Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

LE does not have to be dumb to say it is a civil, not criminal matter and not be willing to get involved in that art of the problem.
No written agreement required.


I was just going off what was said in the court video ā€¦ the Assistant DA said something about ā€œRG has returned to the property so that he can care for their horsesā€Ā which made it sound as though someone had made the case that the horses needed him there.

I donā€™t know for a fact that there isnā€™t an a agreement, though. Like 99% of this thread, it was just speculation!


Most have listened to the various 911 audios. However, those audios had some redactions. Among those, were some quotes listed in the August 21 updated article from NJ.com.

Barisone is asked: ā€œAre their guns involvedā€Ā
Barisone replies: ā€œNot yetā€Ā.

Tthere will be those on this thread that assume his remarks meant that he worried that LK would/could get a gun. There will be those on this thread that assume that this was an indication that he was thinking of using one.


What is the civil matter, if there is no agreement? Otherwise, its just tresspassing, no?

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Not all calls were released. The police were out more than 2x.


You must have missed a bunch of the thread.

In many (I think most) states once you live somewhere (for a shockingly short period of time) you are considered a resident and eviction is required if you do not want to leave.

If Aunt Betty comes and visits and stays just long enoughā€¦and then does not want to ever leave, you have to evict her to get her out.

So not just trespassing, it is a landlord tenant issue, which is not something the police deal with.


Donā€™t know about NJ but in Delaware 30 days in residency means the home owner has to go through the courts to evict irrespective of whether or not a written agreement exists.

It happened to my dad when he wanted the skankity ho-bag alcoholic, urinating on the floor, emotionally abusive, piece of work he had moved into his house out. Itā€™s a long story chronicled somewhere on this board but long story short, LEā€™s hands were tied. We got lucky when she thought she could use the ā€œIā€™m going to kill myselfā€ strategy to garner sympathy. That gave the officer cause to remove her from the property and we took advantage of her stint in a mental health facility to serve her with an eviction notice.

Even with all that when she got released she and her social worker tried to get her back into ā€œher homeā€. It was a freaking nightmare.


ā€¦and there will be those on this thread who wonder whether the question was, ā€œAre their guns involved?ā€ Or ā€œAre there guns involved?ā€


But do these laws hold after something like a domestic takes place? What about the horses, with no contract surely the horses can be evicted.

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I donā€™t think anyone was charged with any form of domestic abuse in this case. Being a jerk to your room mate does not get you arrested or give the police a reason to tell you to leave.

Evicting a horse is pretty much impossible because there are no landlord tenant laws regarding them.


Additional information on conversations with 911.


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Well charge or not I am referring to it as a domestic for this forum, as it appears to be a fight between parties in a relationship IMO (not meaning seuxal relationship).

So there are no laws to evict the horses, they werenā€™t paying anything (for the horses supposedly), I donā€™t see why LE couldnā€™t require them to be removed due to a no contact order. The only thing I can see protecting the horse owner is a boarding or training contract. I donā€™t understand why the lawyer for MB would not have implemented a retraining or no contact order from LK at this point.

Usually if someone is in a dangerous situation, LE would do what they can to get the parties seperated. I just can not imagine they are not trying to remove the fiance and the horses if they donā€™t have some sort of agreement.

Something doesnā€™t add up.


I cant imagine any rational BO who would take these horsesā€¦And given what someone posted re liens on horses in NJ, perhaps MBā€™s lawyer slapped a lien on themā€¦Ugh what a mess.

And re the comment above about separating the parties - with Michael in jail, fiance moved out along with apparently everyone else, that pretty much has solved the separationā€¦

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Short answer: thatā€™s not how the laws work.

Long answer: lawyers donā€™t implement restraining orders. They need to go before a judge and argue a case and the other party gets to argue back. If there isnā€™t a clear pattern of real physical threat you might not get that order. It just isnā€™t that easy.

My point earlier was that this dispute appeared to boil up in 5 or 6 days including over a weekend and rapidly escalated. Even if one party or the other was starting some kind of civil action against the other (eviction, restraining order, small claims court, whatever,) there was no time to get anything done before the violence erupted.

And domestic dispute always refers to problems between two people currently or recently in a sexual relationship. Not between a man and woman who are landlord and tenant or in business or clients.

No one is currently in danger. MB is in jail awaiting trial. LK is in hospital. R is at farm. No idea where MBā€™s girl friend is.


Domestic disputes are not always involving people in sexual relationships. They are typically anyone residing in the same household (domicile).


I am not familiar with the situation prior to this incident. How long had MBā€™s girlfriend and her kids been living there? And how old are the kids? Talk about uprooting a lot of lives in one awful day.


Except who owns the farm, who pays the mortgage on it?
If the answer is MB or his company, his girlfriend or her company, MBs exwifeā€¦or a combination of thoseā€¦ that pretty much stinks for them to own it, but be driven out.
And if a place could be found for MB horses (clients horses, his, his girlfriendā€™s horsesā€¦ ), why was LK having such a hard time finding a place to go with hers to get away from this person she says she feared?


I think one of the articles posted in this thread said that MB was the owner of the farm.

Yes ok, but as family.

If my landlord comes down and starts pounding on the door of my basement suite and screaming wierd drunken things about the plumbing and I dial 911, I donā€™t think they would call that a domestic dispute.

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Iā€™m sure the board bill will outpace the value before all this is resolved.