Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Angela Freda. Your “correction” is not a correction. It is what I said later in my post. Some of y’all need to read the entire post before commenting.


No, it’s not.

“LE arrives and finds little bitty thing bleeding out on the ground and boyfriend and MB hurt and boyfriend only holding him down.”

By the way, this summer is actually a good time for kids in equestrian sports. Cleaning house of predators is a good thing.

“Little kids look up to olympians and dream. This has been a bad summer for equestrian sports.”


Not disputed because a bail hearing is not where you address the case specifics itself.

It is all still “alleged”.

Given LK and her beau still live there, there was no way he was getting released.


I have absolutely no idea and nor does anybody here. That’s why I am going for now with the facts that have been reported, rather than making up additional scenarios. At this point we have no reason to believe anybody but MB brought the gun to this discussion. If that wasn’t the case, we will probably find out at some point.


Sounds like the place was full of loose cannons.


I look at it as anyone could have owned that gun and first wielded it (being the owner doesn’t mean you’re the one who produced it, or threatened anyone with it) that includes ALL parties present. Let’s face it, sounds like they all were able to be in that house where the gun might have been. And if it was kept where he was staying in the barn, as well
I’m not saying MB didn’t bring it… I am saying we don’t know who did, and they all could likely have done so equally.


Knights Mom, I can see this in a regular lease/rental agreement, but in a case like this, where there is no paperwork, how will that work?

In a “no paperwork” sort of case, as this one seems to be, couldn’t one just say “I didn’t know they were in there! I had to take the doors off to air out and dry the place because of the mold in the basement! The Fire Marshall said we had to take care of the bad problem!”

What say ye NJ experts?


Not as long as the fiance is living on the property.

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In some states there doesn’t have to be a contract, you could let your friend move in with you to get over a bad breakup and when she stayed for months instead of a few weeks you’d still have to file a legal eviction notice because you passed into where the law considered her a legal tenant, even if there was no contract or money changing hands.


Knights Mom - why is it so hard to remove a tenant when they are unwelcome, months behind in rent etc. Just curious.


From that perspective, yes, good point, cleaning up sports is a very good summer. I’m thinking about my own shock and little Joey or Janie from a non-horse family asking to take lessons. Then mom googles horse trainers. Maybe she will read more and think yes they are cleaning it up. But reading the misrepresentation o SafeSport-people calling it a witch hunt, and equestrians being shot. It’s a lot to take in. Well, AQHA may be the winner here and they still have to comply with SafeSport.



I wonder if the girlfriend blew a gasket after social services left, grabbed her gun and said she was headed over to “kill that witch” so he took the gun away and told her he would handle the situation - got there and still happened to have the gun, things got out of control and in a moment, made a mistake that would effect everyones lives…

AGAIN - TOTAL MAKE-BELIEVE… but… could be plausable…


(I’m no kind of attorney, just read a lot). Depending on the state, and if there is a lease, or not, then it can take 12 months to 18 months in one state I read about to get the tenant out, and that’s will the tenant not paying one cent of rent. Another state I lived in would let a landlord give a notice to quit, and start eviction proceedings, if the tenant was late paying the rent for one month. My friend had a due date of the 5th of the month, on day 6, the eviction would start with a notice posted on her door by the landlord.

I’ve read about another state where a new landlord bought a property with two month-to-month tenants, and neither paid rent for months, and the landlady was paying each one $10,000 to leave the apartments (it was California, so they could have been rented bedrooms too), and was slogging through the procedures in housing court trying to get the tenants evicted. Some people are well versed in tenant/landlord laws for their state, and know how to keep a case delayed in housing court (where housing court exists). Honestly, I don’t know why anyone becomes a landlord any more.


I found this and it has a link to nj law. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/tenant-defenses-evictions-new-jersey.html

Not a lawyer either, or a real estate agent, just have a lot of experience with New Jersey-isms. The state is really backwards.

I know someone who rented their house out for 3 years to a professor at Princeton University while they spent some time in europe for their job. The professor hoarded, and refused to move out. It took 6 months to get them to leave, and they left the house in terrible shape. For example, they took some plumbing and all of the drains out of the sinks so that they could cram more stuff in the cabinets underneath. The homeowner GAVE THE SECURITY DEPOSIT BACK because the process they had to go through in their township to prove the renter violated the lease agreement was so laborious. Especially after returning home from Europe and unexpectedly having to find a new place to live because the eviction process lasted so long, and then having to repair the home, they just wanted the saga to be over. In this case they would have saved a significant amount of money if they let the house sit empty for 3 years.

I also sat in on some court proceedings while I attended Rutgers University and watched a hearing about a man who was trying to evict a tenant for over 12 months. She hadn’t paid rent for over 12 months! And this was the beginning of the legal process in this case. LE had been to the residence several times already, but a judge couldn’t sign an eviction notice for a full year. Granted, I think this tenant had some protections because of her income that dragged out the process, but 12 months is ridiculous.

And as for why people still become landlords, that would be because young people are losing interest in homeownership. But that’s a topic for another forum.


I personally have never met Lauren Kanarek however, I have been mentally tortured by her for four years. I lost my son via drowning and she accuse me on my Facebook wall of murdering him because a di#k was in my a++ while he drowned. S he has been stalking me for four years posting things about my fiancé she dated 25 years ago and lied and cheated on him. This girl is a pathological liar and I have proof for all my claims . I don’t have a couple pages I have thousands of text messages she sent me via Facebook messenger that are the most heartbreaking disgusting things you could ever read . She had the audacity to write on her Facebook wall which is still there that I was trying do you follow her on Twitter. When in actuality I was trying to block her because I knew what she did on my Facebook wall. I was new to Twitter and I didn’t know how to hit Block. Somebody went on her Facebook wall and deleted all of her and sick messages. I just so happen to have taken snapshots of some. I am not sure if I am allowed to attach her written text messages to me that are the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read . I actually feel bad for her fiancé Robert Guy Goodwin, One girl that was friends with him since childhood wrote hello to him on his Facebook wall and iLauren n return wrote that her that her vagina smelledl like cottage cheese out of jealousy. She is neurotic and jealous of every guy she’s ever dated but so freely cheats on each one of them. She is honestly one of the most evil, sick, vicious people I have ever met with such an ugly heart. I am a Christian and I never prayed for death, I truly hope she survives this For Michael Barisone,‘s sake. I am a witness to how she drives somebody so insane they would want to cause her physical pain. I would have never have taken the plunge of shooting her. However you all have no idea how much she tortured Mary Haskins and Michael Barisone, I have proof I am just waiting for the actual truth of the storm to get out on the news . I personally have contacted every new station to give them the truth about this lunatic. I am sympathetic to her family for everything they are going to deal with through it all. May God bless his blessings upon Michael, Mary, Robert guy and all their families . If somebody would let me know if I have the ability to attach text messages with cursewords in it please let me know


As a paramedic, shot twice in the chest, in surgery, in ICU, yes she was seriously injured. And yes, it is still possible to call 911 and be critically injured, with life threatening trauma. 🙄


Thank you.

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GirlJoeymy heart breaks for what you’ve been through. The more I hear about Lauren, the more evil and dangerous she sounds. It’s just mind boggling that he was unable to get help in getting her kicked off the farm.


Please let me know if I’m able to attach snapshot photos of a conversation we had I took out all her cursewords