Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

She’s known for misinformation and is a joke to the True Crime lover community… I wish someone reputable would cover this case like True Crime Daily.


Maybe you missed it, but it has been described here many times, this state is a no bond state. You are either let out or your are not let out. So him not being let out is not the same as saying 'he is held without bond".

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Thank you so much yes at first I was quite emotional with four years of stored up torture from this girl. I have now calmed down. I only posted on my wall her accounts of my murdering my son. However, there are thousands of other messages that his attorney now has. I am trying to keep a calm level head. Let go and let God.
the truth will prevail soon and everyone will know what really happened.


Ok so this is just my interpenetration but… He sounds nervous in his 911 calls but she sounds like she is just matter of fact. I am confused why they were calling 911 though because the didn’t sound like they had true emergencies. They should have called the non-emergency line. And if he was calling lawyers, did they start the official process to have her removed or not? I’m not sure if I’ve seen where anything was officially started? (I may have missed that and I’m sorry if I did).

He and M did truly sound nervous in their calls. they sounded upset in them. She sounded calm and in control.

Why would the boyfriend and horses still be on the property at this point? I don’t understand that part.

(I’m not placing blame - I’m not saying anyone deserved anything and I’m not saying anyone is guilty/not guilty etc).


I just want to say how deeply I feel for you and how unimaginably horrible this experience must have been. As if losing a child isn’t enough of a nightmare, to be then bullied horribly and accused of such things during that time of impossible grief…(((((((((hugs))))))))))))


That her, meaning LK, attorney now has??


I think the lawyers told them to call 911? I thought they said as much in one of the clips? Or maybe some of this is recordings from a non emergency line?

Probably because he’s living on a gorgeous 53-acre property without paying rent or board for 2, or 3, or 5 horses or however many it is.


I’m thinking typo.


Nicely done. It’s becoming an art form, isn’t it ?


I hope they’re on the hook for board, or at least cost of materials consumed. Hay, shavings, labor… cha-ching

Though I can’t imagine staying where someone tried to murder someone I loved, and myself, any longer than I absolutely had to.


In a lot of places, calling the non-emergency line takes you to the same call center that handles 911. And in some communities people are advised to call 911 for everything even if it’s not a true emergency (it seems backwards, and it bugs me, but our community police representative has told us repeatedly to call 911 for everything).


It is very interesting if the fiance and the horses are still there, that means there is no “no contact” order. Wouldn’t MBs attornys arrange this ASAP? Why have they not have been served to remove from the property. This makes me think there is in fact some sort of contract that is allowing him to stay with the horses. Otherwise, LE would prompty have them removed.


Hopefully they have enough dispatchers to handle that. I ran fire and rescue for years and that was always a pet peeve where people would dial 911 for the most ridiculous things and that would tie up a dispatcher for a true emergency. And of course they would “order” ambulances for things that were not emergencies because they got taken straight back to the ER when they came that way.

I was wondering if the actual true paperwork to evict had ever been done. I read they’d been asked to leave and I read he’d talked to his lawyers but I never saw where anything had been submitted.

I know when we rented out our townhouse we had non-payment for three months and then put in the eviction notices (our fault - we kept giving them extra time to pay). Once we put the notice in, if I remember right, they still had 90 days to vacate so that was six months we paid for those people to have a place to live… (sold the townhouse after that - too much trouble)…

if they are not paying for those horses then I think the barn can put a lien on them after 3 months. (depending on the states law)

It sounds like the fiancé has convinced LE that he needs to be there so he can “care for the horses.”

I would bet that LK’s lawyer has advised him to stay there as long as he possibly can, in order to give credibility to the idea that it was for some reason necessary for them to stay there when they weren’t in a lease and she was making Facebook posts about how she was fearing for her life while simultaneously turning down offers of help.


appears to not be needed in New Jersey as the stable own has the right already

This New Jersey law relates to liens on those who keep horses. The law states that every keeper of a livery stable or boarding and exchange stable shall have a lien on all animals left in livery, for board, sale or exchange (and upon all carriages, wagons, sleighs and harness left for storage, sale or exchange) for the amount due for the board and keep of such animal. The keeper has the right, without process of law, to retain the same until the amount of such indebtedness is discharged. Note that the law states “keeper of a livery stable” shall include, but need not be limited to, a proprietor of a stable, a trainer, a veterinarian, a farrier, or any other person who has a financial relationship with the owner of the horse.


Appears the stable owner already has a lien for horses under care without obtaining a separate lien

This New Jersey law relates to liens on those who keep horses. The law states that every keeper of a livery stable or boarding and exchange stable shall have a lien on all animals left in livery, for board, sale or exchange (and upon all carriages, wagons, sleighs and harness left for storage, sale or exchange) for the amount due for the board and keep of such animal. The keeper has the right, without process of law, to retain the same until the amount of such indebtedness is discharged. Note that the law states “keeper of a livery stable” shall include, but need not be limited to, a proprietor of a stable, a trainer, a veterinarian, a farrier, or any other person who has a financial relationship with the owner of the horse.

google “stable lien new jersey” as this system will not let me post the web link

I really, really hope they have enough. It still makes me uncomfortable that they want us to call 911 for everything. Especially since so many people in my neighborhood call over really dumb things.

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I don’t think LE are that dumb though, are they? I’m sure as they are not owners, have no contract supposedly and haven’t been paying rent supposedly, plus major domestic disuputes that LE could find reasonable force to evict?

This is what makes me think they do in fact, have an agreement of some sort.

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