Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I wonder what her attorney thinks about that

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well those that Have money usually speak of it whispers

They are screen shots of LKs fb wall of her 2 recent posts last night.

Well, that being said, if the calls or portions of calls we’ve heard, to me, her calls seemed the least compelling, her voice registered the least upset of the two, to me. She’s been in fear for her life, bullied by this big 6’3" man, and is plotting her murder with smokers in subs with tinted windows… I would expect to hear more distress.
So, as noted I think they could go either way.


What’s the point in adding files here that are so small we can’t read them. Not just yours, but others too.


On the MacBook Air, I just enlarged them using Command and +. Not clean, but readable.

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The FB posts are WTH. I can’t believe she would be publicly posting like that. They are very similar in tone to a local dressage crazy that we have in my area.


To avoid scolding from my lawyers, I just wanted to say – there is no doubt in my mind all the loving, healing energy sped up my recovery & SAVED MY LIFE.

I’ll never forget each and every LEO’s face keeping me conscious until the copter arrived. So hard to smile, [I’m sure] those good ole boys in blue kept me talking, joking, and most importantly – living.

Even though I know their faces from the previous calls made on previous nights, this time, they can’t ever be forgotten. I’m so grateful to Washington Township PD for REALLY giving me 250% when I had nothing but 25% to 20% of blood supply in my body. No capes needed.

Next, but not DEF not least – to the the med Evac team who performed an “in air” blood transfusion. I’m speechless. So thankful I can’t even find the words.

Merristown ICU – I <3 You. Judy, Art, Melissa, Dr Cho, Dr. long hair – so I’ve just called McDreamy the whole time & everyone else who got me up and running [ok, not running…] in just 20 days after THREE close range shots to my chest – missing my heart by too close to mention] Karma will bring this back to you. I just know it.

To all my friends & family – [especially friends] – who really stuck their necks out to make sure as best they could, MY side of this will be released shortly & even an ex Olympian can misuse power. Or…what little power/good rep he had left. You really put the rumor mill in it’s place when EVERYONE was “sure”, they each had the “real story”. You’re true blessings in my life, can’t say I’m not disappointed at the blatant lies & rumors……from others who think they know everything. But I can’t control that. What I CAN do – is be grateful for all of you.

My promise remains – with a bit of patience, you’re gonna get a story (the real one) that will knock y’alls socks right off.
Thank you to Cristin Kyle & Stacy Stutta-Roberts for loving Ollie (?) while I recover.
Wow—all I did was type & my body is so tired again. Someone one wanted Robert & me DEAD. But…(illegible) And Rob is just a bad a** MF. Who runs into fdiring weapons??? (He does.)

In due time – if you can all just keep your socks on, you’ll head a story – the likes of which you’ve NEVER heard before. And…for the record – there are no winners here. Except one (TEMPORARILY) but we’ll get to her later….and the pieces will fit like a puzzle. Nap time & I love ALL OF YOU. With all of my heart as it still beats.

For those who can’t read it, I tried to type what I could read for posterity.


Copied from LK’s FB.

To avoid scolding from my lawyers, I just wanted to say- there is no doubt in my mind all the loving, healing energy sped up my recovery & SAVED MY LIFE.

I’ll never forget each and every LEO’s face keeping me conscious until the copter arrived. So hard to smile, (I’m sure) those good ole boys in blue Kept me talking, joking, and most importantly- living.

Even though I know their faces from the previous calls made on previous nights, this time, they can’t ever be forgotten. I’m so grateful to Washington twnship PD for REALLY giving me 200% when I had nothing but 25% to 30% of blood supply in my body. Heros. No capes needed.

Next but not DEF not least- to the the med Evac team who performed an “in air,” blood transfusion- I’m speechless. So thankful I can’t even find the words.

Morristown ICU- I ❤️ You. Judy, Art, Melissa, Dr. Cho, Dr. Long hair - so I’ve just called McDreamy the whole time & everyone Else who got me up & running ( ok, not running…🙈) in just 20 days after THREE close range shots to my chest- missing my heart by too close to mention ) Karma will bring this back to you. I just know it.

To all my friends & family - (especially friends) -who really stuck their necks out to make sure as best they could, MY side of this will be released shortly & even an ex Olympian can misuse power. Or… what little power/good rep he had left. You really put the rumor mill in it’s place when EVERYONE was “sure,” they each had the “real,” story.” You’re true blessings in my life. Can’t say I’m not disappointed at the blatant lies & rumors… from others who think they know everything 🙄- but I can’t control that. What I CAN do- is be grateful for all of you.

