Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Jealoushe, thank you for what you’ve written. I can’t seem to tear myself away from this COTH train wreck. It’s so disheartening. Though people will be offended I am writing this, the general tone of disgust and hatred for someone who survived a violent crime is incredibly disheartening. People are still posting that LK May have attacked MB first, even though the JUDGE stated that wasn’t the case. Theorizing that she’s plotting to steal his farm—even though someone has explained how many years it would take to do that. I know I need to stop coming here, because this is just gross. She got shot, multiple times. We don’t know all the facts. Probably won’t for a very long time. Clearly, a lot of folks don’t like her, but again, I haven’t seen any of MB’s actual friends making up excuses for it the way this forum has (and yes, I know people are careful to write that nothing excuses shooting someone after they write their scenarios about why he shot her). I am amazed this doesn’t cross the forum’s line. She’s been called so many names, had multiple armchair diagnoses made by people who I’d bet are not licensed mental health professionals. It is the type of thing I don’t think you would see if people posted under their actual names (which I would happily do, but I am worried about having all of my scores looked up, my rides analyzed, etc, as somehow that is relevant to a shooting, as well as just general social media stalking because I am sure I have offended with this post). I hope she gets better. I hope those of you that can’t stand her don’t have to see her ever again, so you can have some peace. MB is facing up to 80 years, which I doubt he’ll get the whole amount, but any way you look at it, his life is over too. Even LK admits it—no one won here.


She is definately not. There are some videos of her on YouTube and her boyfriend’s page. You decide. I should add that my comment was not meant sneakily (is that even a word?) It’s just everybody get so offended today and it’s so easy to misread posts because you can’t actually see facial expressions or inflections in the voice.


If someone is a horrible person and then becomes the victim of a violent crime, it doesn’t magically make them a better person or place their actions in the public eye above criticism. LK does seem to have friends, so maybe she’s really a much nicer person than she appears to be on social media, but to those of us who haven’t met her, she hasn’t presented herself in a very good light. I hope that she makes a full recovery and can get back to riding her horses, but I don’t feel obligated to view her positively just because something bad happened to her.


I don’t find her posts post shooting to be that outrageous. She just survived a near death experience. She should be allowed some drama.

And some rehab hospitals have very nice rooms.


Does anyone know where the horses went? Or if the person is actually a big name trainer?

I cannot imagine the amount of money it would have taken for someone to open their stall doors to those horses at this point.


Once again, no one has posted anything with any inkling of hatred at all in their words. You are reading “hatred” into “people speculating on trying to explain the insanity of the situation”. I wish people would stop doing that. This entire thread is literally human nature trying to find rational explanations for irrational situations. If you seriously think this is hatred, you better stay off posts on facebook. Your mind would be blown.

ETA: Ok maybe there are a few posts that are…less than friendly. But the vast majority of people discussing this are not filled with hatred for either LK or MB.


Kudos to the medics and docs who evacuated her and saved her life. Very well said on her part.


It is indeed human nature. That is why true crime books, Dateline, etc., have such a huge market.

I consider the majority of this thread to be group therapy for people to try to make sense of a horrible event. Which is especially difficult when the provided information keeps changing (three shots?).

I have no personal knowledge of anyone involved, except for two of MH’s former trainers (one of whom I abhor).


I am an old fart. I enjoy FB for updates from family and friends, photos, cute animal memes and the occasional political argument. I don’t call names or emote on it much- don’t hang my business out for all to see. But the younger generation are different- at least some of them. One of my daughters was posting literally minutes after emergency surgery. I don’t get it- but know quite a few folks who put everything on FB. Different strokes for different folks.
You want to read some real lunatic, lying stuff- follow Trumps Twitter account.


She may be ? riddled with personal issues but that’s a horrible experience I’m glad she’s on the mend for everyone’s sake. And those horses were her life as per her past FB she must be desperate to see them.


There is not enough blood pressure medication in the world, LOL

My worry (as much as I can be worried here) is that if people here on COTH are following this stuff, for sure the press is too. Anything she posts is going to end up public in some way, and possibly twisted to suit SHOCKING! headlines (seeing as dailymail has picked up the story). This could potentially be problematic for the case, for the jury, etc.

Like the advice to “never speak to police” especially if they suspect you of something, there needs to be a “shut up on social media” regarding legal matters, current cases, etc. If I was an advisor here, which I’m not, I’d say updating about your condition, fine. Thanking your medical team, fine. Anything else? DON’T POST IT.

You’re right, though, a lot of people don’t know how NOT to broadcast every thought they have.


I am trying to remain objective (though I don’t think it really matters, because I’m not going to be on the jury) but I have to say I woke up this morning, saw LK’s post and my first thought was - if MB saw it I bet it would throw him into a rage. Which is only ironically hilarious

I am just surprised and honestly annoyed that she would instantly start feeding the drama. Not to be an “armchair diagnoses” but I do think this is a perfect example of addiction to not only social media, but also drama in general.

