Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

People make incredible assumptions about guilt/innocence based on tone/reactions. To the point of law enforcement filing charges AGAINST rape victims because they didn’t act the “right way” and were assumed to be lying/filing false charges. After seeing that play out again and again in the world (also, see conspiracy theorists promoting the idea Newtown was a hoax because one of the fathers didn’t react the “right” way), comments about his weird words after the shooting or his tone on the 911 calls, just bother me. People can react really strangely to intense situations whether they are guilty or innocent - so the idea that the calls could support or hurt a case rather than just being a record of events sort of bothers me.


I cannot imagine a security deposit big enough to take those horses. Unless it was big enough to basically buy the property, and the property owner was ready to walk away at the drop of a hat. And even then…


yeah I can’t imagine being the BO who says “yes” to that. Some people can’t just not walk away from trouble, they run headfirst into its arms without a second thought. It’s mind-blowing but also explains the whole “crazy horse people” trope.


She is posting on Instagram. Amazing Comeback!

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Less than three weeks later?!?

Could you please provide a link? I don’t do Instagram.

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He is still in the house!

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Ah, but you have to be on instagram to see her comments

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Someone must be having work done to the house. Carpentry business truck just pulled out, several sawhorses outside by the house. 🤷

Sawhorses have been there for weeks. Truck was for the barn. No one is allowed in the house since RG is still there.

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Interesting that she was posting as recently as June 7 that she adores her trainers. How ever did this situation unravel so quickly and so tragically?

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Good to know. Never know with how this story has been going! Couple guys chatting at the end of the driveway which is what caught my attention moreso than the truck. Not nosy enough to stare to see who it was 😂 the truck was just easily read.

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Just watched the “Daily Mail” report on the shooting. Very biased against MB, Portrayed LK as sweet an innocent, living in a small part of his “sprawling ranch”.


Anybody else think that photo looks like a hotel room?


I noted August 5.

Construction crew, if actually there, could be making disability modifications, or fixing code violations.

How is that possible??? Are you sure? Does anyone else think this is crazy? Does she plan on going back?


I am sure! I don’t know if she is planning on going back. No one can figure out why he is still there! Everything they have done is beyond crazy!!!


Doesn’t her family live in the area. Why are they not with them? She refers to them as “Keeping Up With The Kanarek’s”.
Do you think this is some legal strategy to steal his farm?


Letting her loose back on social media adds to the crazy. This crazy train is so loaded up it can’t leave the station.