My promise remains- with a bit of patience, you’re gonna get a story (the real one) that will knock y’alls socks right off.
Thank you to Cristin Kyle & Stacy Stutts-Roberts for loving Ollie while I recover.
Wow- all I did was type & my body is so tired again.
Someone one wanted Robert & Me DEAD. But… #ImTitanium And Rob is just a bad ass MF. Who runs into firing weapon??? (He does.)

In due time- if you can all just keep your socks on, you’ll hear a story - the likes of which you’ve NEVER heard before. And… for the record- there are no winners here. Except one- (TEMPORARILY) but we ll get to her later… and the pieces will fit like a puzzle.
Nap time & I love ALL OF YOU. With all my heart as it still beats. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


First page is a bunch of thank you to medics, police etc for saving her life.

second page rambles a bit about Olympian’s misuse of power, how everyone thinks they know what really happened but if we are patient she will eventually tell the story that will knock our socks off.

Third page she thanks the secret people who are now taking care of her horses and someone named Ro (Bo? ) Williams and something-or-other Equine Dressage for helping

Still seeking drama and attention…smh
She is a piece of work. [edit]


This post from her page is about Dressage Hub’s post.

I’m sorry… I just felt the need to point out … Michael , “his partner,” and his mentee HATE SW. So, I found this posting particularly comical.

Wanna know a REALLY easy way to get rid of “squatters,?” EVICTION Papers.
Wonder why they refused to get eviction payers? 🤭 Excuse me while I die laughing right now.
“I stand with Michael Barisone! Never met him. He prob hates me- but Lordy there are Tapes!” Omg… that was a good laugh. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

FYI- MB destroyed himself by lying, cheating & stealing from his best clients. (Me being the top client.) Still, the cops instructed him 9 times to get eviction payers if he wanted us out. Yet… he didn’t. Since no one has any idea (except ROB, myself & mb) WHY that is, I have to ask, do you people just play like word association games with MB’s lawyers idiotic statements? Like- you say “bully,” I say “fully?” You say “trouble,” I say “dead beat?” Teach me the rules!!! I really wanna play now!!! 👏👏 I didn’t realize the people mb despises the most are trying so hard to hard to kiss his criminal ass! 🤣🙄🤫


So now posters here have taken it upon themselves to cyber stalk the victim of an extremely violent crime, and then judge and trash her all over the internet??

Insinuating shes some crazy person, but ya’ll are acting just as crazy.


might be because even after nine attempts to get her to leave …she didn’t

Still, the cops instructed him 9 times to get eviction payers if he wanted us out.

I, as a normal person in my mind, would have packed up and left long ago … however after repeated request to leave she didn’t that might be the grounds of many thinking her to be BSC


Right, but you guys literally know none of details and all are just assuming you all know everything. Regardless of her actions, regardless of her personality, it’s pretty disgusting that a group of posters here are looking at her every single post on social media, reporting it back here and analyzing every sentance.

Having been a victim of a very violent crime myself, I can tell you the days, weeks and months after are a total blur and you are not in any place to be making any sense. I’m sure she is also heavily medicated, so perhaps the posters here can dismount from their high horses for a moment, forget their hatred of this women for whatever crazy reason they justify to themselves, and let LE do it’s job and the woman recover without becoming a victim of cyber stalking.


I am pretty astounded she’s posting (especially in such fashion) on social media - I would hope she has legal representation advising her. She’s not on trial, so it won’t be held against her legally, but it could cause problems for the legal proceedings, and I hope if she reads here she thinks about going radio silent until this whole mess is done with.


Have you ever met LK? I don’t mean on a screen either. I mean face to face over time, not just a brief passing?
Maybe, just maybe some have and know what she truly is!!!
Oh, and it is not cyberstalking if it is on her SM pages for all to see!




Thanks but I didn’t stalk her, I just copied what the screenshot said since some people were saying they couldn’t read it. I always hate when people post screenshots that no one can read, so I was nice and typed it out. I have no desire to stalk.

Though I’m confused now if it was two shots or three shots.


A shot directly into the heart itself with a 9mm would be very rapidly fatal. However, it’s possible the bullet ended up near the heart, possibly damaged the sac/“lining” around the heart and resulted in very serious – but survivable – injuries.