I am not saying that in an attempt to place blame or explain anything, more so as a warning to us all to make sure we are placing importance on in-person relationships and contact. Relying on social media will always leave you wanting more…


I totally agree! Some people just seem to get energized and feel important the more drama surrounds them. Negative attention is better than none for these kinds of people. I dont get it, but I have seen it more often than not. They dont have the ability or wish to reduce the dramatics, or walk away, but instead feed into by omitting crucial information or outright lying. This is the reason why I have left all social media as it seems to just be a tool to garner support for the drama of the day. This case is extreme, but I think the reason it is getting so much attention here is because we may have been in the every day version of this type of craziness. When you have had your own LK in your life, it is hard not to feel some measure of sympathy for MB. (not that it excuses his actions, and from the limited and perhaps faulty info we have so far)


Yes, different people have different tones on social media.

The recent LK posts linked here have a very public feel. And actually there is no information in them at all. Not even clarification on her injuries. Shout out to the medical team, to the handful of friends actively supporting her, and a Vaguebook stay tuned for more drama ending.

I feel no invasion of privacy reading them, and I certainly don’t think linking to them constitutes cyber stalking. And they are the first public comments in weeks by any participant in this.

I do find it really funny that SW/DHub and LK are on “opposite sides” here as honestly in most particulars they seem like the same person and ought to be BFF. Perhaps no one likes looking in the mirror.

As far as the general topic of getting shot (or stabbed or sliced up with a machete in Canada), the vast majority of cases have an obvious culprit and in hindsight an obvious chain of events that could have had another less violent outcome. Think how many folks have ongoing business, tenant, personal, domestic, neighborhood, etc disputes where both parties are behaving badly, but no one gets hurt.

It takes two people to engage in this kind of long running acrimonious dispute, but no-one goes into this kind of thing expecting violence. Even our local drug dealer gangsters who routinely die in drive by shootings seem to be taken by surprise.

If guns are more common shooting is more common but even in armed up trigger happy USA the vast majority of rancorous disputes don’t end in someone getting shot.

At the same time, if you work backwards from any crime of violence it is easy to see at each stage what could and should have been done to defuse things.

Not so easy to see in advance.

And creating a narrative in hindsight is not the same as laying blame for someone bringing this on themselves.

I mean, LK is clearly a piece of work, but she has also been behaving like this, by all accounts, her entire adult life. And had no serious repercussions, just burned a lot of bridges she doesn’t care about anyhow. Why did this particular combination of personalities explode into real violence? That’s what everyone really wants to know. Perhaps we never will get a satisfying answer.


from Twocentsworth: “I think the reason it is getting so much attention here is because we may have been in the every day version of this type of craziness. When you have had your own LK in your life, it is hard not to feel some measure of sympathy for MB. (not that it excuses his actions, and from the limited and perhaps faulty info we have so far)”

I completely agree. After being around horses and boarding/training situations for 35 years, I’ve experienced and observed some incredibly dysfunctional behavior by horse people, both female and male. Reading this story and people’s opinions helps process some of the behavior I’ve experienced (including bullying, stalking, and blatantly illegal activities) and helps me understand how some people can rationalize and forgive unforgivable actions.

If someone is so upset by this discourse, then please, just go. No one is making you stay.

One thing that really bugs me about LKs recent post - her obvious glee about wanting to tell the “real” story “the likes of which you’ve NEVER heard before” - as if she had a script she was already ready to sell to Hollywood. Pretty disgusting, obnoxious and exploitative, all at the same time.


People who play with fire eventually get burnt.
LK was one of them.

it’s unfortunate a gun was involved but she should have realized someone would strike back eventually


“One thing that really bugs me about LKs recent post - her obvious glee about wanting to tell the “real” story “the likes of which you’ve NEVER heard before” - as if she had a script she was already ready to sell to Hollywood. Pretty disgusting, obnoxious and exploitative, all at the same time.”

You can justify all of the comments on this thread, but you can’t think of why someone would want to tell their side of the story after getting shot? When people are saying they sympathize with Barisone, that she must have attacked him first, that she’s trying to steal his farm? If I were on a shit ton of pain meds and had survived getting shot, I’d be chomping at the bit to tell my side as well. And yes, you are right, I am going to leave this forum. It’s not for me.


You’ve completely missed my point, sadly. Again, YOU DON’T KNOW what happened, no one does, but people have the right to try to process what they know so far.

LK should just stop feeding what it seems she now perceives to be her hungry fan base - it does her no favors and I imagine her lawyers advised her NOT to do exactly what she’s doing.


I’m surprised her lawyer didn’t tell her to just stay off social media for a while. It just seems like she needs to worry about getting better and not so much about “getting the true story” out there. That’s what the trial is for. Facebook/IG is not at the place for this. It comes across as a desperate need to stay the center of attention, and certainly won’t help her if any of these posts are shown to the jury at the trial (and they likely will. I was part of a jury for a murder trial, and they showed stuff like that. Her lawyer needs to crack down on her.)


If LK does tell her story, I hope she tells ALL of it, including her criminal record