Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I took th to show how very far she reached for help, even reaching out to people who themselves are bullies


If sheā€™s got a legitimate grievance, coupled with perhaps a poor support system, sheā€™s lashing out and acting badly. So if thatā€™s accurate or close, itā€™s not odd at all.


Ask Kanye?


I agree that this situation is ā€œuncivilā€ in the everyday sense of the word.

But by ā€œcivil,ā€ I meant the situation before it escalated to an actual criminal situation, which appears to have been on the afternoon of the Wednesday. A ā€œcivilā€ situation can involve alot of very uncivil behavior. But in general it is the kind of interpersonal or business dispute that the police are not going to involve themselves in until you get a court order.

Some examples of problems requiring court orders would involve evictions, restraining orders, disputes over payments, disputes over horse ownership.

For instance if you have horse on free lease, loan, or gift, but no bill of sale or contract in place, and the owners of the horse spirit it away in the night, and the you go to the police (or social media) saying ā€œhelp, pony has been stolen!ā€, the police will say: get a court order about this before we act. If you get into a screaming fight with your tenant about damages or late rent the police wonā€™t act until you have an eviction notice. If your trainer or your client owes you thousands of dollars and you are slagging each other online about this, and screaming in the barn, and the trainer locks up the horse or the client absconds at midnight with horse, you still need to go to small claims court and get a ruling. Etc.

The police can only intervene if (a) a criminal law is being broken or (b) there is a court order in place for eviction, restraining order, etc.

If the owners of your borrowed horse manage to punch you out, smash into your truck, steal your saddle, in the process, and you have proof, then those are criminal acts. Maybe there are charges for assault, theft, dangerous driving. But the police will not also make them return the horse until there has been a ruling on the ownership. Otherwise they honestly donā€™t know who is telling the truth. Itā€™s different obviously if a total stranger steals your horse. But if the (former) owner turns up and says ā€œI only loaned them this horse and now I need to take it back,ā€ and you say ā€œYou gave me this horse for free!ā€ then honestly who do the police believe? That is a civil situation, and the claims need to be sorted out elsewhere.


Girl Joey, watch your back. You never know what these people might be capable of


Joey has been through a lot of pain and I think has a deep need for some sort of justice for the additional agony she was put through by LK. I believe sheā€™s legit, as we have mutual friends and so Iā€™ve read much of her story in other places. Right now I think sheā€™s screaming into the wind largely out of pent up fury, which is understandable given the horrific things that were said and sent to her.

That said - I donā€™t think it will do any good, or get Joey any measure of justice, to go to the media or even MBā€™s lawyer. I donā€™t think it will be any sort of admissible evidence in the case.

Joey, all I can say is I wish you much healing. Youā€™ve been through a lot, and I canā€™t imagine the hurt LK caused you and what kind of old wounds that opened.


Does anyone know where fiance went when he was reported missing in 2017? And how long he was missing for? I tried googling it and found the missing flyers, but nothing else. I donā€™t think it pertains to case, but just wonderingā€¦


I was suspicious when I read your hyper-inflated remarks and your opinions seemingly based on no factual proof and totally in relevant to this message board, I.E LK being a heroine addict and an insane, ā€œupscale escort,ā€Ā etc. But then I saw your comment to Susan Whacko-witch on FB about reaching out to Trump regarding the situation (which is insane) and Iā€™ve realized that you are very much biased and loaded with your own crazy, hidden agenda.

If you have factual, relevant information, alert the police. Smearing a victimā€™s name on COTH is very sad. Be productive, this situation is insane enough.


Yeah, being in communication with SW tends to lower oneā€™s credibility. Since SW has many spooky similarities to LK, as I noted in a previous post.

On the other hand itā€™s perfectly possible for someone to be over-the-top and legitimately bullied, or to be bullied precisely because they are fragile and an easy target for the bully.


Yes. I know. He was missing for a week. And I know why. But, in fear of LKā€™s relentless bullying of me previously I will not disclose the information here. She was relentless in her bullying beforeā€¦and I also filed criminal charges for cyberbullying against herā€¦hence my previous statement that safe sport had been notified over 18months ago about her. Although MBā€™s attorney does have all the details. And yes, it does pertain to RGā€™s state of mind and validity of his statements. Itā€™s just one more thing that LK and RG wonā€™t want known publiclyā€¦


Considering that the shooting occurred almost a week & a half ago, and other than the release of the 911 calls there has been little additional public information (hard facts, that is) ā€¦

  • Havenā€™t seen anything about bail for Michael Barisone, and curious that he is apparently still in jail. Was bail set for him? If so, was there a reason he hasnā€™t made bail? Have not noticed this in the online news media, maybe missed it.

  • Wondered about an update on LKā€™s condition?

  • Could there be ongoing safety issues that are making an information blackout seem like a good idea? As in, this ā€˜warā€™ is not yet over and there are combatants still at large?

  • Interesting that law enforcement hasnā€™t given formal statements updating the situation. Although objectively this does not seem necessary - does the public really need to know? - in fact, LE often finds that it is better if they provide the facts to inform the public. Because otherwise people make up their own speculative explanations, and sometimes do weird things with what they think happened, and/or with all of the rumor and gossip.

  • Interesting that Barisoneā€™s attorney hasnā€™t been in front of the media steering the narrative in his clientā€™s favor. Although the attorney that spoke for him initially does not seem like the best choice for that job, given the things he said that are likely to get his client crucified in the court of public opinion.

  • And interesting that LK & RG havenā€™t had an attorney speaking to the media on their behalf, telling a story they would like to have out in the public domain. Assuming that heavy lawsuits are coming, and it will be in their interest to frame the story in their own favor, in the public mind.

At this point, more is not known about this case than is know, as far as the public is concerned, almost 2 weeks after the shooting. Not the typical news media situation after such a dramatic and life-threatening incident, given that the media definitely seems interested in covering it.

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These people are not the superstars you seem to think they are.:wink:

The general public doesnā€™t know M. Barisone from Adam, except for his appearance on the Colbert show, which was many years ago and they sure donā€™t know the woman that he shot. I wouldnā€™t be looking for press conferences.

Responding to a post which I neglected to quoteā€¦


The court appearance last week was to determine whether heā€™d be able to be released on bail. The judge thought he might be a danger to himself and others, so he will be held in Morris Co. jail without bail. In NJ is is very rare to release people on bail when accused of violent crimes.


Please do not share information here. By all means placate your emotional tidal wave by writing it out in book format - which one day may be handy for making a documentary - but PLEASE keep it wrapped up at this time.

By all means speak to investigators and the defense attorney but the rest of us rubes donā€™t need to know and you wouldnā€™t want to be charged yourself with interfering with an ongoing investigation.

If you feel like youā€™re going to explode try and find a safe, confidential resource to spew to like a therapist.

Please try and find at least a little peace.


Yes you usually donā€™t hear much details about a lot of assault or murder cases until they go to trial, at least cases like these. Interpersonal dispute on private property, no mystery about general facts, no threat to public, no manhunt for the killer, and both parties behaving badly so no incentive for friends of either party to loudly declare their innocence.

If or when it goes to trial is when the details get set out.


Funny, that.

Iā€™m friends with her on FB and have messaged with her and had a very different read on the situation while she was posting.



ā€Āif I donā€™t believe itā€™s happening (and choose to ostrich), then it isnā€™t happening.ā€Ā Kind of a theme in our world right now.


So is this not-ostriching? Is this victim-blaming? Is this person brave, lying, angry or all of the above? Why should we discount and ignore their claims? The longer this discussion goes on, the more people seem to gather the confidence to speak out.