Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Jesus, you need to get snarky on me?

I guess I’d rather write and reason so clearly as to be called “Captain Obvious” than to have made a confusing point. Again, why should anyone care what happens in Chicago or Gary? I thought we were talking about well-heeled rural New Jersey and members of the horsey set.


It was stated earlier in the thread that he was the one calling law-enforcement on her. It was not going both ways, according to reports.


No. That does not work.

In order for the person not to be able to stay in their residence the Order of Protection must specifically EXCLUDE them from the home.

That’s why I said I would have charged manslaughte had she died. If the gun ends up to be hers it will be difficult to convict on attempted murder because he didn’t bring the gun there so how could he premeditate murder without a weapon?

Assault 1 with a deadly weapon would be the charge I would have picked. Just prove he hurt her with a gun. Easy peasy.

And even IF he brought the gun there he can allege he brought it with the intent of self defense.


yes, she is apparently still in serious condition (see COTH article from 8/14). Several days ago someone posted that the horses might be leaving MB’s farm - something about a sheriff’s trailer. Last heard the boyfriend was still at house and supposedly caring for the horses. No update on where MB’s fiance is living, before the shooting she and kids were apparently living w/ him in barn apartment, but gosh that would be more than a little uncomfortable with the boyfriend still in the house and barn…
I believe MB/attorney had seven days to appeal the “stay in jail” decision, that would be just about up. No info on when arraignment might be. I expect any directly involved people - staff, family etc have been advised to keep quiet.

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Unlike some states that go to Arraignment soon after the first Hearing, in New Jersey they have to go to the Grand Jury .

Starting January 1, 2017, the criminal justice reforms that have been enacted in New Jersey will emphasize moving criminal cases through the system more promptly and efficiently.

Speedy trial will apply to defendants who are detained either because they were not given a bail, or because they could not afford the bail imposed in their case. The State will have 90 days from charging to present the case to a grand jury and obtain an indictment, and the case must be tried or otherwise resolved within 180 days after the indictment. Failure to comply with these time frames will result in the defendant’s release, or in their being ROR’d with terms and conditions.


this is not going to occur with the sixty minutes of the average TV show

in New Jersey because of the nature of the charge the evidence has to presented to a grand jury to decide whether there is sufficient evidence for the state to prosecute an individual for an indictable offense. An arraignment must occur within 50 days of the return of an indictment.

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I was rolling in CPS and ICE as part of LE.

Thanks for the summary! I’ve seen these scattered throughout the thread, it’s helpful to read it all in one place.
I did see the COTH article from the 14th - but, that’s a week old so I would have thought there’d be news as to whether she was out of the woods, improving or whatnot.

Who says horse people can’t keep a secret, lol??


N J.com has the audio of the 911 calls


Well, those calls were illuminating…I think. Weird to actually hear the voices of the people involved. Ii certainly sounds as if MB and MH were sincerely stressed as well as frightened.


Where is it? I looked all over and couldn’t find it.

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You have to scroll down and when you select it a YouTube video will play with the various calls. When you hear him recite her threatening FB post it really makes you think about how must have felt when he was reading it. Scary.


I have been following this case since day two (August 9). I have spent hours reading this thread (well, most of the posts) and I have to say there are very interesting angles and nuances and I am relieved to find out that I have not taken any side, even though I will freely admit I “wobbled” a few times - in either direction.

The more I think about it, the more we are beating this horse to death with a dry towel due to lack of knowledge, the more I realize that people struggle to differentiate between “excuses” and “explanations”, the more I crave more updates to put us out of our misery. The only annoyance for me is that some people simply do not seem to understand that “explaining” the source of a tragedy does not equal “excusing” it. There might not ever be an excuse, but there is ALWAYS an explanation.

The more soul searching I do in pursuit of fairness, the more I come to the conclusion that so many of us could be onto something …. or be dead wrong!

So many posters accused others of victim-blaming/bashing or victim-responsibility(more accurate IMO). Please consider there is certainly a huge difference between a victim who was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time in the path of a predator and a victim who has a history with the aggressor.

But isn’t it rather simple: 1) MB -the aggressor- shot LK -the victim-.

No, we do not know motive nor do we know the intent (did he bring the gun to kill or did he bring it to defend himself in the worst kind of scenario … or did he bring the gun at all) or circumstance (was it self-defense or did she just piss him off enough in the heat of the moment). All we know is that he is certainly the one who shot LK in the chest and almost killed her. So, despite of what investigators find out and what lawyers argue: LK is the victim here, plain and simple, like her or don’t.


