction process is a long one, but these are extenuating circumstances that seem like they would merit expedited action. Are there no options to get them out faster?

If they had left when he asked them to, this wouldn’t have happened. Victim blaming? Sure. Bring the flame. If it goes to trial, the defense attorney will ask why she didn’t leave if she thought she was in danger. Every member of the jury will be asking themselves the same question. The defense attorney will point to the offers to haul her horses that were declined. I don’t think a jury would be able to wrap their heads around the argument that there are simply no suitable facilities or a combination of facilities within reasonable driving distance to house the horses while she looks for a long term boarding situation. Honestly, even as someone who understands the emotional factor with horses, I can’t wrap my head around why she didn’t leave. I know I would have been outta there as soon as the situation turned sour. But that’s me thinking like a rational adult.

The housing situation was weird before things got ugly. I can’t imagine what it’s like now. Would make for some interesting reality tv.


Oh please. This person has not ruined ‘everything’. It wouldn’t matter to me what the gender was, what the past was, whether they were famous or not.


I feel like if this was the situation in court, the female trainer wouldn’t end up with jail time, because she legitimately feared for her life. That’s how this reads. And it is literally just a gender swap from the current situation.

I can’t imagine having a client/tenant with all of the drama and baggage that LK brings. I can’t imagine being strong enough, mentally and emotionally, to NOT lose my shit over it all. It’s easy for folks on the BB to draw this clear line in the sand and say that they would never lose their cool over it, never cross the line that MB did… but really? Ya’ll would just sit there and take all of this? While your personal life is already a mess on its own? You must be some pretty amazing people, I don’t think I could stay sane through all of this.


Subk, There but for the grace of god go any of us. I think you about nailed it.


Probably shouldn’t wade into this but she sounds absolutely bsc. Any of us who have dealt on an intimate level with bsc clients/bosses in the horse world knows how absolutely bsc it can make you if you can’t/don’t manage to extract yourself. Her calling CPS, on top of everything else - refusing to leave, bullying on social media, giving you (for the sake of your kids) little alternative to leave your own home and either move off the property or live in your barn ), would push most otherwise clear-, level-headed, rational adults to the other side. If you have not dealt with someone like this in your life, you probably just don’t get it at all. But for those of us who have, it is hard not to side with him.


True. Desperate people do desperate things.


If someone were living in your home and you were forced to live in your barn lounge room, I think that would be pretty much a ruining.

I was gobsmacked when their lawyer acted liked the fiance moving back into Barisones home to take care of Laurens horses was some sort of noble cause.


I believe LK’s horses have been removed from the property as evidence or will be soon. The county apparently has a trailer for use with the Park Police mounted patrol unit that was reported to be at the farm after the incident, with all the other law enforcement assets present. Given that her parents live within (literal) spitting distance of a major hospital - about 15 minutes in traffic from the place she was taken to - that can provide the recovery services that she needs and her sisters aren’t living at home anymore, it’s likely that the fiance and LK will relocate to her parent’s home after she’s been moved to the medical center near her parent’s home for recovery and rehab.


please tell us what bsc is.

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You don’t know what you would do until you find yourself in that position. Those words are the truth, no matter how loud, or often you cry “NO!!!”.

I never thought I’d argue in court that someone should actually receive the death penalty –

– until I did.


I hope they put MB on suicide watch.


In reality you’re right she hadn’t ruined everything YET, but do you think that rational thought occurs to someone moments after child protective services shows up? I don’t. I wouldn’t be rational. You sic child protective services on me and my children because I’m trying to protect them from you? There’s not going to be much room in my head for much rational thinking. Is he guilty? Yes. Should he/will he get convicted of a felony? Yes. [edit]


My SOs brother stayed (rent free) in the home we were unable to evict him from until we sold the house around him. It was the only way to get him out due to family pressure. He hadn’t packed a box the day before close and felt it was no big deal.

Some people are something else.


My guess is bsc = Bat $hit Crazy.