Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

There are so many things that many of these posts and other internet comments refer to as if they were fact, but the truth is that there seems to be very little factual information in the public domain.

  • We don’t know how the gun got there or who it belonged to. All the gun-color speculation is meaningless.

  • We don’t know exactly what happened. Just what the police saw when they got there, after it was done.

  • We don’t even know the exact circumstances of LK’s shooting. "MB shot her … " well, that’s circumstantial at this point.

That’s what he’s accused of and arrested for, but it will be a long road to work out exactly what account of the shooting each side will present. Just because the initial circumstances lead to an arrest does not mean that this is the correct account of what happened. It’s not unusual for those initial charges to change.

  • We don’t know the true legal circumstances of LK / RG’s residency in the house. Even MB’s lawyer is very loose about flinging around words (at one point he said that LK was “not a victim”) so I don’t put much store by his use of the “eviction” word. It could mean just that they were thinking about filing, or beginning to file, or that there was a full eviction in process.

  • We don’t know exactly why MB went to the house. Again, circumstances suggest lots of theories because of the timing just after the child protection visit. But we do not have any facts about the ‘why’ in the public domain. Did he expect to see LK? If so, did he intend to communicate with her or go there for some other reason? Or did he think no one would be at the house? We don’t know.

I could go on … but the truth is that all of the speculating and assumptions are only that.

So while the discussion is interesting, I won’t be surprised if this story goes in a completely different direction over the weeks and months to come.


If someone who knows how to access the public records of the county and city where this occurred can look up on each of the last names involved, some interesting factual data could turn up. It might be possible to see if an eviction order was on file. Also, any property liens or certain legal actions associated with these individuals. It depends on what is kept as public record in that jurisdiction.

It might be possible for anyone to look up on the internet. Personally I don’t have time to spend on it, just following the thread from time to time … :slight_smile:


Speculative guess … both sides of the legal situation will not want to pin down any particular story. It might not be the story that proves to be accurate once more evidence is analyzed, and/or later on it’s not the story they want to use.

I’m not an attorney, but as I understand it, in the early part of a case, defense lawyers strongly want to avoid pinning down any particular set of facts or narrative. What seems obvious early on can become much less so as more information comes out.

I’m sure that’s especially true with the amount of civil action that will no doubt also come from these events.


“At the end, Mary Haskins Gray is saying that it is the day after the shooting and she is at the address (don’t know if it is the barn or the house), and Rob Goodwin and Lauren’s father are there making threats. Sounds like this situation is not over.”
The last 911 call - this is pretty scary. Also notice in the photo related to the calls - sheriff’s horse trailer. Still wondering when that was taken and if the horses have been moved.


I cropped and zoomed on a screen capture of the video and I don’t see a horse trailer. I see a white ambulance and a black trailer that looks more like a multi-functional trailer. Might have the equipment they need for the investigation of the crime scene?


Agree. I drove by a couple hours after the shooting and I’m pretty certain the black trailer is a multi functional trailer as it appeared to be from a side view.


That is terrible. Regardless of who was wrong in the alterations between MB and LK/RG… RG and the father, showing up there unescorted by someone, a neutral 3rd party there for everyone’s “protection”… is bad. It’s poor planning, and reflects very badly on them. The father is supposedly a lawyer, isn’t he? You’d think he would either know better, or have consulted with a lawyer who would.


The problem is, there was nothing civil about this situation. And once you threaten the mental and emotional health of children, the rational thought process can leave the room pretty quickly. I am pretty easy going and it takes a lot to make me angry, but threaten my kids and a whole other person will show up. (Mama bear instincts kick into gear.) (And FTR, I would not shoot someone unless the kids were in immediate physical danger, then all bets are off.)


This. My friend, who is the most rational, logical, level headed person I have ever met, lost her sh*t completely when her newborn was choking and struggling to breath coughing up this black phlegm stuff. Like, screaming, crying, yelling at the EMTs to save her, unable to do anything else. Parents turn into completely different people when kids are threatened, whether it’s physical, emotional, whatever. And even if it’s not your birth child but just one you really care about that is your family, it still applies. I just can’t imagine if you were already dealing with crazy people that then tried to get your kids taken away from you.

Baby is fine btw, now a year and a half old and a sassy, independent little chick.


I’ve already sent MANY messages to Michael Barisones attorney, the detective on the case, and most news stations, I went as far as contacting President Donald Trump. I can’t begin to tell you all I have shared. This BULLY, tortured me for four years. I saved everything and I mean every thing I shared all of it already . It is physically torturing me that this man Michael Barisone, is sitting in prison when he desperately reached out to me a week prior to this shooting . Lauren was a rich, spoiled, crazy lunatic that tortured so many people… she literally had me in tears nightly for four years. I am going to share the story of my 3 year old that passed away. I am also going to share with you HER sick, torturing, in sane messages . His defense team has SO much to prove how desperate this Ex Olympian was. How this sick girl pushed and pushed and pushed. I know for a fact she can drive somebody mentally insane. This is just one of the MANY messages from Michael Barisone “I I don’t know you, but I feel for you. These people are the scum bags of the earth “. That was just one of the many messages I received from him and his girlfriend seeking help desperately to get these two .insane people off their farm. I am just asking anyone else who can help to send me a message. [edit] I’m not worried because all the messages, years of torture, insane posts she put on my Facebook wall, etc have already been given to EVERYONE involved in investigating.


Girl Joey, I admire your passion and tenacity. IMO, it is inappropriate to provide those messages to anyone other than MB’s attorney. Doing otherwise may actually hurt his case and perhaps your own credibility, to the point that you yourself might need legal assistance (e.g., your forwarding of the messages to all and sundry may in itself be viewed as cyber stalking or bullying). I know that is not your intent but as a distanced onlooker, I could see it going that way.

The cyber bullying should have been reported to FB and any other applicable messaging systems.


I agree with Brown Derby. Please do not share the evidence here. Please continue to work within the legal system as you have been. I do not doubt you, and I am so sorry for the loss of your child.

I wish you peace!


This. ^^^

Girl Joey, I understand how it feels to be bullied. Fortunately, my experience happened before FaceBook, and my experience was confined to real life.

That said, you are dealing with a very serious criminal matter, and you don’t want to hurt MB’s case, in your anger at her. If his attorney has your information, that’s enough. Don’t hurt MB in your zeal to help, so please delete some of what you posted.

It’s all about unintended consequences.


Since you have given all the pertinent information to the appropriate officials I agree that it’s best if you don’t publish any information on a public forum.

We haven’t heard really anything from Mr. Barisone. I’m sure his attorneys are busy mounting a defense and I’m going to guess that the lack of information coming from there is because it is always wise to keep silent in such things.

I understand that you want to tell your side of the story but IMO it would be a bad idea to get yourself involved in this very public incident at this time.

Please accept my condolences on the loss of your son.


What did you expect he would do? :cool:


I gotta say it- if you reached out to Trump it pretty much makes me suspicious of everything else you say. If you had legit info, I would think MB s attorney would be asking you to keep your mouth shut. Or are you a troll trying to sway opinion on social media?


I’m sorry to say I was thinking the same thing. How many times do people have to write: Stop posting; report it to his attorney, etc. - yet she keeps ignoring this. Odd.


It’s odd, but I took that to mean that she had a 3 year old horse that died.



She shared previously the loss of her child to drowning that allegedly LK harassed her over. Hideous.