Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

While I totally believe all this, there is no legal defense in saying “I shot this person because they were harassing me because they had psychological issues.” If they were genuinely physically threatening you at the moment there is self defense. But otherwise, no.

If the shooter wants a defense of insanity he has to prove he was so deranged he couldn’t tell right from wrong, for instance he was schizophrenic and was hearing voices. Then he needs to be institutionalized. If he’s just distraught it’s not a defense.


And if MB wanted to use an insanity defense, he’d have to show that he was the one with the mental illness, not that LK was off her meds.

LK’s behavior certainly seems consistent with a cluster B personality disorder, but that’s neither here nor there when it comes to MB’s actions in response to her behavior.


Yeah, the whole “squatters” thing is a red herring and probably just part of MB and his team trying to create a reality more conducive to eviction. Like calling them “guests” in his 911 call.

Kind of like you have a fight with your room mate and kick them out and bolt the door. Then when they come back and try to get in to get their stuff, you call 911 and say a “person” is trying to break in. Police turn up and ask questions and sigh and tell everyone to go home and sleep it off. I watch these rural police reality shows on TV…


MB will need an OJ Simpson level team of Attorney’s to have a remote chance of getting him off these charges. I understand why he had the gun and believed he truly was in fear for his well being. The fact that he took the gun with him to confront K and used it when there was no threat to his well being means he is guilty and has no defense.

M made a string of poor decisions that lead to ruining his life, the first was letting a rabbit boiler into his world. You play stupid games and win stupid prizes very sad.


oh on those it was I have no idea where either of them went and why they left their horses (but do not look in my garden as that freshly turned dirt is from me digging potatoes )

if they just vanished it appears few would have noticed but wonder why that all of sudden things went quite

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Was MB’s girlfriend in the picture last year? Or was that a change since last summer? Still trying to figure out this debacle.

It’s incredible to think that just three weeks ago, this situation was only a few wacky Facebook posts and a couple of calls to law enforcement, at least to the casual observer.


Mary Haskins Dressage FB page - she calls MB her best friend, trainer and mentor back in 2017. She was also spending part of the year in NJ at his farm. In summer 2018 she says she is “partnering in business” with him. So I guess it depends on the definition of “in the picture”. :slight_smile: Coincidently, she also spent time in N. Carolina - wonder if she and LK crossed paths down there.


^ Interesting, thanks.

Perhaps someone who is familiar with the dressage scene in North Carolina can weigh in on the odds that they crossed paths there.

Not sure that any of that is relevant in a defense against attempted murder.


Here we go again. I’m on no particular side here, just so we’re clear. You don’t know much of what you’ve written. You don’t know why MB had a gun. You don’t know who did or did not want a confrontation. You don’t know if there was no threat to his well being. YOU WERE NOT THERE.

Just wait and be patient as things evolve rather then leaping to all kinds of unsupported conclusions.


Sorry if it came across that way - no, I have zero inside knowledge. Just speculating based on general experience (like most of those posting :slight_smile: ).

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Wait. Where is it reported that it is a “fact” that MB “took the gun with him”?

As I understand it, there is nothing in the public sphere explaining how the gun got to that spot, or who it belonged to, or who first had it in hand during the incident.

Also, how exactly do you know that he was “truly in fear for his well being”? We can speculate that this was the case, but unless he claims this is so, there is no knowing what he was thinking.

There could be other scenarios and motivations for whatever it was that he did. Because as far as publicly released information, I have seen nothing that describes exactly how the shooting occurred. We just don’t know, unless you have information from inside LE, or what one of the attorneys is planning to release.

And at this point, I would look on anything stated by either MB, LK, RG or even Mary Haskins as merely what they are claiming. They all have strong motivations to tilt the narrative more favorably to themselves.

Interested in knowing the source of your information that you describe as “fact”.


Interesting. I thought he sounded frustrated and very concerned about the unpredictable actions of people he didn’t want on his property.


And yet the part I bolded it not a known fact… any of it, is it?

Oops Overandonward and meistermagnolia, you said it better


Do we know they were living there at his invitation?
Doesn’t tenant = paying to live on the property?
Maybe they were struggling to find a place to lease/rent, like they now can’t find a place for their horses… and he said they could stay there til they did find something?

I’m not sure we know anything about how they came to be living there… like much of this mess.


Judgements are… what @haleybot ?
Parking tickets?

Aren’t you two saying the same thing?

A squatter is someone who moves into abandoned property without the knowledge of the owner. Clearly at the start they had his permission.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹A tenant does not necessarily pay money, you could have a barter for work or any other arrangement.

If you let someone live on your property as
their primary home for a certain period, surprisingly short in many jurisdictions, they have the same basic legal protection as tenants as any renter does. Even if they aren’t paying rent.


I think that the 911 calls are going to help his case. He sounded upset and in fear for his life. He had people who had essentially chased him out of his own home so he was living in the barn, then they would come into the barn after hours and make noise and cause problems.

She sounded crazy, MB hiring a hitman in full view and earshot of her? Really?


If there has been a barter arrangement I hope MB’s accountant sends her a 1099-B for the barter arrangement