Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

[h=2]Squatters May File for a Quiet Title[/h]
Squatters who are determined to call a property their own have the right to file for a quiet title in New Jersey and other states. A quiet title is a title that an individual can apply for after they have occupied a property for a specific period of time. In New Jersey, that time varies depending on whether there is a house on the property. Because of this, you risk losing your property to someone who just decided to live there and make it their own.


RG supposedly had to have surgery on his ā€œbroken wristā€Āā€¦3 weeks later, it seems to be totally healed and fine???
The room does not look like a typical hospital room either.


Someone should tell her to update her Instagram bio ā€¦ it still says ā€œFT training @ Barisone dressageā€Ā!


This is just soā€¦ WRONG!!


I canā€™t keep track of the details. Thought MB was the one with the broken wrist? And it could be a VIP hospital suite, or she could be out of hospital by now.

MB has a severely broken arm. RG supposedly had a broken wrist as reported on LKā€™s fb page and by some media sources.
If she was really ā€œshot through the heartā€Ā or had a damaged lung, I would be surprised if she was released already.


And as you say, everyone has to reiterate that it isnā€™t ok to shoot people.

And yet, many who are hostile to Kanarek and sympathetic to Barisone speak on both sides of that idea, implying that Barisone is guilty of something much less serious than attempted murder. Perhaps something on the order of a lapse in judgment?

Case in point - Barisoneā€™s attorney Jeffrey Simms says in this article ā€¦


Declaring Kanarak was more a villain than an alleged victim, Simms claimed she and Goodwin harassed Barisone and his children in an argument over training horses on the property.

Those who have spoken for Barisone seem to absolutely be pushing hard on the idea that the shooting was ā€œunderstandableā€ at least.

I donā€™t know where MBā€™s defense is going with this publicity track, but it does seem to be to lighten the burden of guilt, somehow.


I could be wrong but I thought the ā€œshot through the heartā€ was hyperbole. I cannot imagine how that could be anything other than a lethal (in a matter of minutes or less) wound.


Some background information ā€¦

(Jeffrey Simms is Michael Barisoneā€™s attorney)

this article

There was no written lease agreement and no money ever changed hands, Simms said.

Barisone asked Kanarek to leave several times, Simms said, describing Kanarek and Goodwin as ā€œsquatters.ā€

(This attorney has several times used property terms, clearly without understanding the true meaning.

Kanarek and Goodwin had been living in the home for several months, as part of the ā€œsummer seasonā€ of dressage, after having previously lived in the home last summer, Simms said.

this article

The two had been living on Barisoneā€™s property rent-free in exchange for training horses, but that training agreement had ended and they were supposed to leave, Simms said. They would not, the defense attorney said, adding his client was living in a state of ā€œconstant fear.ā€

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LKā€™s friend posted that on fb as fact. Later reports said she has a damaged lung.


Didnā€™t all the reports on various injuries come from LK or members of her camp? Consider the source. And wasnā€™t that the same friend who had sold LK three horses? Again, consider the source.


Oh, I considered the source. I was being sarcastic in my original post! LK posted on fb tonight also.


Uh oh. Please tell me itā€™s set to private so I donā€™t have to go look at it.

I am a fb friend so I can see it.

I donā€™t think it will be that long until she starts posting hereā€¦


Eeeeeee. :eek:


I recall an earlier post on this thread said she was estranged from her fairly well off but not super rich family.

Also there is a big jump from it being difficult to evict someone, to them getting title.

It is a big process to evict a stubborn tenant in most jurisdictions. But that does not mean they get to own the property by refusing to move. That just does not happen. The renters have rights as tenants which is not the same as having rights to the property. Different legal concepts.


Wow. For those of you that can read LK page, what do you think her lawyers are going to say to LK in the am? I have screenshots of more posts and comments. Feel like I need to pull up a chair with a bowl of popcorn and watch the show. This is going to get very entertainingā€¦how much do you think LK had to pay a big name trainer to take her horses?? As LK stated ā€œmoney talksā€


We have to reiterate that because people like you keep suggesting weā€™re saying itā€™s ok. Have you actually read anything? Not a single person has said itā€™s ok.

Attempted murder has certain standards that must be met. Itā€™s a heavy charge. If those standards canā€™t be met due to the evidence or lack of evidence, then charges can be pleaded down to a lesser charge. Thereā€™s no question that heā€™s going to prison. The question is if the evidence at hand causes him to go to prison for a longer or shorter period.


Are those screenshots somewhere else? I canā€™t read them.