Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Good point! With several horses at a high class establishment, plus training, plus the housing - that should make for quite a substantial tax bill from the IRS and NJ!

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What exactly would that do to help MBs case? Please, this is a disguting way to talk about those with BPD.


Oh dear I didn’t say there was a barter arrangement just that was an example of a tenancy with no cash changing hands. I would doubt there was barter here that doesn’t make sense.

My point was that if he allowed her to set up home on his property, she has substantial legal rights even with no rent and no contract.


Don’t think so. He sounded angry and agitated. I do not think he sounded in fear for his life. I think this woman was threatening to ruin him, and he was fed up. MB is a talker- and his comments at the scene, plus the agitation on the phone do not make him look good.
Too many people get their info on how law enforcement works based on movies and TV.


Interesting. Threatening to ruin him how? Over what?

And if that’s true, wouldn’t someone threatening to or capable of ruining you your business make you angry and agitated? Fed up?
That doesn’t always = homicidal.

So, you work in LE yourself?


I wonder if this would qualify as her “primary home” under this arrangement, since it sounds like it was strictly a seasonal thing, based on the fact that they were there last summer, left at the end of the season, and returned at some point this summer. Obviously that is a fairly minor matter in this whole legal mass. But it might be a factor in eviction proceedings.


Form 1099-B is issued by brokers or barter exchanges. While a barter arrangement may be taxable, is not reportable on a Form 1099-B. The payer is the one who sends 1099s, but only if payment is in a trade or business arrangement. For example, I may pay a contractor for doing work at my home, but since I am not in a trade or business, I have no requirement to send the contractor a 1099. :slight_smile:

Her FB posts. Her threats to report him to SafeSport. Her reporting him for child abuse.


Are we sure he knew about those though? Clearly the report of child abuse to dyfus or whatever the agency is called, was a surprise. Did she threaten to report him to SS, other than on her Facebook? I honestly can’t remember now

My last two questions?


Well when a lawyer tells me that the 911 calls help him, I tend to listen to them.

He’s going to prison. But the 911 calls could help get the charges reduced. You’re allowed to get angry when someone is living in your house, then banging around your barn at night being obnoxious just to upset you. The number of 911 calls show how she was escalating the situation and he made multiple attempts to contact the police for help.

I mean, does anyone really believe that he’d hire a hitman and discuss her murder in earshot?


Viewpoint A: The 911 calls help MB because they show that he is being driven to the mental and emotional brink. Some people think this is justification for what happened.

Viewpoint B: The 911 calls hurt MB because instead of justifying his actions, they demonstrate that no matter what is going on, you cannot solve your problems by shooting someone.

It doesn’t make any difference to what degree the victim provoked the attacker. An adult in this society has to have more self-control than that.

Those 911 calls might actually play into the hands of the prosecution because they undermine any alternate explanations for what happened, such as self-defense or accident.

And, a lot of potential jurors may make a mental judgment based on the 911 calls, pro or con. If the defense side released them then they may have made a mistake in their strategy. Just imo.

(Just a hypothetical, not saying that MB shot LK or that this is why he did it.)


The vast majority of the posts (I will not say all, because then someone will find one post in the thread that says otherwise) are not saying there is a justification. I do not get why we keep having to say that.

It is not OK to randomly try to kill people. Ever.


So I wonder who took LK as a boarder. I have heard her horses have been moved. I hope whoever it is has a well written contract and a shark lawyer on speed dial. Even then I wouldn’t want anything to do with her.


If the horses were moved, is the fiancé off the property as well, since he no longer needs to stay there to “care for the horses”?


Ditto on this!


Reading everything, I’ve thought it’s both interesting and quite sad that any time someone tries to make a point, they have to emphasize or add a note that they do NOT think that means MB is innocent or was justified in shooting LK, simply because there are a few people that take anything slightly related to trying to explain what happened as saying he was right in shooting her. eyeroll


WRT the 911 calls and if they help or hurt either side of the case, the other thing to keep in mind is that what has been posted online is only a portion of the calls. I don’t know who did the editing, but if the calls are presented to a judge or jury as evidence, I would expect that they will get a fuller picture with the complete calls and context around what was happening at the time. That may also factor into how the 911 calls are perceived to favor one outcome or another.


The recent jury I was on the 911 call actually hurt the prosecution. My fellow jurists felt the caller was not “distraught enough” and lied to the 911 operator about whether she had her keys. Never mind that I tried to tell them that when asked about keys the victim could have been referring to her house keys not her car keys as they were assuming, Not everyone keeps their house keys with their car keys. I don’t. Furthermore the police report noted that she let them into the house with a key. But also the majority also thought that she was lying because she said her door to the house was kept unlocked and nobody leaves their house unlocked. Two of us noted that it was the door from the garage to the house that was unlocked and yes many many people do just that. I was extremely disappointed with my fellow jurors and impartiality. So in my limited experience the 911 calls could go either way.


And a HUGE security deposit!