But of course, it’s not as easy as that. There is a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]“case”. Call it assault, slandering, verbal/psychological/emotional abuse etc., there was undeniably a lot going on. And there is some evidence that LK has a history of being very outspoken and abusive towards some people in the past. But we only know that because it’s plastered all over her SM and because some of her victims came forward in this forum. LK’s loud message: stay off her $hit-list!

ABUSE: LK IS THE AGGRESSOR, MB IS THE VICTIM - there is a LOT out already to support this

But wait, it does not stop here, either. No matter her issues with other people – it’s irrelevant. What happened to take LK from praising MB and his training to pledging to ruin his life, and in such a short time? We don’t know NOTHING ABOUT THAT. I am sure there are people monitoring the forum who know him (and her) and the circumstances and choose to remain silent. Because he (and his) never used a public platform we simply do not know. He could (!!!) be the worst bully of them all. It is entirely possible.


Now, there is no information about this. Only MB, MH, LK, RG, friends and family and the ones closest to them know the answer to that. And they remain curiously (and intelligently) silent about how this whole thing started.

At least for me, that is my main interest at this point and I hope we will find out more soon.

Yes, MB should have a better attorney. For once, attorney Jeffrey Simms should have asked his client for an explanation for his repeated statement of “I had a good life”, which could have been easily explained. He also should have provided some information about the gun. JMO. I am NOT making a case for MB, but this seemed so blatantly obvious to me.

I am so tempted, so very tempted to collect material and write a book. It has all the ingredients for a great novel. A dramatic novel that is “based on a true story” but puts its own spin on it to ensure reader satisfaction (probably already in the works) or a novel aiming for truth-be-told. We MIGHT find out that the truth is not half as exciting because the parties are not particularly likable and/or because no case is really black and white and we all know shades of gray are neither just happy, nor just sad nor TRULY satisfactory. Just saying. FWIW, I prefer to tell the truth.

Keep me in the loop fellow sleuths.

Good night folks.


https://youtu.be/45R_MJsk5pU there is an ad first, lol.


:confused: You are so very tempted to write a book and you want “fellow sleuths” to “keep you in the loop”? You “prefer to tell the truth” about what?

You strike me as a little too gleeful about this horrible series of events. Perhaps you aren’t, but your writing portrays you as such.

If you really want to capitalize on the misfortunes of others , at least don’t ask other people to do your research for you. Yuck. :no:


You totally got me wrong. I just expressed my thoughts and conclusions. And yes, I shared a possible ambition. But nonetheless, I certainly do not try to CAPITALIZE ON THE MISFORTUNE OF OTHERS. You clearly misunderstood. :slight_smile: And I am certainly capable to do my own research, if I choose to move forward with my idea. Geez …


Wow! Thanks for sharing that link!




Wow, if it was a novel, this would be foreshadowing. On July 31st, a week before the shooting, he’s saying that “she” is in the stable when she isn’t supposed to be and he feels threatened. Remembering that he & his family are living in the stable at the time, so if “she” is in the barn, they don’t really have anywhere else to go on the property.

There is more than one call on the video - the titles printed on the image track which call is which.

At the end, Mary Haskins Gray is saying that it is the day after the shooting and she is at the address (don’t know if it is the barn or the house), and Rob Goodwin and Lauren’s father are there making threats. Sounds like this situation is not over.

I understand your point and you may be right about the feelings involved.

My problem is that in a civilized society, no dispute can ever become “an all out war”. When that happens the civilized society crumbles.

One of the hardest things about allowing society’s systems to work out in a non-violent way is that there probably won’t be a sense of “justice” in a way that is satisfying. Parties have to stand aside while damage is being done, because the legal system is slow and behavior is immediate. Final outcomes may be uneven. Parties may suffer irreversible financial damage. Emotional damage as well, as the stress can affect health and relationships. The situation can be prolonged. Disputes like this one can drag out for years.

But as reasonable adults, that’s what we have to have the maturity to navigate. As hard as it is to do so, we can’t declare “war”. Otherwise – the situation can go as badly as this one did.

Landlords can find themselves in situations that are especially challenging, as the tenant is in occupation of the landlord’s property. That’s probably why the laws are so specific concerning the landlord-tenant relationship.