Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Uh no, the hell it doesn’t. This is a pretty benign example of gun violence, and is certainly a really REALLY small percentage of gun violence overall in this country. To get a much broader perspective on this topic, why don’t you come on down to South Chicago and if that doesn’t suit you I can drop you off in Gary IN and you can walk around and ask people why they’re popping off, shooting at people off of overpasses on I94, or killing kids on street corners.

Jezus christ on a cracker. I don’t give a rip what anyone says about victim-whatevering. She isn’t lily white. She wasn’t “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” She participated in antagonizing someone for no good (enough) reason - because there is no reason good enough… She was free to leave but elected not to do so. It appears as if this isn’t her first rodeo at this game, but up until now in her life anyone who retaliated did so in a way that wasn’t blatantly illegal.

That said, and like basically EVERYONE has said but some are reading around or twisting to suit them, MB is a dumbass who took it WAY too far.


Sounds accurate , for got the “c”

You’re right. Bad logic on my part.

Can you please let me know my unfounded assumptions??

So we’re on the same page ,
I never said anyone was or is spreading false information, ( that was you)

and please let me know what my assumptions are while were here

I dont get why if he wanted her off the property so bad he didnt just get a restraining order the second she started threatening him in her public posts.

Voila, constructive eviction.

But I don’t practice in NJ so what do I know.


I think we’ve been around this point before. You can’t evict someone that easily. However we don’t know at this point if he’d started any coherent legal action.

How long had she been slagging him on FB? A few months or a few weeks? If just a few weeks it could have been what they call a rapidly unfolding situation.


It looked like days. Like 5 or 6 days. Her posts from a month or so earlier were complementary.


That is rapidly unfolding. Even if the landlord wanted to evict there’s barely time to contact a lawyer and figure out the forms and process. And you might also figure it could blow over as well.

Knowing how fast this escalated changes alot of what we’ve been thinking about why didn’t either party do whatever constructive step, formal eviction or move out. This seems to have come on fast. Maybe even over a weekend?

Yes, shooting on Wednesday. Sounds like conflict started late the previous week, then a weekend, then time to start calling LE on each other Monday. Rapidly escalating.

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No we have not.

You can’t evict someone so easily.

You can, however, file a restraining order against someone who is threatening you. If you get the judge to say that the party can’t come within 500 feet of you, your work place, or your home, the party will have a hard time coming back to a residence that happens to be both at your workplace and where you yourself live. They can keep renting your place and storing their stuff there but they themselves are barred by the restraining order.

Voila, constructive eviction.

Two birds, one stone.


So glad logic is true independent of what anyone in Chicago or Gary think of the part people play in "getting themselves killed., and where “victim-whatevering” is seen as a value-neutral word.

And not a fan of allowing “how things work” in notoriously violent places to offer any sort of instruction for how things should go anywhere else. That seems like a “race to the bottom” to me.


Hmm… can that work?

You know that I am a landlord and also not a lawyer. If you all have already explained why the Restraining Order was not a viable strategy of self-protection for whoever needed it, will you kindly direct me to that part of the thread? I don’t mean to make anyone teach the same lesson twice just because I haven’t read all 68 pages, cover to cover.



It can work for tenants who live where the landlord lives or works who have demonstrably threatened the landlord, or even among neighbors in an apartment building (such as neighbors in an apartment building, in which case the mere act of getting the restraining order placed would create constructive eviction even though the complainant isn’t even his landlord, because he can’t get near his own apartment without violating the restraining order).

For a PITA tenant who lives in an apartment 10 miles away from their landlord, no it wont work.

Depending on the jurisdiction, I’d imagine in some areas the bar for the restraining order would be set a little higher if the tenant lives in the same building as the plaintiff, but again, I dont do NJ law.

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Been silently lurking since page 2. If she just started getting weird on FB 5 or 6 days before the shooting, and was complementary up until that point, it makes me wonder if he started eviction proceedings and that’s what caused the complete shift in her feelings?

100% speculation, of course.


If she started getting wierd at the end of the previous week my point still holds: that is a very short timespan to even think about getting a restraining order. If it’s a real domestic assault or there has been an arrest I think maybe the restraining order could be fast tracked and facilitated by police.

But in this case where the person lives on the property and is just spouting off on social media, I think you would need a bit more to put in front of the judge. You don’t get restraining orders that easily in escalating civil disputes for instance between neighbors. It’s going to involve a lawyer, a hearing, a time frame, proving you are in actual physical danger from the person.

Fight previous week, trash talk on FB end of week, weekend. Even if you called a lawyer at 9 am Monday morning, you’d be lucky to get a call back by Wednesday. Civil disputes just don’t move that fast.


Thanks captain obvious. That’s why saying “This thread explains gun violence” is totally stupid, which is where my comment came from. Gun violence varies widely, and almost never can be attributed to a single factor.

She was likely charming to start. He was too. She has a history of being a bit whacko, she trended towards that tendency, and MB shot her. No one, not a single person here, is saying that’s ok. But looking at the situation for what it is, with both parties’ involvement in it, is not “victim blaming”. Maybe MB’s defense should just roll over and not present the whole story, lest they be accused of the same?


Um…? <raises hand>
No one has actually said anything new or really made any new points in probably the last 40 pages… does anybody have any updates, any new information? I’m guessing Lauren is still alive or we certainly would have heard about that. Facts on this case seem to be an incredibly well-guarded secret - pretty impressive given age of the internet, lol.


I do understand the Restraining Order not working if the landlord doesn’t live there… which is most of the time… which is why it’s probably a very rare tactic in the annals of landlords looking for something quicker and cheaper than an eviction. But I’m a girl with a duplex and might some day live on a piece of property with tenants. So I’m the kind of landlord that will always be at risk for the long, drawn-outness of the eviction process. And the “constructive eviction” is interesting.

Of course, I never want to be in the kind of fight with someone that warrants a Restraining Order. Yikes!

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