Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

How the court system works in that state regarding release of prisoners has been explained several times in this thread, so you not only missed it in the online media but in this very thread. They are a no bail system. Either you are released to come back or you are kept in jail.
The court appearance that there are links to several places in this thread are the hearing where he was denied release.


Does anyone know if LKā€™s horses and fiance are still living there at the farm?

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post 976 criminal charges were in fact filed against LK for cyber-stalking in late 2017. That is about the timeframe that that haleybot discussed in her post - so imo that part is likely true.


No reason to be rude about it. Thanks for the information.

Still there!!!


If true, that is insane.


Attached is a link to the 911 cals made prior to the shooting and a call made from Mary stating the fiancƃĀ© and father were on the property threatening her.


I heard that theyā€™re still there and most/all of the other horses are gone. Iā€™ve also heard the farm is for sale. Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā·Ć°ÅøĀĀ¼ā€ĀĆ¢ā„¢ā‚¬ĆÆĀøĀ




ā€œHigh brow Olympianā€¦ star female equestrienneā€. Ć°ÅøĖœā€š
Where do they get this stuff?


If RG was still there I sure would get myself and my horses out of there asap


This woman is an idiotic drama queen. Does anyone really listen to her?


Wow, those 911 calls.

He sounds like he was pushed and pushed until he finally shot her. All his 911 calls while she lived in his house, came to where he was living in the barn and harassed him, wouldnā€™t leave the barn at night, and heā€™s reading all her FB posts about how she has split personalities and sheā€™s going to get her revenge.

It sounds like he did ask for a trespass?

I really think it speaks volumes that the fiance is still living in a house he has no right to be in!


Yes it does. With MB in jail, heā€™s gonna do as he pleases. Honestly I think that action favors MBā€™s defense


In those calls, she was talking about how a guy smoking a cigarette in an suv was talking with MB about having her killed the night before she called 911. Iā€™m curious about that. I feel like if I stumbled upon someone having a conversation about icing me, Iā€™d be calling the police and leaving the property immediately. Iā€™m wondering how true that story is.


Nope, no victim blaming here. None at all. Iā€™m surprised COTH is leaving this post up. This man is held without bond for attempted murder, and some of you are actually defending him.

There really arenā€™t words for that kind of crazy.


People are entitled to form their own thoughts and have opinions that are different than yours. That doesnā€™t mean we are crazy.


But there arenā€™t even words for that kind of crazy! :rolleyes: so technically youā€™re beyond crazy.

And no, COTH shouldnā€™t remove a thread or posts that have a different opinion from your own otherwise thereā€™d literally be no discussion. Questioning motives or validity of events is somewhat human nature. Curiosity, being skeptical, there is nothing wrong with thatā€¦especially when you donā€™t know all of the facts.

But like, as weā€™ve already hashed out a billion times most arenā€™t saying he was right for shooting her, they are explaining his motive, events, and behaviors that led to the shooting. There is a difference between saying he was fed up, she was doing x, he tried y, he called 911 and said z, and saying she deserved it, her fault.

I donā€™t know, I and other posters have already said that people are simply trying to piece together what happened and have some idea of understanding what went on, if one can understand such an irrational series of events.

Saying, she antagonized, he was fed up, does not equal justification for shooting or blaming the victim. It merely describes the situation. I can potentially understand how one would perceive that as a justification or victim blaming, but itā€™s not. It is a description of events, attitudes, and behaviorsā€¦in my understanding.

But ultimately, you read what you want to read, believe what you want to believe, but no need to call people beyond crazy or whatever, even if their opinion is wacko to the tenth degree. No one knows 100%ā€¦ who knows what will come out. Iā€™m not about to call someone a flaming idiot over their differing opinion on a series of events that took place for which I was not present nor involved in.

At the end of the day, no matter how mean, crazy, vindictive, or odd someoneā€™s behavior is, they donā€™t deserve to be shot (self defense, armed criminals, extenuatiing circumstances excluded - aka Prob not what happened here). Even if she isnā€™t our flavor of person, sheā€™s still someoneā€™s daughter, significant other, friend, etc. So lots of feelings are involved. I think we all wish MB couldā€™ve gone about things in a different way.

Iā€™m in favor of discussion but I not so secretly hope the mods lock this thread. Itā€™s barely horse related aside from the fact that we keep beating a dead horse.


So if you know LK personally and know that things are not as they appear from her public posts and she was truly doing her best to resolve things peacefully ā€¦ what really happened? And why was she posting threats and inflammatory remarks publicly on social media if they donā€™t represent how she was actually trying to handle things?


Did anyone watch or hear about the Netflix series ā€œ13 Reasons Whyā€ about a teen that commits suicide? (Disclaimer: I did not watch it but only heard some discussion about it). It was a series of flashbacks showing things that had happened to the girl that led to her suicide.

It was controversial and there was a spike in teen suicides during and immediately after the shows airing. But I donā€™t think even the severest critic argued that the producers of the show were seeking to excuse or promote suicide as an option of dealing with terrible events that happen to a person.

My point being, I think this is whatā€™s happening here. We are looking back trying to determine the events that led to this tragedy. There has to a story behind why a successful horse trainer would shoot someone. In the end itā€™s not going to excuse or justify what he did, but will add some context to what at first appears a completely inexplicable event. I donā€™t think wanting to better understand how this all happened can be considered ā€œcrazyā€ in any way.