Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Bat sh*t crazy.

Batshit Crazy

thanks!! now Iā€™ll go back and read for comprehension.:yes:

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bsc = batshit crazy (flying change is more circumspect than I)

I agree re: the fiancƃĀ© ā€œneeding to take care of the horses.ā€Ā Iā€™m pretty sure I rolled my eyes out loud at that one. As if there is nobody else on the property qualified to throw some hay and muck some stalls.

But then again, if she called ICE on his employees, maybe there isnā€™t ā€¦


Donā€™t try to tell me what I would and would not do. For one thing, I donā€™t own a gun nor would I ever own a gun. Therefore, I would never shoot anyone. If I had the inclination, I could think of various ways he could have gotten that person out. Some would have maybe been illegal, but not worthy of a jail sentence.

Many of the opinions on this thread stem from intense dislike (even hatred) of the victim.


For what itā€™s worth though, that barn lounge is nicer than my apartment. He wasnā€™t slumming it. Of course, itā€™s hard to enjoy it when you have an actual house you canā€™t live in.


Because it worked so well for Epstein




It is all very odd but I just donā€™t think one can rule out that the allegations of abuse are false. It certainly could have been the tipping point either way- false or truee


Am I the only one stuck on the fact that there was no contract, only a verbal agreement?


I mean, most horse people have some degree of BSC in them but having read LKā€™s Facebook page, sheā€™s far above and beyond the garden variety crazy horse chick. I honestly felt very sympathetic toward her upon initially reading about what happened ā€¦ it was only after reading her own comments she wrote that I began to wonder if maybe there was a chance it was self defense on MBā€™s part. I am no psychiatrist, but those posts and comments were dripping with Cluster B traits.

I do think that itā€™s almost certain, with the information that is out so far, that he is guilty. But just because LK didnā€™t deserve to be shot doesnā€™t make her innocent of any wrongdoing.


I have a feeling heā€™ll be provided with top lawyer(s) in the weeks to come.


Which victim?

For the record Iā€™ve never heard of either one of them before yesterday. I have been in horse sports long enough and at a high enough level to understand the work and commitment it takes to have the kind of success heā€™s had while at the same time having a personal understanding that it doesnā€™t mean you have an admirable character. But because her facebook activity is so horrifying I have a hard time not finding some sympathy for him. For her? I struggle, but I do think I can find some based on my suspicion that sheā€™s mentally ill.

But yes, itā€™s true that I typically despise other women who use facebook they way she hasā€¦but then again Iā€™m and equal opportunity despiserā€“I despise men that do it too.


You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Maybe his defense attorney needs to hire you.


that was not an attorney representing her but an assistant district attorney

and believe me even they can be completely incorrect in their analogous of evidence


So LKā€™s attorney was mistaken yesterday when he said RG had returned to the property, and was taking care of the horses ? Sounds like the horses had already left.

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Well, it depends on your definition of bsc. Yeah, itā€™s cute to say most horse people are a little (or a lot) ā€œcrazy.ā€ Thatā€™s different from bsc. To me, bsc is reserved for those who have a (usually undiagnosed and/or untreated) mental illness that causes them to be extremely difficult or impossible to work with or be around by most others who are trying to navigate the world using the same set of rules. These people operate by a different set of ā€œrules.ā€ Or they have no rules to begin with. So no, I donā€™t agree that all horse people are bsc. Iā€™ve seen bsc. Lived it. Know it well. Survived it. Terrified of it. Have a pretty keen radar now for it and when I see someone with these traits, I try to may a wide, wide berth. If you havenā€™t been there, you just probably donā€™t understand what it does to you to become the target of this kind of personā€™s wrath. Most people who are or have worked professionally in the horse world know what I am talking about. Those who havenā€™t are extremely rare. If indeed, all of her mental pistons are firing normally, and she did all that she did leading up to this incident - including refusing to leave his property and then sticking CPS on him - then, as subk said it comes down to her just being a hideous *itch. And yeah, I had never heard of MB or LK before this incident. And people who know me in real life know that I am not one to ā€œworshipā€ trainer or ā€œhate women.ā€

As far as the argument that you would never shoot someone because you donā€™t own a gun? That argument really does not work. If someone were coming at you (or someone you loved ) with a gun, and you managed to get it away from that person or get entangled with him/her, you might very well find yourself in that position. Never say never until you have walked in anotherā€™s shoes.


Please remember their loved ones may be reading these posts and write as though speaking to them. I find this tragic. She is in intensive care and he may have ruined his life and maybe hers. The boyfriend had a good moment tackling him. Iā€™ve attached an example of a crime of passion no billed to the grand jury. Note that the father stopped beating him and tried to save his life after the initial response. MB could have started formal eviction procedures and eventually had LE move them out. Troubling. We donā€™t know what happened. It will come out in court. Someone asked what upset her. On FB she said all fees were raised after she moved all her horses there and she felt used. Anyone boarding for a while knows that barn fees go up and you can stay and pay or go but Iā€™ve never seen a barn raise fees without lots of barn drama. Havenā€™t seen anyone shot over that. I feel for the kids most of all. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnewsā€¦%3fid=16612071


Given RGā€™s firmly established long-term and recent criminal history in that town - which includes violent crimes, drug offenses, and property crimes - and the surrounding communities, I would assume that it isnā€™t likely that they would have let him go back there without supervision, especially if thereā€™s already staff present to take care of the animals and most likely Barisone has some friends who would step in and take care of his horses and the property if the people working there had somehow stopped turning up. I find it more likely that the 2-3 LK horses were seized and relocated as evidence or moved to a third-party stable to ensure their safety from any potential reprisal from MB employees and LK/RG simply forgot or didnā€™t know that fact, so it was not communicated to their representative at the hearing.